The Spy Who Loved Me
Suzanne Marsh
Melinda Allen walked briskly toward the News Corner Bookstore, it had a small eatery where she stopped to eat upon occasion. Melinda strode into the bookstore, and she noticed a tall red-haired man. There was something about him that drew her attention. She ordered a beef sandwich, and a Coke, never taking her eyes off the man. The man noted the exotic-looking woman at a small table, they gazed into each other's eyes from a distance. Melinda wanted desperately to talk to the man. She walked over to where he stood, clearing her throat:
“Hello, what books are you reading? I noticed you standing there almost forty minutes ago.” The red-haired man turned abruptly to face the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. He also had a job to do and nothing could interfere with that. He had been here on a work visa, attempting to locate a rare book that had belonged to Czar Nicholas II. The book contained a missing diary of the last Czar of Russia. The Russians wanted it returned to the Kremlin, no questions asked. This was the last location of the book. He had been here every day for the last several weeks looking through books until he just could not look at another book. He felt something stir within him, something he had never had time to feel before. He quickly turned to see her standing there:
“Hello, I am looking for a rare book, it belonged to Czar Nicholas II. I must find, it is to valuable
to be on the open market. I am Ken Martin and you are?”
“Melinda Allen, I am glad to meet you, Ken Martin.”
He smiled and resumed his task, but somehow he simply could not ignore her, he smiled:
“Melinda, would you like to go out for dinner tonight, I have two tickets to a Broadway show.”
Melinda was surprised:
“Yes that would be very nice, I would enjoy that.”
He was amazed:
“May I have your address? I will pick you up at seven.”
Melinda was taken aback, she had never boldly come on to a man as she had just done, she marveled at her decision to go out on a date with him.
Seven o’clock came just as Melinda was finishing dressing, she had on a small black dress, a diamond necklace, matching black shoes and a purse. The doorbell rang, she looked out the peephole and saw him standing there with red roses in his hand. She greeted him as she opened the door, his chauffeur-driven car waiting for them. Melinda had never been in a limo much less ridden in one, the driver helped her into the limo waited for Ken to climb in, shut the door, and drove off to their destination Delmonico’s. Melinda was beside herself as they walked into world world-famous restaurant, the exterior of the building was red brick the interior was beautifully furnished. They ordered drinks, then dinner. The Broadway show was Hairspray, it was fantastic. Melinda enjoyed every moment, she hoped Ken would ask her out again, it was a wonderful evening.
Ken dropped her off, then headed for the Russian Embassy, how could Dmitri Rezendov find himself falling for an American girl he had just met. He knew he had to concentrate on his mission, granted it was the strangest mission he had ever been assigned. He was curious why his superiors wanted that book so badly. Three agents had been murdered for their attempts to find and return it to Russia. What, he wondered was in it, he was here to find it and he would do his job. There were only a few bookstores that sold old outdated books in the United States, News Corner was the last one he could check. He thought it possible that the book was in Russia not the United States.
Dmitri thought about how warm her breath had been when he kissed her goodnight. How sweet she was, and naive. He wanted her in the worst way, if he lived a double life as a spy he could do that. He would have to leave her in the United States and return every so often to her, stay for a year then return home again. It seemed like a somewhat odd plan but it could work.
The dawn broke just as Ken/Dmitri arose. He took a hot shower, something he could not do in Russia, then dressed. He took out a small piece of paper with the words Romanov diary. The infamous diary, why was it so important? Was there something that Russia’s higher-ups did not want anyone to see? He shook himself, there was no sense in speculating, he would go back to the News Corner bookstore, once again looking for the book. He had no idea if it was a book within a book or a regular diary that was used by the Czar in everyday life. His superiors had never been very clear on that point. He hoped Melinda would stop for lunch, he had really enjoyed her company. At nine o’clock he left his apartment in the Russian Embassy, and walked to the small bookstore. It always smelled to him like musty moldy books, ah well he wasn’t there to find fault, he was there to find that damn book.
Ken/Dmitri found the clerk sitting, waiting to open the store. She opened the door at exactly nine o’clock, and he entered the bookstore. A new shipment of books had arrived according to the clerk, he hoped the book would be there. He began his methodical search when his eyes widened in disbelief, there was the diary. He quickly purchased it deciding to take it to the Russian Embassy. He then returned to the bookstore to wait for Melinda.
Melinda arrived just before noon, she smiled as she saw Dmitri. He now had a huge problem, what was he going to tell her, he was a Russian spy here on a mission. He couldn’t do that, he wanted her badly, and he thought of kidnapping her and returning to Russia with her. Finally, he looked up into her azure blue eyes:
“Melinda, I know we have only known eachother for the past twenty-four hours but I have something
I must tell you.” He searched for the correct words:
“I am Russian, I am here on a work visa, and now I must return to Russia, I want you to come
with me, be my wife.”
Melinda had a secret of her own, she stood up, a small Glock in her hand:
“Dmitri Rezendov you are under arrest.”
He was crestfallen: “How did you know who I am?”
Melinda smiled:
“I am FBI, I was here to keep an eye on you. I wish I could return to Russia with you but
my answer has to be no. I will always cherish that night, I fell for you without even
realizing it. I love you, Dmitri, I always will.
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