
The life of a rose

A rose is a symbol

Symbol of beauty 


But also ferocity 

See while you stare at the roses petals 

You ignore the thorns 

A rose is given to woman by a man to woo her

But the man fails to prove her

Of its significance 

Just because it’s beautiful to look at 

Doesn’t mean they know the past

The lack of roots should scare you 

The roots are necessary 

And hereditary 

But they cut away the roots  

Pick away it’s thorns

Put it in a vase 

And stare at the petals 

You give a woman 

A symbol of turning one of nature’s best creations 

Into a docile 

Pretty thing


Meant to be looked at

Then die in that vase

The vase is a metaphor for the box you place people in 


The flower wasn’t born in a vase for a reason 

It was taken young and put there with other flowers they thought was pretty

And they sit there 

No roots

No thorns 

Just temporary beauty

August 11, 2019 11:48

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