
This story contains sensitive content

(Mental health, Violence, Self harm/ Suicide, Stay safe y'all)

Voices, there were plenty of them. Voices of the dead as their cold fingers brushed along the back of her neck. She stared at the metal bridge from her job, the creaking metal groaned under people's feet. Her only favorite voice was Pliji, and he had something to say "I think the bridge liked it" she couldn't help but crack up as he grinned at her. She moved so he disappeared, she didn't want to look crazy.

Tattoos of flowers and hearts snaked along her arms. Clinging desperately to her skin. Insanity clouded her thoughts. Thoughts of the world without her, how much pain she had caused, she was the problem. The bridge was still in sight, the rusted metal seemed inviting, just like the rocky water.

She hid her neck where the green mark was, and pulled down her sleeves to cover her scars. She could still feel the flames on her hands, the vines around her throat. The feeling of her own shadows as they crept into her skull and banged on the walls. 'Help!' 'I'm still alive!' and 'don't leave me behind' were things she heard from the desperate.

She could feel the hatred people had for her, 'She killed my son!' 'There's that depressed emo!' and 'She's 18 and covered in tattoos...' it was none of their business. They hadn't seen it. The school... How the flames rose above, how she clung to James and tried to wake him up. How she tried to end Jake. How she tore the book to pieces. How this new dimension... This playground of hers... It never ended... She was alone...

Everything has been written, Nothing is fate. Your birth was not your fault. You were put on this world by a choice yours parents made,Whether wished for or not.You should make the best of it... Yeah right. She'd given up on that a long time ago. For a moment she had a feeling, those vines curling around her throat, pressing inward as Iris's eyes pooled into hers. 'You killed my brother!' she had hissed. She hadn't- She had helped him- She got rid of his demon. She fixed all the demons...

Yet Iris thought she had hurt Benjamin. Cold hands were on her arms, holding her hand. She heard her mother. Her brothers. She had saved them in the 1st dimension... She didn't know if they ever came back. They probably were stuck in the loop, or they escaped to the real world. It was all fake, nothing was real.

She herself wasn't real, she was just a kid with anger and hatred for men. Which, Hannah thought was stupid. She looked at the specific shadow with blue eyes and glared. "You heard me" she hissed.

The shadow's eyes flickered red. "You didn't safe the demons, I did. I took pity on you and your 'friends' you're all frauds" the shadow hissed back. Stepping closer before disappearing. Hannah sighed and felt her ring, the ring that became a staff. She looked at her flannel and jeans, she looked like a church goer. But she had short blue hair and was covered in tattoos. Great example to the kids, ha. She heard more voices creep around her and whispered a curse.

"Go away" she muttered. Hoping they would leave her without another thought. She decided to scribble down more poems in her leather laced journal. Remembering her first journal, the letters that told the story of the 1st dimension. The letters that her experiments found and shared. The cure to the virus, the books, the zombie king, the clans, the experiments, the failed experiments, the leaders of clans, the animals, the types of zombies. And of course, her opinions. Which no one had enjoyed.

She looked around the city and sighed, walking to the park as she fiddled with her ring, the button on it could signal for help... Though no one would come. She could feel her breath being smothered out again. The fire and heat climbing around her, staring at Ryder as he burned the book. Chronicles of Dimensions. That evil, wretched book. She hated it with the very fiber of her being. She stared at an empty park bench and sat down, watched the parents as they gossiped about children...

She wished she could strangle them, give them something to really gossip about. They were setting their kids up in life... But truthfully, that ruined kids. Like Hannah herself, her mother wanted her to be an author, but she didn't want to publish. Her mother told her not to be a therapist. So Hannah was studying to be one now. Not that her mother could bitch now... She was gone... Ugh- Why did she have to feel bad for things that weren't her fault? It wasn't fair!

She stared at the boy at the bench across from her, he was writing in a book, he had brown skin, golden eyes, black hair that was curled into a baseball cap. She squinted her eyes, and imagined him with a ringmaster's outfit. She then glared, as the boy looked up and tilted his head. His thoughts clear as day. 'You gonna just sit there? It's been 3 years Hannah' her fists clenched up. The knuckles turned white as she burned through his eyes into his soul. 'Wow, aren't you mad... It was just a few people, I don't see what was wrong, if you were as tough as you acted to be.' He thought to her with a smirk, 20 years old now, he probably was.

'Nothing to say?' he thought, and looked her up and down. 'Somethings never change, you still aren't classy' he commented through his mind. She heard a thought slip past his barrier, a thought about her brother, a cage. A room. His red hair beaten with blood. She stood up and waked over to tower over him. "Where is he?" she grabbed Jake's throat and dug her nails into the skin. "You know... I could cal you mentally ill and get you taken back to the 'calming center'..." he spoke aloud. She let go of him and grabbed his hand instead, dragging him off.

He was smirking the entire time, and she was grimacing. "You aren't handsome, stop acting like a fucking Disney character" she muttered, Jake burst out laughing. "I am not Disney character." "Yeah, you're an autistic asshole" she clarified, and the turned into her house. Shutting and locking the door. Hannah grabbed his book and made it be corrupted with shadows, before she grabbed a pair of brass knuckles. He was too busy having an ego to notice. Idiot. She took a swing and hit him across the cheek. "I'll ask again. Where is my brother?" he held his cheek and glared at her, grabbing his pen. Shadows climbed her walls as she stepped closer. "You're powerless now... Where is Matthew?"

He stuttered slightly and rammed into her. She was bigger, with a stomach and bigger arms. She swung like she learned to at S.H.A. Hitting him in the stomach with the brass knuckles making blood spill. "I'm not telling, he's already dead" Jake grinned. Summoning his cane. "You bitch!" she yelled and tackled him, pressing his own cane to his throat and pressing down. "You killed him! You killed him and I'm going to make you wish you were dead!"


Blood was seeping into the cracks of the tile. The room smelled faintly of tea and candles, mingling with blood. She loved the smell, just like she had back at S.H.A. She looked at the shadows around her as they tormented Jake with his own memories. She giggled as she covered him in more bruises and cut, washing them out with salt and dish soap. He screamed, the scream made her question what she was doing. She looked at the blue eyed shadow. "You made me and him. Start dealing with your problems" then she grabbed a gun. Shooting Jake's legs and arms, and then herself in the head.

October 04, 2024 01:55

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