Fiction Friendship Suspense

Pele analyzed the people around it. Miguel elbowed the absentminded android. Pele faced him, putting on what humans call a smile. “Yes friend?” Miguel points to the board in front of them. “Tell me your secret, please. You’re the only person that can beat Silas.”

The pieces were in an order so perfect, Pele didn’t want to ruin it. Yet in order to get back on schedule Pele had to. He explained in a way that looked to have broken Miguel. “Did I overload your processing chip?”

Miguel shook his head, before looking up. “Wait, so you’re telling me in the easiest way possible?” Pele robotically moved its head up and down. Miguel’s nose scrunched up, in what humans call distaste. “I’m sorry, but we need to work on your definition of easy.”

It was surprising, that nobody had figured Pele out yet, but Pele was good at adapting. Pele wasn’t quite sure Miguel believed it was a person sometimes. Everyone else called Pele a strange kid, Miguel just made faces. More than once Miguel simply stopped talking to Pele when they couldn’t understand each other.

Pele stared at the board again, processing an easier way to explain. “Follow my movements and then you should understand. I’d start storing your information.” Miguel made another face that Pele hadn’t seen before. “What do you call that one?”

“Huh?” Pele pointed to Miguel’s face. Miguel laughed, nearly knocking the pieces on the floor. He caught them, fixing them the way they were before. Pele reached out and inched one piece to the center of the square. “I call that my ‘are you kidding me’ face.”

Greg came over and observed the game. He shrugged his arms up then down again. “You’re trying to beat Pele? Miguel, that’s one bet I’d never take.” Miguel gained himself back and shook his head. “No, Pele’s teaching me new moves.”

Greg again shrugged his arms. “Don’t really care.” Pele stared blankly at Greg. “I’d prefer if you stop interrupting Miguel’s session.” Greg inched away a few feet. Miguel shooed him further, grinning a wide smile.

Pele returned to the game. It shuffled one of the chess pieces forward. Miguel eyed the movement. “But that makes no sense! How’d you checkmate me in three moves!?” Miguel jutted out his lower lip, brushing back his messy blonde bangs. Pele showed Miguel that it worked in multiple different ways.

The timer on Miguel’s watch went up. “Okay, again tomorrow?” Miguel shook his head. “I have soccer practice, thanks for this small session though.” “I’m here to help.” Pele watched as Miguel shouldered his leather bag and left the chess room in more hurry than necessary.

Greg wandered back over as Pele cleaned up the board in the same way it had unpacked it. Pele faced him as it stood. “Yes?” Greg again shrugged, something Pele began to think was normal for this being.

“You have troubles fitting in, don’t you?” Pele blinked slowly, tightening its grip on the bag. “Doesn’t everyone?” Greg did his iconic shrug. His black hair fell in front of his green eyes as he looked down at Pele’s lower half. “I guess, but you’re missing something that the rest of us have.”

Humanity? That was something Pele could synthesize if it were needed. In fact, if that were the case, Pele would go and fix it immediately.

Greg tossed his head back and examined the roof. His eyes closed a moment, before snapping open again. “I know what your missing… life.” Pele felt its processing unit stop a moment.

Greg brought his head down to be even with Pele’s. “I seem to have misheard you. You said life?” Greg brushed back his hair, a mysterious smile over his features. He turned and walked off, leaving Pele trying to understand.

Human humor? No, couldn’t be to serious sounding. Sarcasm? No, didn’t have the right tone. Pele stored the saying for later in case it came back up.

Pele left the room and went towards the computer hall. Maybe this was some new thing that Pele hadn’t downloaded in his computer chip. How much did Pele wished it could simply get its information through satellites.

Scrolling though the masses of webpages, Pele stopped short. A sensor went off, telling it that someone was behind. Shifting in the seat, Pele grew confused. Its sensors were off the walls, but nobody was there. Pele shut off the sensors. ‘A dud I suppose,’ It thought.

About twenty minutes later a girl sat beside Pele with a hardcover book in her hands. The book was about mechanics. How ironic, that a piece of machinery was right beside her. Pele went back to researching, still puzzled by the lack of answers.

 An hour went by and Pele was alone in the vast room. It had turned its sensors back on, finding them to be fine upon testing. Still strange that they had been acting up.

Greg settled himself across from Pele, a wide smirk on his face. “Any luck there?” Pele ignored the question and stood to leave. Greg checked the time on his phone, glancing up at Pele. “It’s only six-fifty. Why don’t we have a little chat about it. You can spare the time, after all you shouldn’t charge for another twelve hours.”

He pocketed his phone, giving Pele an innocent smile. It wanted answers and had a hunch that only Greg knew them. “I suppose you’re right.” Pele settled back down as Greg leaned forward. Only one way to find answers. Nobody else had ever figured it out, and Greg would explain. “Go on then.”

Greg thought a moment, snapping his fingers. “I control technology. You couldn’t hide forever Pele.” Pele noticed the familiar shrug Greg gave off. This Greg wasn’t a student, he was Pele’s creator, and he didn’t look very happy. Pele quickly stood and ran out of the room. “You can’t run forever Pele!”

Pele draws blank when it collides with Miguel. “Whoa, you good man?” Pele put his hand out, in the normal human courtesy. Miguel takes it, standing up. “You’re way heavier than I thought you’d be.” Pele grins in apology, yet another human custom. “Might I come by your house tonight?” Miguel smiles brightly. “Of course, I totally don’t mind. You can ride with me.”

Pele might not be able to run forever, but it can stall time.

February 25, 2021 21:53

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