Met a Morphosis

Submitted into Contest #202 in response to: Write about two people striking up an unlikely friendship.... view prompt


Friendship Fiction Funny

Molly sighed as she leaned her head up against the elevator wall just as the door was just getting ready to close. It had been an exhausting and exceptionally long day closing out the year and she could already envision the bubble bath and glass of wine waiting at home. She was mentally and physically drained.

Just when she thought she was to have the elevator to herself, a briefcase poked in through the gap blocking the closing doors. 

Well, there goes that. Oh no. It can’t be! Can this day get any worse? Molly thought

Her favorite office pest, aka male chauvinistic (insert appropriate bug/animal name here), appeared trailing behind the briefcase. Nolan was known for his charismatic charm and claim to be God’s gift to every woman. He hit on everyone in the office. Molly had to admit he is gorgeous. Chiseled jaw, perfect hair. Obviously works out. But he lacks humility. He’s like a Greek god in a sports coat. Nice to look at but just appears to be atractive veneer. 

Well, I’m not going to be part of his conquests. Great, Molly thought as she watched him enter the elevator with an air of confident stride

“Well, if it isn’t Molly the worker bee!” He called out and flashed his expensive white smile and dimpled grin that he claimed worked like a charm. 

“Hello Nolan.. How are you?” Molly said. Even though she was too tired to care.

“I’m fantastic! Did you hear that I closed the deal on the Warner account? We should be seeing dollar signs headed in soon. I’m sure you’ll love the payments we will start to glean once they start rolling in after the work is finished!” He appeared to stand up two more inches.

Molly faked a smile and tried to show enthusiasm.

“That’s great, Nolan! I know you’ve wanted to close this deal for a while and I’m sure the entire office will be talking about it come Monday morning. Congrats!” 

Nolan flashed his grin again. 

He seems to always be camera ready! Is he smiling at the elevator camera? Or what? Molly pondered…

Molly massaged her neck. Trying to make the day end sooner and relaxed her shoulders as thoughts of home and unwinding crept into her thoughts. 

“Long day, Molly? I don’t see how you do it. Crunching all those numbers everyday. Moving the money, keeping track of finances. Balancing the books. I’d go crazy! Meeting people, closing deals, power lunches… That’s where it’s at!” Nolan winked at her.

When he doesn’t get more than a nod and a smile from Molly, Nolan turns towards the closed elevator door and panel.

“I’m assuming you’re going down? To the lobby level and out to the parking garage?” Nolan asks as he lifts his finger to the panel. He stops in midair. 

“Or would you care to join me for a drink? Finnegan's is sure to be hoping right now. It’s right down the street. Plus it’s Friday night. What do you say, Molly? Care to join me?” Nolan asks as he turns back to look at Molly and gave her his best sad puppy dog eyes look.

Molly laughed. He really was a charmer. Too bad she’s not into the normal charm and flamboyancy that turns most women to mush. Being in a loud bar is the last thing she wants right now.

“No, thank you. I’m drained. A book, bath, and a glass of wine are about as exciting as it will get for me on a Friday night. I’m looking forward to it.” Molly smiled.

“Well, if you need anyone to bring you dinner, I’m your man. Or I could cook for you. I’ve been told I’m quite the chef! You should see what I can do with a steak and some veggies.” Nolan flashed Molly that power grin again as he turned back around toward the elevator buttons.

Molly sighs again as she secretly rolls her eyes behind Larry’s back.  

You got to give him an A for effort. Even though he’s not going to get anywhere. His persistence is remarkable. Molly snickered to herself.

Nolan Punches the L button of the elevator. It bumps and starts to move. Then all of a sudden the lights inside flicker off and on again, and there is a loud thump. The elevator stops.

“What did you do?” Molly asks.

“Nothing! I just hit the L button!” Exclaims Nolan.

“Great. Looks like it’s stalled. Try pressing the panic button on the panel. Something must’ve misfired.” Says Molly. My bath, my book, my wine….oh please don’t leave me….

“There I pushed it. Hopefully it’ll take and we can get out of here. I saw there was going to be a pretty bad storm headed our way soon. Maybe that’s it. Maybe a power surge.” Nolan exclaims excitedly. Will Molly notice that I’m inwardly freaking out? I hate closed spaces. Ugh. I should’ve taken the stairs!! I hope my deodorant lasts…

“I saw the notice about the storm on the weather this morning when I signed in and then kind of put it out of my mind. Drawback to not having windows in my office I guess. I’m sure it’ll be fine. Someone will get the alarm from the button.” Molly stated hoping to reassure Nolan. He seems really agitated and looks like his color is draining from his face. Is he sweating? His demeanor has truly changed. It’s ok. Everyone has fears of some sort or phobia. I hope he doesn’t start becoming wild or thrashing about, he looks strong and muscular and I don’t want to tangle with him.

“I really don’t like closed spaces. Do you think we’ll have enough air?” Nolan asks as he has already taken off his tie and blazer. He starts to breathe in and out pacing back and forth kicking off his shoes. 

“Elevators are not sealed tight. Yes. I believe we will be fine for several hours. Hopefully, it won’t take that long before someone comes to assist.” Molly tries to do her best to be confident and calming to Nolan who is really starting to panic. Of all the people to get stuck in an elevator with, guess someone has a sense of humor!! Mr. Flamboyant seems to be losing his cool. He’s becoming sort of endearing now…almost?!

“ Ooh boy. How long have we been here? “ Nolan asks as he slides down the wall to sit as he’s breathing in and out. I really don’t like closed spaces. I’m sorry. My step dad used to lock me in the closet when I was a kid to prove that he was in charge while my Mom was working the night shift. He didn’t like me sassing him back. I wasn’t in there too long usually, but it always freaked me out.”

Molly joins Nolan on the floor and stretches out her legs and kicks of her shoes. She is seeing a different side to Nolan. She notices he’s breathing pretty hard. His face is starting to shine and his demeanor is that of someone panicking. 

“I used to have panic attacks getting shut in that closet. My stepdad wanted me to do better. He said to stop wasting my life with video games and start earning money. Be somebody. Own it. Hold your head high and act as if you’re the greatest and it’s owed to you. Funny thing is he tried to build my confidence up but his approach was having the opposite effect. I felt worthless around him when he shut me in that closet. He was a big strong guy. I was young and skinny at the time. I tried to break free. He was a millionaire and I never did anything right in his eyes. I never knew my Dad; he bailed when my Mom was pregnant. So I started using my anger towards him to channel that into myself and got into investing and climbing the corporate ladder. I built a name for myself and took care of myself and my body. Built my career and my physique. Not caring who I stepped on. I’ve successfully earned my way. And now I realize here I am. Still trapped in a box. I feel empty inside and it’s enlightening to see how much I need people and being kind matters. Guess it took being stuck here with you to see what’s important. I’m sorry Molly I’m a mess!” Nolan states as he hangs his head.

Molly thought to herself she is witnessing a transformation. Like seeing a cicada break from their shell. Or a caterpillar emerging into a butterfly. It’s a fascinating process really. Nolan’s perfectly groomed hair is becoming damp with a bit of sweat and messed up as he’s run his hands through it a time or two giving him a rugged look. The tan face in his complexion and hard chiseled jaw has become a bit ashen and softer now. His steel gray flirty eyes are pleading and weary now she observes. His sport jacket is cast off to the side along with his tie and shoes. Comfort over clout has won out. 

Molly pats Nolan’s shoulder.

“Don’t worry Nolan. Everyone has secrets and fears and issues! I myself feel better with a book or numbers then actual people. I’m sorry you went through all that!”

Did I just say that? Molly thinks to herself. Maybe I’ve done a bit of transforming too.

Just then the elevator makes a loud clunk and starts to move. It’s working again and moving down. 

“Yay!!” Says Nolan. “Finally!” He stands to his feet and turns to offer a hand to Molly and help her up. 

Molly grabs Nolan’s hand. She eases back into her shoes and grabs her things as the elevator doors ping and finally open. 

There outside in the lobby are the maintenance man and security guard with a radio chirping.

Hey folks! Sorry about this. We had a power surge and outage from the storm and it affected our elevators too. You all ok?” The maintenance man inquires.

Yes. We’re going to be alright”. Nolan says surprisingly to himself. 

Thank you both!” Molly says noticing her growling stomach. 

Time for your book, bath and glass of wine, huh Molly?” Nolan pats Molly on the arm.

“ Actually…

Molly tries to stifle her rumbling stomach as lunch is a memory…

“I’m quite in the mood for steak and veggies!” Molly smiles.

Metamorphosis indeed!

June 17, 2023 02:49

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19:33 Jun 20, 2023

I think this story needed a bit more time in the oven, but it's a great concept!


19:45 Jun 20, 2023

I appreciate that! Yes, perhaps so. I honestly wrote it down rather quickly!


19:48 Jun 20, 2023

That makes sense! It felt a bit rushed, like they'd only been in the elevator for a few minutes!


19:49 Jun 20, 2023

I appreciate your comments.


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Reece York
00:07 Jun 22, 2023

This title caught my eye, made me smile. There's a few really nice lines in here, too. My favorite is,"He's like a Greek god in a sports coat" - That was fantastic! I know just the type of look on a guy like Nolan. Very nice. Molly's plea: "My bath, my book, my wine….oh please don’t leave me…. " Was also very relatable. I think we've all had nights where we were looking forward to something nice and the universe just doesn't want to give it to us. The ending lines were very cute, It's nice that Molly gave him a chance and looked past t...


03:07 Jun 22, 2023

Thank you so much! Sure! Send it over. I will keep writing, I’ve enjoyed it for quite awhile. Appreciate your words!


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