It all happened because Carson rammed into a tree

Submitted into Contest #63 in response to: Write about two characters going apple picking.... view prompt


Suspense Friendship Fiction

(This is a collaborative story with my friend NabilaTheGreat InTheCorner, it’s the same story told from two different perspectives.)

Today was a lovely day, and so it was! Because today I was going to pick apples with Carson. I got up in the morning and did the usual, brushed my teeth, combed my hair, and put on a grey shirt with overalls.

I prepared a water bottle, and I was ready to go.

Well, ready to wait for Carson that was.

We had set a time of nine o’clock but the guy came at two past nine!

After a quick chastising, I hopped in the car and off we went.

Well, that’s how I’d like to tell the story.

I was obviously bored, and I had a good reason.


He greeted me with a 

“Uh… Jerry? Hello?”

I cocked my head up, only to immediately regret it, as the guy was not only late, but he was also driving a bright, bordering neon green golf cart.

My blood was boiling, first of all, he was LATE by TWO MINUTES, and now he was stupid enough to drive a stupid to the bright golf cart. Like, WHY? Was this an elaborate scheme in which they intended to blind their occupants, make them blind, and then make them dependent on their services to get wherever they needed for the rest of their lives?

But that wasn’t important right now, might as well drop the issue and NOT complain, lest I lose my ride to the apple farm.

“Okay, first stop, the APPLE FARM!”

Carson exclaimed, though I tried my best to keep a grumpy facade in an effort to make him learn his lesson on being late, his stupidly happy-go-lucky attitude ended up rubbing off on me.

The rest of the trip is a blur to me, but the most notable part is that Carson, like an idiot, bashed the stupidly bright green golf cart into a tree.

“Ahhh! Jerry, go get help! Go get help!”

He flailed his arms around, causing me to have to jump out of the car to avoid the arms that would have otherwise knocked me out cold.

“Calm down, I saw a house on the way, I’ll go ask for help there.”

And off I went, running in the direction we came to get to the little house.

As I neared the house so small and run down that one could call it a shack, a local noticed me and guessed I was heading towards the ‘Vampire house’ as they called it, apparently because many bodies had been found near the shack, all of them completely drained of blood, accompanied by two, neat, clean puncture wounds.


I thought as I shook my head, surely the reports of the bodies had been faked? I mean, who in this day and age believes in the myth of vampires this devoutly? 

Apparently, I was wrong.

I rapped on the door with the door knocker, shaped like bats, I noted. At the moment, they didn’t mean anything to me.

Well, soon I would know that I was the stupid one and not Carson.

“Ah hello young man! What brings you to my modest housing?”

An elderly man opened the door to greet me. He was rather short, as I had to look down at him to maintain eye contact.

After explaining the situation to him, he offered to help, and smiled.

Upon closer inspection, his canines were rather sharp. But then again, even Carson’s milk canines were rather sharp until they fell off and got replaced.

We made small talk for a while before the man invited me inside for tea. 

While drinking the tea, we continued to talk until I felt drowsy.

“I have to go now..”

I managed to slur out, man, that run was really getting to me!

“Oh no no no! If you feel unwell then please, stay.”

The man insisted, though now that I think of it, his voice had an edge of hidden anger to me.

Succumbing to the drowsiness, I passed out and fell on the floor with a painful 


Usually, something would send me screaming for the ER and a cocktail of painkillers, but the drowsiness had gotten to me and I soon blacked out.

I woke up to the old man looking over at me.

But it wasn’t with a comforting stare.

Frankly, it was creepy.

Really creepy.

“Why hello there Jerry~”

“Old man? What’s going on?”

“Why, dear boy, I’m just caring for you~”

He cooed as he opened his mouth, for some reason, his already obnoxiously sharp canines were even sharper than before.

“You’re such a nice boy-”

“Don’t you want to be part of my family?”


I stuttered out, my head felt very light, so I definitely wasn’t thinking straight at the moment.

“Then hold still, this will only hurt a little-”

He then grabbed hold of my head with an iron grip and smiled sadistically at me.

“So glad you would like to be my son!”

The old man then opened his mouth, revealing two fangs.

He was a vampire.


“Now hold still, I need to apply the numbing cream.”

Numbing cream?

Vampires use numbing cream on their victims?

My thoughts were interrupted as I suddenly felt cold gel on my neck, presumably the spot he intended to bite.

“Hold still, this will only hurt for a while-”

I started squirming, I wanted to keep my humanity, thank you very much!

“Hold. Still.”

The man prompted with an icy cold tone which instantly made me stop cold in my tracks.

Then it came

The bite

The bite that would make me no longer a human

The bite that would essentially make me a giant mosquito.

“There, done..”

I suddenly felt very different.

My heart rate doubled, to the point where it made me grab my head in pain in an effort to numb the throbbing pain.

My canines also started to grow from increased blood flow there, I was too distracted in the funny sensation to realize that I tasted something that was a little like-


I had bit my own tongue, and in fact pierced clean through it.

“Jerry! Jerry! There’s something chasing me!”

My knuckle headed friend came running through the door, flailing his arms around like an idiot.

But the more I looked at Carson, the more he looked like food

I was hungry

October 11, 2020 11:18

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15:42 Oct 26, 2020

Wei I just realized that your title... it’s just gold.


Wei Hello!
22:59 Oct 26, 2020



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Ari Berri
15:24 Oct 26, 2020

This was great! The collaboration was a good idea.


Wei Hello!
00:07 Oct 27, 2020

Thank you :D


Ari Berri
00:43 Oct 27, 2020

No problem.


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Tom .
11:36 Oct 20, 2020

I have just read the other piece. Well done on the collaboration. If you do another collaboration I have a suggestion. Link the titles to compliment each other like 'The Case of the Vampiric Apple Picker' and 'The Case of Granny Smith, a witch'. OMG I should shut up, they are terrible suggestions.


Wei Hello!
19:12 Oct 20, 2020

Why thank you for your suggestion :D I’ll be sure to try it out next time!


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Rosalin Vatana
10:58 Oct 12, 2020



Wei Hello!
10:59 Oct 12, 2020

Thank you <3


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