Fiction Mystery Teens & Young Adult


I am back guys said Alan to his family mark and rick baby of Alan came running towards to him and started licking Alan and Alan did the same. guys what you are doing he said to him. So, mark and rick insisted they wanted to listen story.so, Alan said okay but if you behave yourself and do not trouble your mommy than I will tell a story and they both said yes by nodding.

So, Alan took both the baby in his embrace and went near his wife and started telling them the story so I will tell my story how I came here.

Chapter 1 – (Past)

 Alan - Long back a go I was a human I was studying in college I was about 17 years, and I was more like a nerdy guy. I had crush on Emma (she was an average in her studies but mostly she was shy girl who would always stay alone). I got her information from my childhood friend who was also in the commerce batch. I would usually see her every day in college she was from different department she was into commerce and I was in science. Usually, we would have projects so I would mostly spend most of my time in library looking for reference material, and usually one day I was going to my college and we had to submit our projects. so, I wanted Some reference book so I went to the library that day I was searching the books, but I was not getting the books so I went more inside in the corner were books was there so I started searching for the books.

While I was searching the books, I forget the time and it was already 9.00pm and when I saw in the watch, I thought it is too late. I should go out now and tomorrow I will come and find the books. I went near the door hey why the door is not opening. I tried unlocking but It was not opening I tried but it was all wasted.

So, I look in my bag and took out my mobile to call my friends but turn out my phone battery was dead, and I did not carry the charger so I thought let us stay here and in morning I will go from here when the professor will come.

I am feeling bore let us read some books (note- as the college was closed so all lights were off but connecting the college there was road so streetlight would come in the library) so Allan again went to corner because when he was searching for the books, he liked one book, but he said I will read it afterwards.

I will go back to section and see for the book and let me see oh I got the book which I was searching. Oh, let read the title of the book “secrets of the dark” (Note – this book can only be opened how’s soul is pure and it opens when there is lunar eclipse which is today)

Alan Started reading with all his concentration in the book it was written of Warewolf they are species so Alan nearly ready all the half book. he was going to open the next page which was the middle page of the book but has he opened the middle page he saw a black hole and he could see a branch which was coming from inside the book he touched the branches which was real he was so astonished but before he could think anything the branches veins curled into hands of Alan and started pulling him towards him and within minutes Alan was nowhere to be found.

Chapter 2 (In the wild)

It is a very dense forest all dark and Alan found himself on a tree branch he rubbed his eyes and saw it was very dark and it got very frighten because he could hear voice of many different animals at the same time. He got down from the tree looked here and there and was trembling and sacred, but he thought where he can go at the night, so he decided to stay there. He went near the tree it was an incredibly old tree with all his branches surrounded in the grounds he lay on the ground. And has he been tired he was fast asleep.

In the morning hearing the voices of animals Alan was awake, and has he saw that he was in the forest and he realized what happened yesterday. Now his stomach was growling has from past night he did not had anything. He searched here and there so he can find some food but could not find anything has he was searching for the food little he did not realized that he is going deep in the dense forest. suddenly he finds some wild berry trees he plucks the berries and put it in his pocket suddenly he was looking back he realized he is now into the dense forest.

He was so terrified now but he could not find the way so he went more in the forest he could hear voice of water, so he went more towards the sound. like it always said that if you are lost you can find the way out by following the water. So, he did the same he followed the sound of water and he was going toward the dense forest. Suddenly he was near the river following the sound and he saw the river he was amazed by the beauty of the river and trees surrounded by it.

He found a place near the river and sat there near by he saw smalls branches and twigs, so he started collecting them and stared making a bonfire. He removed the lighter from his pocket and lit the branched (note while sucked by the black hole he was wearing his backpack) he removed his water bottle from his bag and his lunch box. has he saw his lunch box has it was made of steel he took the lunch box wash of the remaining food left and put water in it and put it in the fire after the water was warm it took it from the fire and let it cool down for some time than he put the berries in it he washed off and started eating it and he also put the left water in his water bottle and drank it. when he was near the river it was too sunny. So, he looked nearby and found huge tree he went near a tree and sat under the shade.

Now sitting there, he was thinking how he can go back to his house. (Note – Alan was an orphan, and he stays in the orphanage he does

work part time as a freelancer teacher for students has, he incredibly good in his studies. and has his studies his sponsored by the orphanage he keeps the money with himself and give his half salary to the warden of the orphanage whom he calls papa Jon. The warden every time Insist Alan to save the money for himself for the future, but Alan always insists him to keep the money in the form of gratitude has the orphanage gave me shelter, food, clothes, friends, education.)

Now it was turning dark he started feeling sleepy and slept. In the morning he got up and went near the river to collect water, but little did he knew that there were wilds dogs near the river eating, they are prey near the tree. Alan went near the river he bend down to collect the water as soon as he turns, he finds surrounded by wild dogs who were quenching they are teeth looking at Alan He was so terrified looking at the dogs they were like six wild dogs. Alan thought to himself this day it his last day has he was hopeless to safe his self in front of the wild dogs.

Chapter 3 – (Meeting the wolf pack)

The wild dogs started getting more close to Alan He closed his eyes in fear and stand there terrified soon he heard growls which are getting more & more closer .he opened his eyes to see and he saw 4 wolf behind the wilds dogs surrounding them as soon as the wild dogs heard the noise they turned they saw the wolf have surrounded them they started barking and signaling each other to leave from there has they won’t be able to fight with the wolf pack.

 The wild dogs said to the wolf that they are leaving, and they do not want any fight but still one of the wolfs who fur coat was brown bit one on the dog very badly. They dogs were frighten and ran from there for they are life’s.

Seeing all this Alan was still standing there froze the brown wolf signaled the other wolf to leave as soon as they left the wolf came near Alan and started sniffing him Alan was so terrified that he froze in the place while this was happening. something changed Alan locket which was in his neck started glowing and the wolf near his neck something was glowing too. Alan heartbeat suddenly was beating so fast he looked at the wolf and he started to have the feeling that this wolf is someone dear to him but could not figure it out.

After sniffing the wolf saw once again Alan in his eyes and ran away. Seeing this Alan was confused he did not know what to do he felt somewhat attachment to the wolf after few minutes Alan came to his senses and hurriedly ran as fast has, he could and again came near the tree first where he had come, he sat down has he was tired he laid down and so he drifted to sleep he was seeing the dream of wolf again the same brown wolf. he used to have the dream from small, but he did not know that he would be able to see the wolf again.

Chapter 4 (Surprise)

Days went by and now Alan had adjusted himself in the surrounding he had built a small shelter from leaves near the tree and staying in the forest his clothes were ripped so he made clothes for himself using the big leaves.

Alan was on his way to the river he saw a familiar face sitting near the river. He was incredibly surprised to see a human. he went nearby and he could not believe what he saw. When he came back to his senses, he saw a girl sitting near the river. He went closer to her he called her as the girl turned, he saw Emma. He was incredibly surprised looking at her. Looking at her he could not believe that how can Emma come here he was astonished, and his legs trembled, and he felled to the ground. Emma suddenly got up and gave her hand to Allen, he gave her his hand he stood up. Emma asked are you fine so Alan said I am fine but how come you are here.

Emma told Alan that first let us sit somewhere and I will tell you everything. So, Alan took her near the tree they sat, and Emma told Alan that I know this is all were complicated to you and you are freaking out but listen calmly.

So, Alan said yes, and Emma started saying that she is a warewolf listening to this Alan was so frighten and scared he was frozen for few moments and started getting up to run, but Emma had hold is hand too tight Alan was not able to move. so Emma told plz listen than you can go I will not stop you, but what I’m going to tell you is linked to your life and mine so listen hearing this Alan sat so Emma Continued that when the first time she saved Alan from the wild dogs the brown wolf was her and when she came near to her Alan locket started glowing and Emma wolf form neck side started glowing the reason was that they are fated mate. It is rare because only few species are fated mated and when they come near to, they are mate they can sense them they can feel they are pain what the mates are feeling and if the mate dies the other one also dies.

So, Alan told Emma how it is possible I am a human and I am not a warewolf, so she told Alan to touch his locket and think of the inner you Alan did what he was told, and he transformed to a beautiful alpha white wolf. Alan looked at his legs it was transformed he could not believe his eyes, so Emma told Alan that they are from the same pack when Alan was about four years old, he was playing near the river with his friends and suddenly he was nowhere to be found.

So, Alan was a warewolf from when he was born and Emma too, they were from the same pack has Alan’s dad was the leader of the group and it was quite rare warewolf are born warewolf can convert transform they are self into human and again into wolf. So, they both were born at the same time Emma mom and dad were the chief of the group when both the baby was placed near each other both of they are neck side started glowing and they transformed into humans. Seeing this the oldest member came and explained everyone how both the baby is fated mate and are warewolf, so from that day both the baby were protected from the witches who can use them and misuse they are powers.

Chapter 5 – (Attacked)

Both the baby was taken care and they grew up. both were of 4 years they were playing when some witches attacked them to save Emma Alan came in front has Alan has more power than Emma the witches who attacked them, they are attacked backfired they turned into ashes. Due to saving Emma Alan lost some of his power.

so, while returning home Alan and Emma Alan suddenly was absorbed by a black hole and he came into the human world. Has he come he was transformed into human form seeing everything different he was terrified that is when he met the warden Jon, and he took Alan with him. Alan was very weak due to overuse of power which also affected his memory and he forget his past wolf life because of the attack Alan was in trauma so his own power vanished all the memoires of the past so Alan can start a new life.

Chapter 6 – Found mate

Alan when came back to his sense he only remembered his name other than his he forgets everything. His power was caged by himself to protect him and till he himself do not want he cannot access to his power and memory. On the other side everyone was searching for Alan, but no one could find it days went to years but still Alan was not found Alan’s parents due to different wolf pack fight had lost they are life’s now Emma was taking care of the pack and she was waiting for Alan. She knew Alan was alive has she is also alive.

Every time when she used to remember Alan She would go near the same place where everything had happened and would stare at the sky thinking ,so once when she was sitting she was absorbed by the black hole and transport to human world that day was the lunar eclipse ,so when she came to the human world she could sense her mate is here in this world so instead of going back she started searching for him, and one day she found Alan entering the college gate that time she found him so she also admitted to the college.

So, she went near Alan, but Alan was not able to recognize her, but his locket was shining Emma saw that, but Alan just stated her blindly and went off. So, she went to a Incredibly old witches to help her and the witch explained to her everything that she cannot bring Alan here until he do not want to, so she gave the book to Emma and told her the process of black hole and everything, so everything was planned by Emma keeping the books there locking Alan in the library and bringing back here.

Listening to Alan was surprised and all his memory came back but he told Emma that he will first go again in the human world he cannot live here and if he is okay, he will comeback.

Chapter 7 – Promise kept

So Alan went back to the human world but some where he was lost he was missing something, so he packed up everything gave all his money saving to the warden and went to the forest again it was night and Emma was crying at the same place were Alan was disappeared, so Alan came near her she sense him she was very happy seeing him so Alan told her that from now he will here and he love her. both went back to the pack Emma told Everything to the pack the pack first they do not want to accept has they are leader but has Alan was already a crown prince of the pack form small they all agreed years month went by and now Emma gave birth to 1 baby boy &1 girl and this is the end of the story and I’m here my life changed and now I feel complete with your all.

-The End - 

May 01, 2021 01:10

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