Fiction Funny Happy

Group Chat From The Past

“Hey Sarah, Sophie, Liam, come I need help grabbing these boxes.”

“Coming! Lucas” all the siblings shouted.

“Ouch what the…” Sarah said as she bumped into a strange box, its contents falling on the floor, on her way to Lucas.

“What happened?” Liam asked

“What is it?” Lucas yelled from the other side of the attic.

“I think it's all our old toys and stuff.” Sarah said

“Let's look.” Sophie said eagerly.

“Ooh look it's our old phones!” Liam squealed in a very high pitched voice.

“OMG it's an iphone 11 pro, these look ancient.” Sophie blurted

“Let's look at our old messages” Sarah said  

“Ok let's use my phone, after all it's actually turning on.” Sophie announced 

“Works for me” Liam said 

“Me too” Sarah shouted

“Same” said Lucas

“Let's look through our group chat” Liam said

“Why is it called siblings” Sophie said

“Maybe cause were siblings” Lucas Muttered

“Calm down guys” Sarah said

“This group chat was made at then end of 2024” Sophie stated

“That was around 25 years ago can u believe its almost 2051” Lucas exclaimed

9:21 am 

Sophie: Heyy guys

Liam: Bro why did you make this chat?

Sarah: Hi guys 

Lucas: Who the heck is this?

Sarah: It's your siblings dummy 

Sophie: Guys you know how its new years eve

Liam: Ya

Lucas: Yes

Sarah: mhm

Sophie: I think we're allowed to sleep in the living room. You guys know how the living room has the window with the ladder. We could sneak up on the roof.

Lucas: YES!

Liam: Fun

Sarah: Yayyyyyyy guys we could bring our blankets and stuff it will be like a fun slumber party. 

Sophie: Who has an alarm clock

Sarah: I have one but why do I need it?

Sophie: cause we need to wake up early so mom and dad dont know we came out

Lucas: Guys tell mom ill be back in an hour im going to my friends house.

Sarah: Sure 

Sophie: SEE YA!

Liam: Bye

12:30 pm

Lucas: Guys i'm here and i'm bored

So can one of you change the name of this GC to mom and say i gtg.

Sophie: alr one sec


Lucas: ty

10:48 Pm

Sarah: Hii guys 

Sophie: hey Sarah

Liam: Everyone whatever you're doing just stop come to the living room now

Lucas: k

Sarah: okk

Sophia: Sure

“Oh what the heck guys the battery died”  Liam shouted.

“This would never happen nowadays,” she said,

“The technology obviously sucked back then!” Liam announced, slamming on the phone in anger.

“But…,” Sophie said, “on the bright side, it legit felt like we went back in time for 25 years.”

“That’s true,” Sarah said. “It was like stepping into a whole different time.              They all agreed. They were seeing memories of themselves, all in the simplest, stupidest little group chat.

For a while, no one said anything. Until Lucas said                                           “Awkward silence”                                                                                                          Everyone started laughing 

Sarah said with a laugh. “Lucas you are still the dumb kid we all remember you as.”

Liam chuckled. “We should do a prank call like the good old days.”

Sophie grinned with one of those evil grinch looks. “That sounds evil . Maybe we could call Dunkin Donuts and ask for a grimace shake, 

“I'm in,” Liam said, giving her a thumbs-up.

There was another pause, but this time after about 3 seconds they all started to laugh and fall on the ground like 6 year olds.                   “I think for the call we should talk in British accents and then after we say a few words we start talking in Australian accents.” Lucas said

“But I feel like doing a French accent would be better like maybe French to Australian or French to British.” Sarah exclaimed excitedly.

“Ok i think we should do British to French. Does that work” Liam said.                                             “That works.” Said Sarah                                                                              “yep” replied Sophie

“Ok let's get to it.” mentioned Sarah.                                                        Lucas nodded.

Liam turned the phone on and leaned towards it he looked up the number and then started to call Dunkin Donuts,

“Hello my name is Olivia. How may I help you?” The Dunkin Donut lady said.                                    “May i get a Grimish Shake ”Liam shouted in a French accent. “Sorry we don't sell those types of things, that's a Mc-Donald's kinds thing” The lady said getting aggravated.                                         “Yes you do,” Sophie said.                                                                 “NO WE DON'T” The crazy lady screamed                                              “Really now because according to my calculations and a little bit of doctor Googles I've I mean we have come to the conclusion that…”   “That what?”                                                                                                 “THAT YOU SUCK YOU ALWAYS HAVE AND ALWAYS WILL DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?” They all said in unisons.                                          “No I absolutely do not and FYI you're never allowed to come here again do you know why?”                                                                            “Lady I don’t care why” Lucas said                                                             “CAUSE YOU SUCK YOU ALWAYS HAVE AND ALWAYS WILL DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?”                                                                            “Nope we do not we never have and never will goodbye now see you the day after never!”                                                                                    “Works for me” the crazy lady said                                                           “Fine” the kids hung up the phone.

The call ended

They started laughing and laughing for such a long time I think all of them lost their voices. The laughter finally started to die down a little

“ I Can’t believe we just did that,” Sophie said, still laughing a little. “We’re 39, and we’re still pranks calling Dunkin Donuts.”

“I have a feeling that we have learned nothing in 39 years of living,” Liam added. “I mean, who needs to be smart and serious when you can prank call people for fun?”

“For reel,” Sarah said, “I thought by 39 years old I’d be responsible enough not to prank call. Instead, I’m here, laughing at a Grimace shake joke.”

“We’re just being a little funny, it's fine, wait right. Liam said               “Yes of course it's fine” Sophie said

All the siblings started laughing                                                                                The End

January 12, 2025 18:35

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