
"Hi Beth! We are waiting for you to spend the Christmas holidays together.”

"Hi Tess, we can't wait to see you. I'm packing. Tomorrow we leave at 6am.”

"It will be too early for you at this time, it will still be cold and dark."

"We would like to arrive earlier."

"Okay! as you see fit".

"So, see you tomorrow. I'll call you when we're about to arrive."

"Ashley, honey, your aunt called me. They're expecting us for Christmas vacation. Check your suitcase if you have everything you need?"

The next day at 7:00 on the highway

"Honey, you don't say anything. Aren't you happy to go see your sister?

"If you're happy to see her so am I."

"She's your sister, not mine. I come to accompany you and make you happy".

“You come to satisfy your curiosity, to see what has changed in her life. Check what she tells you on the phone every day."

"Are you saying that I admire her life or that I'm jealous of her or that she's more interesting than me."

"I'm not saying any of that. You two challenge each other. Which of you two has the nicest house, the nicest jewelry, the nicest perfume, the nicest outfit? You spend your time talking about all this then you have the urge to check all these sayings with the naked eye. That's all! Maybe all women are like that."

“Unbelievable that you think I am like that. I don't compare my life to anyone. I strive to reunite the family and what? I am accused of being curious and jealous.”

"We're just talking. I'm not accusing you of anything sweetie. Take it easy."

"You know that I prefer to stay at home and celebrate Christmas quietly with my family without suffering the behavior of showy women."

"Honey, if you want, I'll take the next exit and we'll go home."

"Ah man, stop your threats! Do it, you think I care."

"Dad, please go on, I would like to see my cousin. You both behave like children everytime we travel.

 “You noticed my dear that your father cannot change. He always has to ruin everything."

“Mom! stop stirring shit too.”

"Okay darling, rest, don't worry."

"Resting with you is impossible. Please stop in an hour at a gas station for some breakfast. Will you?"

"Okay darling, I will."

12:23 am. the last exit

"Hi Tess, we're 34 miles from you. I think we'll be there in 45 minutes.”

“You did it quickly. I'm going to start setting the table for lunch together."

“Don't worry dear, we've already had lunch.”

 “Don't say Beth, I did it for you. I know what it means to travel. It makes hungry. I could eat a dinosaur after driving.”

"Ok! Tess see you soon!"

" Why lie? We didn't have lunch. »

" I am not a liar. I don't want to disturb her, that's all!

"You two aren't starting yet. We're about to arrive. Act like lovers. Will you!"

01:15 am. At the aunt’s house

"Tess, you look beautiful. You changed your hair color. The green-eyed redhead looks great on you."

"You too Beth you are beautiful. I've always loved your honey color with short hair."

“That's not all! Let's sit down to eat, you must be hungry.”

“It smells good. Your cooking is always refined.”

“I tried to make something tasty for my brother. Hope you like it."

02:30 am. home visit required

"Tess, you changed your couch, the living room rug, your fridge, the oven, the paint in the hallway."

"Yes my dear. You have the memory of an elephant. We also have a new car a new TV. We also renovated the bathroom. I always like change. I don't like to live long with the same things, it bothers me a lot."

"Please show me the bathroom." I asked your brother to do something for ours. But you know him, he doesn't like change. Looks like you didn't have the same mother."

3:00 to have a walk-in downtown

“Mom, I’d like to go in the aunt’s car.”

“Come with us sweetheart, your cousin will be delighted.”

“Did you hear your sister? She cooked for you never for me.”

“it's a way of speaking, don't take it to heart. She's happy to see you. You are friends, you get along very well.”

“I hope you are not mistaken. What is certain is that we do not have the same means. I don't know where all the money they waste comes from."

“They don't waste the money. They make useful things out of it.”

“Changing fridge and TV every year is not a waste of money?”

“You are exaggerating a little, it has been three years since we visited them.”

“Either way, they make a lot of money.”

“It's normal, they both have big wages. They make their life and we make ours as we could.”

5:15 in front of the ticket office of an outdoor ice rink

“Beth, let's skate with the children.”

“Tess goes alone with them. I never ski and I don't skate either."

 "This is the opportunity. I can teach you."

“No thank you, I'm afraid of making a fool of myself in front of everyone.”

" Oh my God! Your sister is lying on the rink like a truck. She knocked down all the skaters."

"She can't lift. There are four people helping her and they can't lift her."

“Shut up it looks like you're happy with what's happening to her.”

"What are you talking about. Oh my God! You can see her panties and her ass. She should have worn jeans to do that."

“With her big ass, she will slide hard and for a long time no one will be able to catch her."

"You're talking about my sister you know?"

"I hope she has good insurance. I think she has hurt a lot of people. Even in a traffic accident, I have never seen such carnage. Luckily our daughter Ashley is not entered the rink before her."

5:45 a.m. In a cafe

"Ah dear Tess, I'm so sorry for what happened to you. Come into my arms."

"Ah! it hurts."

"Sorry my dear Tess. Have a hot chocolate to feel better."

“More fear than harm. Beth dear come with me in toilet.”

“You wouldn't have feminine wipes. I was on my period and I'm afraid of getting my skirt dirty.”

6:15 in the car to get home

“She asked me for feminine wipes. She was afraid for her skirt. "

“I think she should rather worry about the damage she caused in the rink. I think they will have to change the ice in the rink.”

“We forget that. You think she's showing off and you get your revenge, it suits you, you're satisfied.”

“Yes if you want we can see it like that.”

January 16, 2022 14:19

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Chris Campbell
03:42 Feb 09, 2022

Liked the dialogue-driven story. Something I will be trying soon. Well done!


Boutat Driss
13:11 Feb 10, 2022

A lot of thanks dear Chris


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Philip Ebuluofor
16:35 Jan 21, 2022

I am sure I read this piece this week. I probably don't comment. So here is my take on it. Well rendered work Boutat. I specially like the dialogues.


Boutat Driss
16:47 Jan 21, 2022

A lot of thanks my dear Philip.


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Hannah Barrett
17:06 Jan 19, 2022

Well if this isn't more relatable than I'd like to admit! We all have that one person who seems to trigger the ugly in us, don't we? My only suggestion would be to maybe add some dialogue tags. It was mostly pretty apparent when it was the husband speaking vs. the wife, but when we add a daughter and a sister-in-law it can get a little confusing. Nice work!


Boutat Driss
10:01 Jan 20, 2022

a lot of thanks dear Hannah


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F.O. Morier
18:11 Jan 18, 2022

What a pleasant read! I like the thread of the story- funny in a bitter sweet way!


Boutat Driss
08:37 Jan 19, 2022

A lot of thanks. Have a nice day


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