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Friendship High School Romance

Steven Watson was a boy in his early childhood and lived with his grandmother Amma Watson in Los Angeles . Steven was a happy natured boy and had a very beautiful life. Steven and Amma Loved each other so much and were more like best friends

rather than being a grandma & grandson . They played together, ate together , slept together and were enjoying their life . Amma was a librarian in the same school where steven used to study . Steven was a fun loving boy and had many friends in his primary school . Amma used to get up early in the morning and cooked beakfast for Steven. Then, she used to get Steven ready for the school & they went school together.Amma used to work in the library till Steven's clases usedto proceed. After school hours, they used to walk together to their home .Overall, Steven and Amma had a great life together & they shared a very deep and emotional bond.

Steven's father John Watson and his mother Lara Watson used to live with them earlier but had to move to the New York for a better life. John was a professor of chemistry and Lara was a software engineer but they were not able to move ahead in their careers. So, they decided to move to the Newyork and leave Steven with his grandmother. They thought that they will call Steven once they were well- settled in the Newyork. After two years , John and Lara were able to achieve their dreams and felt that this was the right time to call Steven to the Newyork. So, they called Steven to live with them. Steven was now in his teenage and was studying in the Riverfront High School. He was well-settled there and was leading a happy and contended life.His grandma Amma loved Steven so much and wanted him to stay with her but she also understood that there were more opportunities for Steven in the Newyork. Steven was happy with Amma hut misseed his parents and wanted to live with them. So, Steven came to Newyork and started living with his parents. He missed Amma(his grandma) and his friend so much but was happy to meet his parents after two years. In the beginning,everything was going well. Steven was enjoying his teenage with his new friends and trying to get comfortable with his new surroundings but soon, he started feeling lonliness. Lara and John both were working and had very less time to spend with him. Also, he started missing Amma as he was Very close to her. His new friends were good but he was not able to find confidant in them. His loneliness started getting deeper day by day and he started remaining aloof from everybody. He was not able to concentrate on his studies and was getting into a depressed state of mind .

Oneday, Steven didn't feel like going to college and went into a cafe to pass his time. He was sitting alone in the cafe & had already drank three cups of coffee. When he ordered for the fourth one,

the girl who was serving coffee felt surprised. After serving the coffee to him, she asked if she can join him. He said ,"Yes ,Of course . She told him that her name is Ammy and she works in this cafe . He also introduced himself as Steven . Ammy asked him the reason why he always came to this cafe alone & sat in such a gloomy mood Steven felt very comfortable with Ammy and they started talking until the cafe owner asked them to leave as it was already 7:00 PM and this was the time of closing the cafe. Steven and Ammy were also shocked as they didn't notice the time and were lost in talking to each other. Steven felt so relaxed and light-hearted after talking to Ammy. Ammy was a student and had come to live in the new york just one month ago. She also had very less friends there. So, Ammy was also very happy to find steven. Steven and Anmy started meeting each other frequently in the cafe & became very good friends after this incident. Gradually, theur relationship grew

strongen and stronger . Steven and Ammy started spending a lot of quality time togeher & enjoyed each other's company. Now, everything was getting better in Steven's life and he started loving Newyork and his new surroundung. Four years passed by before Steven and Ammy, both realised that they are made for each other and their friendship has taken the form of love. So, finally Steven decided to propose Ammy in the same cafe where they had met for the first time. Steven got up very early in the morning as he was not able to sleep due to the nervousness he was feeling before proposing Ammy. He got ready and went to the cafe. Ammy was already there and waiting for him. He got so nervous in the beginning that he was not able to utter a single word in front of her but in the end he proposed Ammy after gathering all his strength. Ammy said yes to his proposal as she also liked Steven and felt very happy .

Steven and Ammy both were very happy that day and decided to go to club to celebrate this occasion. They danced and enjoyed a lot in the club but they were unaware of the event which was going to change everything . On their way of return, Ammy was very happy to find her love & lost In her thoughts. Suddenly, a car came in front of the Ammy & tossed her in the air. She met with a very bad accident. Steven went into the shock and only aften hearing people's noise, he regained his senses after a few moments. He rushed Ammy to the nearby hospital. Ammy was admitted there and Steven's lips were continuously moving in the prayer.After two hours, doctor came to inform Steven that she was no more. Steven was not able to believe what he heard and ran to ICU where she was admitted. He felt hopeless when he saw Ammy lying dead .Steven was not able to deal with Ammy's sudden demise.He brokedown and became depressed again. As the days were passing, his loneliness and depression grew deeper. In his depressed state, gradually he started hating Newyork and one day, he decided to leave New York forever and return to the Los Angeles where his grandma lived. He told his parents about his decision. His parents also felt that Steven's condition was worsening day by day and agreed on his decision. Amma also got very happy when she got the news of Steven's return as she missed Steven a lot and wanted to meet him.

Destiny again took a turn and the day when he was leaving Newyork a girl named Clara met with an accident from his cab. He remembered Ammy's accident and got very scared. He called ambulance and took Clara to the hospital. He tried to find out about her relatives but came to know that she was an orphan. Steven started taking care of Clara as he had not forgotten Ammy's accident. He also felt responsible towards Clara as her accident happened with his car. After one month Clara got discharge from the hospital. Clara got to know how Steven saved her and looked after her. Steven also started feeling attached to Clara. Steven put his return on hold for some time. Steven and Clara became best friends gradually and as the years rolled by, they both started loving each other. After five long years of relationship , they married each other. Amma had grew older and came to stay with them.

One day, Steven and Clara were sitting in the same cafe where he had met Ammy and having their coffee. Suddenly, Steven came close to Clara and told her how unique his relationship was with Newyork. At first, he hated Newyork for taking his grandma and Ammy from him and he had decided to leave this city forever but now, he loved Newyork so much that he decided to settle here forever as it gave him his love again in the form of Clara and his grandma Amma back. At this time Clara was holding his hand and resting her head against his shoulders. Both of them were smiling and lost into each other's eyes.

March 19, 2021 19:37

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Daniyal Akmal
14:35 Apr 06, 2021

One of the best ones I have read on here.


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