The girl dressed in lilac blue

Submitted into Contest #41 in response to: Write about an animal who changes a person's life (for better or worse).... view prompt



I woke up on a Saturday morning with my drowsy face and there was an aroma of homemade cakes. I got out of the bed with a delighted and got freshened up and had a quick breakfast that consisted of freshly baked banana chocolate chip cake and some oatmeal cookies. I got dressed up in my all time favourite Disney dress And lots of strawberries balm on my lips, that they started to taste like them, i wore my pink glittery shoes, i loved all of them.They meant so much to me, that even if someone tries to touch them I got irritated.I ran quickly after dressing up and standing on the street with my scooter, i shouted “Guys come out its already late!”.And everyone came straight away of their houses.We were a bunch of crazy kids, and we all had matching scooters and loved the time we shared together.Everyone in our neighbourhood were pretty much exhausted with the fact that how mischievous we were.We started our day together by playing our favourite ‘dumb-charades’ together.After, playing the game we decided to watch ‘Scooby-doo’ together in the afternoon at the playroom that we had in our building.We were happily dancing and singing on the road while returning and all of a sudden I saw a kitten lying on the grass under a bench, her paws were bleeding and it was a bone chilling experience for me. Her eyes were beady, she gazed at us with an innocent look.We felt very sad for her and decided to take her along with us to the building.We made her sit on one of our scooter’s basket and took her along with us to our building.After, reaching we decided together to keep her in our playroom because our parents won’t allow us to keep stray animals with us as they might bite us.We took her to the playroom and made her sleep on the rumpled blanket that we had.Each one us bought something for her to eat.She first stared at the food then us, and she ate all of them in a jiffy, as if she was hungry from months!I guess, she was.We wrapped her in a soft feathered towel, and then we covered her little paws in a small white handkerchief to stop it from bleeding.We didn‘t turn the lights off as we thought that could scare her as we were scared of that.We saw her rest and as the playroom was small we decided not to close the window so that she gets enough air.We came out of the playroom and the sun was setting.We went to our respective houses and The next morning I woke up, and the first thought in my mind was “where is my kitty?”.My thoughts were no longer materialistic.I was no longer worried about what headband, lip colour or barbie character should i wear.The day felt a little different from any other day.I freshened myself up and got ready to meet my new companion “miss-kitty”.I took some milk in a bottle and lied my mother that I am taking that for myself.And my mother was also quite confused that “when did i start to love milk?”.The day felt even more contrasting when i saw my friends waiting for me rather than, i waiting for them.I think we were all very excited and keen to meet the kitty and to know how she was doing.We parked our scooter outside the playroom and went inside and what we saw was cute. She was trying to bite the soft towel and was trying to get out of it we that wrapped her yesterday .We went to her and got the towel out of her and as our eyes reached to her paw, they were healed and she could now stand on her own.That was a great news.She could now go with us to places and we could become great friends.We bought her out and she walked a bit with her soft paws on the ground trying to walk and then we took her inside and put her on the rumpled blanket that were now full of her lilac furs.We all thought to stay in the playroom and watch “Scooby-do” together.It was last day of the week and the next day was Monday and we again had to go to school,which was terrifying because we all hated school equivalently.The sun was setting and we all decided to go home and as usual we didn’t turned the lights off and we also opened the window so that she could get enough air.We all hugged her and gave her the food that we bought along with us.We wrapped her fury soft skin with the soft towel that was starting to get teared up. We all were somewhat sad because the next morning we couldn’t meet her as we had our school and we had no excuses to skip it.On our way to home,we decided that the next day we would take kitty for a walk in the park and also name her.And everyone had to come-up with an interesting name.As i reached home,i had dinner and went to my granny’s room to ask her some good pet names because she was a bibliophile and so i thought she could come up with great names.But when i went she was asleep,I didn’t wanted to wake her up.So i looked out at her books to find out great names!!But again,my bad luck!!Her books had intense writings and I couldn’t even read the words.So out of irritation i sat on her wing chair with hands over my eyes and suddenly i felt cool breeze on my hand and when i looked the windows were open and the layered curtains were waving.And when i saw the curtains it reminded me of something that i had seen before,And in a flash a thought came to my mind,it was kitty’s coat!I was overwhelmed.The silk curtains waving all around the room and were lilac coloured.That was it.I decided to name her “lilac”. Before i came to my room i gave my granny a kiss on her face.And danced all around the hallway that i found a exact name for kitty.I came to my room closed the door and went straight to my bed and looked to the blank ceiling with floral designs on it and thought how much the last two days changed me and shaped me to a person who now gets happy because of the little things in life.Earlier,i only used to get overwhelmed when i got the things that i love.The pink barbie shoes,the vintage piano that i don't even know how to play,those scented lip colours that i own.They don't even mean anything to me now.“To-be-lilac” made me learn many things at a small age.Suddenly my eyes went to the clock and it was 10 o’clock.I slept quickly.

I woke up and i was already late for school.I freshened up myself quickly and had a breakfast consisting of oatmeal cookies and a cup of milk.My bus was there and i quickly ran to it and saw all my friends were already there.During our journey to school we talked about how much we all love kitty and how we all wanted to pet her if our parents allowed us to.We were no longer the same kids who only used to talk disney shows, what comic books we owned or where spend our weekend.We were all acting quite different.We reached school and had a day full of homework's and on our way back to home we decided to freshen up in 20 mins and go to see what kitty was doing.I came home after a really tiring day and quickly had my lunch and got dressed in lilac dress that my grandpa gifted my last summer.I wanted to twin with kitty and also give subtle hints to my friends about the what name i have chose for her.I ran to the streets and saw all my friends scooters were not there,that meant they were in the playroom.I ran to the playroom and i saw all my friends were bursting out of tears.I was astonished to see all of them like that because i never saw them like that.I went closer and before i could ask anything,one of them wiped his nose with the back of his hand and gasped out “she ran away,she’s not here”.I couldn’t even utter a word,slowly tears squeezed into my eyes.I fell down and cried as much as i could.In a flash of seconds, every memory we all had together came into my eyes.And its even more heart-aching when you don’t know the reason one left.For me,it was like a fairytale play that started and ended with time.I burst into tears even more when her beady eyes come to my mind,the lessons she has taught me,the way she made us feel what love was.And above it all,the fact that i was dressed up in lilac and now that’s just a memory left.As a bunch of kid who were helping the kitty to recover,we never thought this could happen too.And after hours of crying,i tried to get up and make all my other friends feel lighter.After sometime we all hugged each other and as our eyes reached outside,the sky was pitch-dark and after the heartbreaking day that we had,we decided to go to respective houses and we ran to our houses as the rain was starting to drizzle.As i reached home the rain was starting to pour and while walking through the hallway, my granny saw me and called me to her room.I really wanted to act as if I couldn’t listen her and walk straightway to my room.But i loved her,i didn’t wanted her to get disappointed.I went to get and she hugged me tightly and made me sit on her couch and kissed me gently and asked me “what happened my dear love”.I said with my heart beating more faster “what will happen to me granny?”.She gave me an expression as if she knew everything that had happened in past few hours.With that look of hers i hugged her tightly and started to cry heavily.She didn’t utter a word.After i finished crying she said “All your pains will wash away after you share them”.And i started to say everything that had happed over past two days and what happened today too.As she said after i shared my feelings i felt a little lighter.And i desperately wanted to listen her opinions of the situation and the answer to the question that was constantly spinning on my head “why she left me?”, “Did i do something wrong to her?”, “i loved her so much,did she betray me?”.And all of a sudden i hear a sound of loud laugh which was of my granny’s.She put me on her lap and said me “my dear shea,you are crying over this,You will have to face many more heartbreaking situations in your coming teenage years and i understand you loved her with all that you had in this young age and i also understand that with all that love you wanted to pet her.But that doesn’t mean that only if you have someone with you, you can love them or-else not?My dear, love means setting them free, letting them do whatever they want to.Maybe all she wanted was someone to fix her paws so that she could roam all around of her own like other kitty’s do.Let it go,you helped her to fix her wings and helped her to fly,that’s enough.And above it all you learned many things now you are starting to know what life is, what love feels like,what kindness does to people,O my dear shea-everything happens for a reason.And in your case it was a lesson”.When she ended I hugged her tightly and gave a big grin to her and came to my room and i was so happy of all that was happened over past few days.I learned so much.I was happy and yes,to be honest there was a bittersweet feeling that she left.But i made myself believe that i will get over it soon.With that feeling, I gave a delighted smile to myself on the mirror.

And that was an immortal lesson the girl learned dressed in the lilac blue dress, which she will cherish all the time.


May 09, 2020 19:38

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Laura Austin
15:55 May 21, 2020

You should edit for grammar, sentence structure, and punctuation. It has many run on sentences and "i" where there should be "I". Seems like a small thing but it will make people take your writing much less seriously. I honestly couldn't get into it- too wordy.


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Crystal Lewis
07:00 May 17, 2020

A very sweet, cute story. Just remember to put a space after your full stops to help separate the sentences and some more paragraphs would make it look a bit better and make it easier to read. :)


Ananya Jena
10:37 May 17, 2020

☺️Thank you so much for the advice!!


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