Friendship Funny

Our todays' personaje J.T grew up in the vicinity of a city. All his young time he spent surrounded by his friends with whom he used to chill and stroll back and forth the neighborhood almost every warm evening. One individual and brave (for such a district) feature of our character was the resistance of not smoking, not drinking alcohol, and not doing anything against the law. Needless to say, that all his friends and others were the opposite, however, some of them showed respect to him for being such an assertive and self-confident guy, while the others were concerned with the question of whether a nimbus fits well for this saint or he is just an infernos' spy? For these streets, it was so unusual to be free off of cigarettes and drinks, so if one was clean the others would definitely think up something against him. It was easier to believe that you were up to something rather than you were an angel.

So that day, as usual J.T had finished off his dinner and was dressing up to hit the streets with niños. He didn't know, that two of his friends, that he was about to meet up with, would suggest to him an extraordinary idea.

As usual, their meeting started with jokes and what was new under our sky happening, then J.T asked them, 'How was their yesterday with Andy and Sam?'. At that time they were fresh blood in our pack, moreover, they were younger than any of us and not familiar with us too much meanwhile J.T and niños had known each other for ten years or more.

'J.T, oh my boy, we do have something to discuss!' said one of them and they both started giggling. 'What did you guys do?' said J.T smiling. 'Oh, you are gonna die after you know it! no kidding! We were just chilling together, drinking up, I told him this, he told me that, bouncing with words, everything is like as usual, but then..' he looked at J.T. 'Then Andy asked: "Guys.. me and Sam have a question..."', so I told him, "Well, Andy, if you have - you ask" and he said: "Is it true that J.T is a junkie?"

'No way! Here we go again, guys,' exclaimed J.T

'Yes, yes, yes,' both of them said. 'But this is not the thing! The thing is we told them yes. J.T. is a junkie.'

J.T. looked at them wildly, eyes wide open.

'We were holding our laugh at that moment so bad, I would give anything that you would look at their expressions at that moment.'

'Yea, I can hardly imagine, so what was after?'

'Oh, after, we were making up your legend, improvising and soaring with words and stuff'

'Gosh, this is so mental!' said J.T. laughing.

'We told them: "Do you have any idea why does he wear pants all the time? Because his veins are gone under his knees! He hides them!" They were like children, J.T., it worthed it!'

'Just say me how did you even come up with this shrewd idea?' said J.T. 'Pants? Oh, this is so insane.'

'It downed on me, bro, and I can't help it, but you must agree it's a brilliant line!' said one of them

'And that's exactly what I mean, guys, only you could do that.' said J.T. happily. 'So from now on do you want me to go on with your story?'

'Please!' they said smiling 'Roleplay it as usual'

Later on, the rumor started sprawling among the neighborhood, but niños kept the story hot, while Sam and Andy started to look at J.T. To say they were looking at him differently was to say nothing. They were so into studying his movements and behavior, trying to see what they wanted to see at him, but not how he truly looked. Eventually, they didn't even notice how niños were giggling at them every time they were partying together.

Once, an old friend of J.T., who was a real junkie (and he was only one because usually everyone was up to drink but stayed away from any drugs), and who lived in another district, came up to J.T and asked, 'Why someone was asking me about you and your drug addiction? You are not a junkie, J.T., I know you from kindergarten, so say me old devil, what are you up to for this time?!' He grinned at J.T. and added. 'I would be the first to know that you were a junkie.' So after J.T. asked him, 'Who it was? Who told you that?', and he told him, 'I am not into the faces of your fellas you know it, the most important is the fact I had been asked, so let me be.'

But in one month or so, all of them were having a whale of a time at someones' flat, drinking and smoking except J.T. As usual. Andy was about to leave the party early due to his morning walk with his lovely little dog and J.T., quite bored with them, decided to go home as well.

During their walk to their houses Andy, a little bit drunk, asked: 'So, J.T., be honest with me, I am your friend, right? So tell me, do you use drugs, don't you?'. J.T. smiled and said: "Nope. Not at all." "I am sorry to tell you this, J.T., but niños once told me that you do use it," Andy said. J.T laughed: "So why do you ask me if you are so sure?". "This is the thing! I am not sure, that's why I'm asking you." "They make fun of you and that's all, I don't look like a guy who uses anything illegal, do I?" said J.T. Andy looked at him closely: "No, you don't. But explain me one thing then.. Pardon me for doing it, but I have smelled your jacket. Today. When we were at the room, I went to the toilet and decided to smell your jacket." "You what?!" laughed J.T. It was a real show for him because now he didn't even need to pretend or roleplay. "Well, Andy, how did you know that it is my jacket?" "Even if I am a little drunk I know what you wear usually. And it smells like pills!" "Pills?!" J.T. burst out laughing. "Okay, Andy, this is too much, I have never been high. Why would I go into drugs without even trying to smoke a cigarette? This is so silly. Niños are laughing at you, this is all a joke."

They walked up to Andy's home and Andy said: "Yea, probably you're right. If you saying the truth then" "It is the truth, Andy, I am healthy," smiled J.T. Andy put the keys out of his pocket and said: "Then, I believe you." But his eyes were still filled with doubt.

Even after this frank and funny conversation, which was retold to niños, the rumor lived, and even Andy hadn't changed his mind, while niños and J.T were laughing at how the rumor had become a totally independent phenomenon.

Still, during some night and bright parties, when J.T was drinking Coca-Cola and horsing around, cavorting with others, it was quite easy to hear the voices whispering "he must have put some pills into his Coca-Cola, that's why he is so loud and giddy today" or "try to look at his pupils, they are quite interesting". Niños didn't give up on fanning the flames, saying, 'Sorry guys, he told us he would be sober today but he doesn't seem like this, we shouldn't have had him here, it's not a den!'

Ultima Thule, as being such, was the moment, when Sam started asking for advice on whether should he try cocaína or not.

'No. J.T., it's really personal. Between you and me. I don't want the others to know about it. A guy is ready to sell me. I want to try but I'm afraid. One time and that's it. Only one time.'

J.T. was looking at him, not realizing what else he should say to him so that he'd finally start to believe.

'Sam.. do you hear me or not? said J.T. with a twisted smile.

'Yes, yes, I am all ears. Just tell me. I have none but you, who would know all hooks and crannies about it. It's not so safe as organic stuff but still..'

'Yes, but what should I say to you? I am not a junkie, Sam. It's all an old joke that you have been carrying for almost a year of our friendship. '

'Okay, you are not a junkie, all right?' said Sam. 'Just tell me what do you think?'

La cocaína no es buena para su salud thought J.T. Neither for mine, neither for yours.

'Just keep away off of it, I have nothing in common with drugs but I can assure you it won't make you any good, so please, stay away, Sam.'

'Even one time?' asked Sam. 'Did you try it? Say me, J.T.'

'No, never. I have never used drugs, Sam, but you don't need to use one to be aware of its danger.'

Sam thoughtfully nodded.

It had taken one year since that conversation, when after countless amounts of talking, get-together jaunts, and God knows what else, they had finally understood that J.T. had always been a clean and sober friend of theirs and now the rumor had ceased to exist as a rumor and had become a funny joke not only for niños but Sam and Andy respectively.

June 14, 2024 18:43

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