Contest #92 shortlist ⭐️

The Shadows of the Flowers

Submitted into Contest #92 in response to: Set your story in a countryside house that’s filled with shadows.... view prompt


Fiction Contemporary Inspirational

A general misconception about countryside homes is that they are beautiful and bright; I am basing this off of my personal misconception of the same kind. Countryside homes - they are like any other place on earth. They harbor equal shadow and light. Light is not always a fearless defender, you know. It does not chase away shadows. It is not on your side. More often than not, and always in real life, it shares space with the darkness. Nothing is fighting for you but yourself. It’s just the way things are. 

I understood that as a common law for life and never tried to reach further. Everything touched by the light will have a dark side, because there’s just not enough light in the world to protect you from that. Walking through the hills will make you feel a certain way too. Either like a precious forest princess or like Ted Bundy escaping from prison the second time, which is maybe sadistic, but it’s also true, and fantasy has no place in reality, I say. 

I make my way through the woods in the dusky evening, fire coating my lungs, and there is such ugliness in it all. Charred branches are strewn about the dirt like spools of thread. Leaves crumple like ash - or perhaps they are ash, I can’t tell - and the flowers, well, you can’t even see the colors with the way they were trampled so. Flowers, dying of thirst, dying in such humanlike nature. Under the smoke we are all the same. Nothing can change. 

Especially when all my mother really wants for her birthday is her childhood back, which the doctor says is her mind distracting her from the present. I suppose it can’t be helped. The closest I can get was a baby aspen. Lately she’s been speaking of nothing else. 

“Baby tree, baby tree,” she’ll warble endlessly, waving her hands in the air like a conductor. “I took care of one when I was little, you know. My big brother found it for me. I took care of it. So much care. It lived forever, you know. And I want to be- a mother again.” 

So maybe that made me feel a little guilty. So what. 

And that is why I am up here. In an effort to be a good daughter, possibly to make up for lost time. Why is it that following your dreams must always be so offensive? 

Well, damn. Now that I think of it, it’s about love, probably. Don’t even know what that is. Not really. 

The sun is dipping below the earth and the sky fades through the trees. To me, love is like that - like the eerie green of the clouds after sunset, always tinged with fear. The sky is fading through the trees and the world is turning dark and the cabin on the other side of the hill is neither sunny nor beautiful, no sir. No animals prowl in this unhallowed wasteland. There is nothing to fear, and yet. Somehow there cannot be enough light to clear out all the darkness, but night can black out all light. Like I said, it’s just like that sometimes. It just is what it is. 

The house grows nearer, and it’s not really a house even. More a cottage. Well furnished. A vase on the table, the flowers alive and breathing, the water fresh. And there are shadows covering everything, hiding beauty like a spoon fallen behind the counter. The windows don’t reflect anything. Not the glasses stacked neatly on the shelves, not the sink filled with dirty dishes, not my tight oval of a face, nothing, and I think perhaps this is the first time in my life that I have felt lonely while being alone. (Loneliness thrives in crowds.) 

Someone lives in here, maybe several someones. Maybe they are living here peaceful. Maybe they are living here angry. Maybe they ran away; maybe they went for a camping trip. Though I wouldn’t understand why you would camp when you’re practically Daniel Boone anyway. The flowers in the vase are hydrangeas. My favorite. 

I can’t describe it, but the house, with its sad, shrinking walls, feels like a memory. A lost memory. The type you discover in a dream. It feels like a lifetime I should know. It feels like my mother and the perfect love we could have had if I’d just tried a little harder. If I was a little softer, a little more selfless, a little kinder. If I wasn’t always asking how was it my fault it if I grew too old to have a mother. If I learned how to quiet my mind from screaming how was it a sin to love words better than people when all anyone ever patted me on the back and told me they hoped for me to find was “true love”. If, if, if, right.

I feel around the sharp corners for the door but instead I find moonlight. Moonlight beaming through a window and illuminating the bodies of the dish users, the flower-pickers, the people with the good taste in furniture. 

A lovely couple. With white hair. Wreathed in darkness yet giving light, reflecting everything, all of the room, the blanket with ducks on it, their clasped hands. Their clasped, cold hands, with the veins blue and bulging passionately. Nobody found them before me. Nobody knew. They died together, and I can’t decide if it’s beautiful or horrifying because they are not being mourned. I wonder how long ago they died. I wonder if they are loved, up here. 

And all I can see is my mother. Dying alone and yearning only for a tree that I can’t bring her because I’m stuck here, stuck up here in the country and letting her down again and asking my God, what am I doing here? What am I doing here? I’m collecting a tree for a woman who won’t even remember asking for it, who will create a new childhood the next day anyway, and the next day, and the rest until she dies. I am doing what I can to make it better, even though I say nothing can change. I say that hope is only a way to be disappointed, and yet here I am giving all I can. A very little. Not enough, surely. 

So I dial 911. They will come up here with their flashlights and their stretchers, and the loneliness will be shattered, and the exhaustion will swing heavily like clouds full of rain, and the windows will reflect like stage lights. 

Because everyone deserves to be missed. I guess we all do mean something after all, whether I choose to see it or not. 

I mean, look at these people. I, the one with the stone heart, was able to feel regret. And this couple didn’t even have to do anything to spark it except lie there. It doesn’t take so much to change. 


Memories are like shadows, like looming threats. Our lives are nothing but memories; we, too, are nothing but memory, nothing but shadows, running away from our bodies like they’re Peter Pan’s and simply hoping that before the end we might find our way back. That we might say I’m so sorry, I missed you; please take me back, I’ll do anything. 

Finding yourself. Imagine. Though now I wonder that maybe trying has to be worth something, at the very least, just because it hurts so bad.

A tiny aspen grows a little ways beyond that field where the cottage stood. I dig it up carefully, keeping the roots safe, and carry it like the baby it is the whole way home. My arms are full; and in my hand a small vase is gripped with its hydrangeas keeping it company. 

Back home I sit with my mother, because I can. I hold her hand, because love doesn't have to be perfect to make a difference. And I open the window so that the sunlight plays over her bed. On the nightstand, hundreds of petals wave cheerily, and my mother says hello to them every morning. Their shadows fall on my knee. 

I guess something I’d never really thought of before this was how flowers had shadows, too. Because I’d always just thought of flowers like everybody else: dainty, airy, lovely. Darkness had no place in a thing of such beauty. But darkness is always there, isn’t it? And we still do always think flowers are beautiful. 

So maybe there is beauty in the blackened as well. 

There’s a thought. 

May 02, 2021 19:05

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03:35 May 19, 2021

Loved your work. It had many points to stop and pounder about. Congratulations for being shortlisted. You should write more!


Kenley Ellis
15:20 May 20, 2021

aww, thanks!!


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Tarushi Parmar
12:45 May 18, 2021

Amazing work!! Lines like" Nothing is fighting for you but yourself. It’s just the way things are" and "Why is it that following your dreams must always be so offensive? " ,Are true and really make one think about these things.I could relate to the regret expressed in this story . And this is your first submission!! Hope you keep sharing more awesome stories .


Kenley Ellis
15:20 May 20, 2021

wow, thank you so much!! i'm so happy you liked it!


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Jackson Simpson
20:39 May 14, 2021

This is so great, I love your work!


Kenley Ellis
05:15 May 15, 2021

aww that's sweet thanks jackson!


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Corey Melin
17:04 May 14, 2021

Well done. As I read I felt like I was reading a short story of the many writers of the past before media came into play so you had to use your imagination to create stories like this one. The imagery was great. Superb.


Kenley Ellis
05:16 May 15, 2021

wow, thank you so much!! that is a huge compliment! i did put a lot of focus into imagery in this one, so i'm very glad it came through and stood out to you :)


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Gip Roberts
19:06 May 09, 2021

That's a good title that got my attention, and the story did a good job of sticking to the theme of the title. "Loneliness thrives in crowds." I loved that, because it's so true!


Kenley Ellis
19:51 May 09, 2021

thank you so much for this! I really appreciate it, and I'm so happy you liked the quote and the title!!


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Ana B
14:55 May 09, 2021

I really enjoyed this story, I also like the introspection that you have used to dwell upon the characters inner thoughts. I hope to read more of your work.


Kenley Ellis
19:51 May 09, 2021

thank you very much! that means a lot. i plan to write more for this platform!


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17:48 Jul 23, 2023

🍁 Amazing! It's just so - Amazing. Sorry for that, but meeting an amazing story always gets me lost for the right words! Okay, here's another try... I love the title. The Shadows Of The Flowers sounds so... Dream-like. Beautiful. I love the writing. I was spell-bound. 'Loneliness thrives in crowds.' So true. 'I hold her hand, because love doesn't have to be perfect to make a difference.' I just love this line You class yourself as a girl, but you've got to be over 16 at least! You write so well! :))


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Lee Kendrick
13:40 May 24, 2021

A story with sadness and love. A tale of light bringing hope. Very poetically done. Lovely story. Well done for being shortlisted. Beat wishes in your future writing Lee Kendrick


Kenley Ellis
19:45 May 24, 2021

Thank you for your comment!! I'm so happy you enjoyed it. Have a great day!


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