Covid vs Human

Submitted into Contest #263 in response to: Write a story from the antagonist’s point of view.... view prompt


Fiction Mystery Suspense

Covid vs. Human

I look at them and all I feel is disgust. They walk around in happiness and perfect health. Well, most of them anyway. Some are not so fortunate, but all the more reason for me to exist. They have had plans for years to snuff me and my brethren out of existence. They tried, and they have failed. In all their glory and pride, they walk around and flaunt their superiority over me and my ilk. This is the bane of my existence. This is the reason why I have destroyed so many of their dreams and hopes. I have won whether they understand it or not. Me! Not them! Me!

Why has this happened? So many of us have been affected and so many lives have been cut short. Society as a whole has changed so much. Just a few years back we were living life so well. Our children were running around the playgrounds and enjoying being young. The weakest amongst us were living life even though they may have been sick, treatment was sustaining them. Then it showed up and took it all away. Everyone has had to adjust.

Ha-ha! I can’t believe they think this is going to work. Don’t they realize that if they can breathe then I can get to them? I have developed over thousands of years through natural selection. I have been waiting for a time such as this to show up! They have wasted time, effort and money on vain things. They think that fancy cars, houses and expensive trips are the important things in this life. I have shown them! I know I have won, and there is not a thing that they can do about it.

This is so terrible! Nothing is the same, and the world is falling apart. This scourge has helped hurry it along. We have to find a way. We have to be strong. We need to use all resources and intellect to defeat this enemy. It is a threat to our survival and our sanity. We have to stand up and take control. No more intimidation, no more ineffectual responses. The time is now, and we will move forward!

Look at these blathering idiots. They think they can use their simple intellect and somehow erase me! They are feeble and can’t see the forest for the trees. Their own kind has turned on them through their fear and poverty of intellect. They’re prideful creatures. It took me months to shut down their normal way of life. The shipping stopped, so the goods and services they needed weren’t there when they depended so much on them. They turned on each other, country against country. More focused on their individual power and influence than saving their fellow humans. This is almost too easy. Now they want to stand up and fight—thinking that they can win. I will destroy them like I have destroyed their fellowship and friendships.

No more! We must unite against this virus. We have become fearful, and our children are suffering from all that Covid-19 has brought upon us! No more, no more, no more. We don’t even recognize our own families’ faces because of the masks we wear. It is time to turn to our leaders and unmask the reasons for which there hasn’t been an effective response. The human race has beat the black plague and the Polio virus. We have come to the point where we can effectively manage the A.I.D.S virus. This Covid-19 can’t even stay in sunlight long before it dies. Why does it still hold such a grip on us? Is it because of us? Are we really determined to win? Are our leaders more concerned with letting the virus help control us? We need to move forward. Staleness is not an option; we must move forward.

Now that I observe these humans more and have to change my R.N.A., I am realizing that they are more determined than I thought originally. I need to shift tactics. This medicine is better than I thought, but the vaccine is still weak. I must redeploy around the world. I must make them think that I have weakened. Their hubris will betray them, and that will give me the opening I need to gain a better footing. I will just use what I have noticed is a weakness—time! This is an instant gratification society, and if I can just be patient they will forget because of their busyness. That is when I will strike again. In that moment when they have moved past me into their next upcoming disaster, I will win.

So much has changed, and it is all so overwhelming. But wait, there is something ahead of us that hasn’t been seen in such a long time . . . light at the end of the tunnel. This virus is weakening. Sure, there have been millions of lives lost and billions of dollars wasted. Now though, it appears the tide has turned. The uncommon has become common. The victory is within reach, and our resources are needed in other places. We are almost in the clear. Wait, there is a notification on my phone. There is terrible news from a far land. Groups of people aren’t worried about the virus, they are contending in human to human battle. We must forget about this virus. It is almost helpless anyway. Covid is defeated.

These foolish humans. They will never learn. I have been around since the beginning, just in a weaker form. The common cold am I, and my specialty is lingering in the fringes. Now I have evolved into a more deadly form; they must know there is no stopping me. I will be a menace and hound them into submission, over and over. I have won the fight. There is no stopping me anymore.

The world has gone mad and wars rage on multiple fronts. Noise and rumors of devastating events extend to all ears on the planet. Covid was terrible, but now it is controlled. Life shall return to normal. Good times are ahead.

In the end who will come out on top? We shall see! Hopefully, as a human it will be me.

August 16, 2024 01:35

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Graham Kinross
01:58 Jan 12, 2025

Your narrator being the voice of sickness, not just covid is interesting. Changing to a person at the end was a bit jarring.


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Robert Ryan
19:12 Aug 28, 2024

I liked that it piqued my curiosity right from the beginning. Also, the theme of man against nature is very compelling. The device of Human alternating with Covid as the POV strikes me as very original. It was a little confusing at first, but once I caught on it got me hooked. I was looking forward to what these two entities were going to say about each other. I have to say, the last sentence threw me. It was Covid's turn. But apparently now it switched to the author's POV. That makes it make sense, but, again, I was confused. Something t...


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