
Fed up of searching a job for 3 years, but still that is how everyone run in their life. Every time lending the hand for money is the most worst part of the life, following the passion is not that easier. whenever i get rejected i had a girl called Aishwarya to keep me up. As everyone knows a girl name with Aishwarya will have a nick name as Aishu. She is doing her masters in US. Since i started searching for job, i had tried a minimum of 60 jobs. The second i get out of the building told rejected, my phone rings with the image in the background. she starts with a comment "Happy rejection", its like she is watching me from the top. Often she teases me as i am rejected, but her words will enlighten me. She prays more than me to get me a job. we have been friends for the past 7 years. I got a news that she is returning in three days to INDIA for her semester holidays. I thought an idea of proposing her by surprising her with the offer letter, i have been developing feelings for her for the past two years. I nearly went to 15 buildings in the two days and finally got a job. Same as before she called me the moment i got the job,

Me: I have a surprise for you!!

she: did you get a job??

Me: Wait for it the surprise will be double.

she: OK whatever, i will be getting there by 9pm.

Me: fine, i will get to airport by 8:45pm.

She: Bye.

The day i got up by 5:00AM and started writing a letter for her to use it in the time of propose. I wrote it till 3:00PM, that day i skipped both breakfast and lunch. I went to bed after writing the letter. I got up late and the time was 8:15 pm, I was in a dash and rush, i stood at the airport watching the clock at 8:30pm, i got before half an hour. I was so dumb to call her, when she was in her flight and the phone reminded me that i cant reach her now. By waiting there i booked a three star restaurant nearby the airport. I was in my toes while waiting for her, as i have not been to the airport before, i did not know which flight and when it will arrive, so i waited in the waiting area. While waiting i went to a deep sleep and woke up at 10pm. and saw the message sent to me by her friend that her flight is late. From time to time i sent a message to her "call me when you arrive, text me when you have time". Then again i went to sleep. By 5:30AM in the morning i got a call from her. I rouse up, my eyes started searching for her while my hand took the phone and the fingers attended the phone.

Me: where are you? i am at the waiting area.

She: what!!, do not say me that you are still at the airport!!

Me: No, i just got up from my bed.

She: thankfully, i to just got up from a nap. the flight got cancelled and the next flight did not have a business class ticket so i cancelled my trip.

Me: ohh, fine. then when will you return.

She: no other go, for the next semester leave. i have some work, i will call you back.

Me: ok.

I sat there and i got a message from the restaurant, that they have detected the 30% of the amount that i paid. The time was nearly 6:30am and i have to be at the work at 7:30am, but the travel time will take about 45 minutes. As i came to propose i was in formal so i went directly to the office. I gave the amount i got from my friend and asked time for returning the balance 30%. Aishu called me that evening and asked me about the surprise, i told her that i got a job.

She talked lively for 15 min hence that proved that she was so surprised, but that is not what i need. 

6 months later....

Again she got her semester leave, she told me that she will be arriving at the same time. This time i have my money to do things i liked, so i went a little more. I bought a ring and booked a five star restaurant near the airport. I Went to the airport and saw her getting out in another exit, i ran to that exit and saw her family standing there to take her home. I was standing behind the pillar watching them. She took the phone and started calling, i took my phone and waited it to ring, she started talking, but i did not receive the ring, she might have called someone. She got into the car and went with them. I got a call from her

She: i am sorry, when i got out i have my whole family there, so i went with them. we will have dinner another time.

Me: Fine, i came back home, don`t worry, take rest.

I went home, in the morning i got the same message, but this time from a five star hotel.

" 30% of the booking charges has been deducted from your account "

I just replied "Thank you".

For the next two weeks she went to her native village and stayed there. She promised me that she will be having dinner with me when she returns. I waited for the day she returns.

Due to some tight schedule her college is starting the classes a month before, so as soon as she returned here she went to the airport and got the flight. I got the text from her about that.

Recently a friend of ours got in touch with both of us, her name is Anu, she went on digging in relationships and found that i have feeling for Aishwarya, but she never told her.

6 months later...

This time she finished her masters and returning back. She told me that her family will not be coming to the airport and she will have dinner with me. She always gets the same flight, so the flight will arrive at the same time. I made the same preparation the ring, the letter, a table at five star restaurant.

I saw her getting down in the elevator at the airport. I started walking towards her. This time too her family arrived, seems to be a surprise. same as before i was standing behind the pillar. She started calling someone, i took the phone to check whether its mine, its not. I thought of returning home, i got a call from Anu, she knows that i am planing to propose. she asked me what happened, so i went on explaining. 

It seems like i am torturing her to have dinner with me. So i want to let it go. While i was searching to get a job i starved to eat in that restaurant, but that time money was a big factor for me. Anu also told me to have dinner there. I went to the restaurant to have dinner and to stop everything there.

The server opened the room door for me. I was surprised to see Aishu there. I sat opposite to her and never spelled out a word. She told me that she was in conference call when i talked with Anu.

She: nice place to have dinner, she said with an elongated voice by shaking her head.

Me: hmm

She: Handover the letter

Me: What letter!!

She: just handover, she shouted

I gave the letter i wrote for her.

She: Now, show me the ring.

i just gave it to her.

She: Not bad, Then what, Start your propose.


She: WHAT WHAT?, you came here for that reason right??

her voice was louder than mine.

Me: I LOVE YOU!!!!

She: WHAT?

Me: WHAT, WHAT??, you just asked me to do so.

She: I thought its going to be a marriage proposal!!, that is why i took my parents here.

She stood up saying "its not going to work" and she knelt to the ground and pulled out a new ring and said "lets have marriage tomorrow"

Our face was full of smile.

Me: Tomorrow!!!!!!

She: Sorry, just kidding, Marry me.

I lifted her from the ground and hugged her. suddenly her family came in and everything was ruined.

But my life started there

Not everything goes on one go, i waited for 3 years to get a job which i like with more than 75 attempts, it took more than a year to propose to a girl who already likes me with 4 attempt.

Posted Jul 05, 2020

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23 likes 11 comments

Piraichudan N
16:14 Jul 13, 2020

Extraordinary script


SIMON Prathap
16:04 Jul 08, 2020

Well done, do perfect with the topic and with a happy ending, I always love to read Happy endings 😍. Well portrayed, dialogues were at ease, and goes with the flow ✨👍 Keep up the good work dear ✍️ Writer....


Harish S
04:23 Jul 09, 2020

✨Thank u bro.


Piraichudan N
14:00 Jul 08, 2020

Author on fire 🔥


Harish S
04:23 Jul 09, 2020



Anjali Malik
01:23 Jul 22, 2020

BEAUTIFUL story dear..
Was it your personal experience?


Harish S
02:40 Jul 22, 2020

No, but expectations😂. Thanks for reading😇.


Anjali Malik
03:31 Jul 22, 2020

Ya we all have expectations like this😉😉.


Harish S
05:39 Jul 22, 2020



Kara Kilgore
13:47 Jul 16, 2020

Fascinating! A great read.


Harish S
15:10 Jul 16, 2020

Thanks for reading!! 😊


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