Inspirational Suspense Sad

Red lipstick

Present day

Little Audrey heard her mom and dad fighting again. It always scared her. She wanted to play with her friends outside but her father didn’t want her to so her mommy was arguing with her father to let her. When the fighting was over, Her mother came into the room and asked Audrey if she was okay. She, replied, “yes, but mother if dad doesn’t want me to go, I won’t. You don’t have to fight for me. I don’t want to see you cry. Ever. ” Her mother, stroked her cheek and said “yes, I have to. If I don’t then who will? Do you want to hear a story?”

September, 2006

“Mommy, can I wear this red lipstick, please?” Bella asked her mother. She was a nine years old pretty child with the wide green eyes, round face and a pointed nose. She was in a full sleeve pink silk frock, and was posing in front of the mirror. When she didn’t get a response, She looked up to her mother in order to meet her eyes but her mother was busy folding the clothes. Bella shrugged and proceeded to apply the lipstick. Her mother, when she saw this, snatched the lipstick from Bella’s hand and told her “My child, you are too young for this.” Bella frowned and said “But, mommy I really like this colour. Look how pretty and red it is. Do I not look like a Barbie?.” “Yes, my daughter you look like a Barbie with or without it. You don’t have to wear that stuff in order to look like a doll. Now, lets remove the lipstick off your face” Her mother said and put back the lipstick in box and said to Bella “Come along now, and close your beauty box you know your father doesn’t like this one bit. He already told you not to wear that sort of stuff yet here you are. I don’t think this time he will go easy on you”. Little Bella pouted and let it go, though she still wasn’t able to understand why her father didn’t allow her. 

September, 2016 After 10 years

Bella grew up to be a gorgeous girl with angel eyes and long black silky hair. One night, She came into her mother’s room to give the details about the birthday party her best friend was throwing. “Mom, my friend is inviting me for her birthday party. You know, we have selected a red theme for this. All of the girls will wear red fancy dress  with a bright red lipstick. Oh my God! I am giddy with excitement already”. Her mother’s face lost a little energy. She said  thoughtfully “ We have been over this so many times. You know, you wont be getting any permission for the party anytime soon and even if, by some miracle, You do get it, your father and brothers will not allow you to wear what you are asking for”. Bella smile dimmed, “But, Mom It isn’t fair. How many times do I have to listen to same NO. You all sound like a broken record. Everyone will follow the same theme and I’ll end up looking like a freak in them. What is even the problem with red dress and lipstick, anyway. I am all grown up now, not a kid anymore”. She wanted so badly for her mother to listen to her reasoning, But her mother was having none of it. Her mother sharply shut her down by saying “Bella, red lipstick and this kind of dressing is not for an unmarried girl. It is not acceptable in our society to wear such stuff. You can do whatever you want after marriage, but in this house you have to follow your father words. What he says, goes”. Bella’s resolve was weakened and so with her resolve her heart broke a little. Bella was waiting for her father the next day. When her father came, she asked for his permission but her father became angry with her and said to her crossly “you are a girl and this kind of freedom isn’t allowed to you, so stop asking for it. We belong to a noble family and are well respected in the society. You have to maintain that respect otherwise people will start talking and you know the rest”. Bella clenched her fists and thought of course the same answer as always but she decided that she will complete her very wish after the marriage. 

March, 2019

Bella was head over heels in love with the guy named David. He and Bella shared the same class. David was a good natured, respectful, and a handsome guy. He had a carefree attitude. Bella didn’t know that her love wasn’t unrequited as she thought. After graduation, David proposed to Bella. Bella, then, told her parents about it and also shared with her mother that how much she liked David but they weren’t happy to hear that and were clear that she ought to reject him. Her parents forcefully tied her knot with another guy named John. Bella’s heart wasn’t into the marriage but she decided to  submit to her parent’s wishes. And she had learned long ago, that there was no point in even trying. Her parents won’t listen to her. On the outside, John was a well educated, good and a normal guy. But behind the doors, He was a shallow person who didn’t know how to treat her woman. Even though, Bella did everything to make him happy but he was always bitter towards her. One day, Bella and john were invited for dinner by their friends. It was the first dinner after their wedding. While deciding what dress to wear for the dinner, Bella thought she will wear her husband’s favourite dress to please him and then asked him “John, today I want to wear something very special for this dinner so help me choose the dress”.. But john showed zilch interest in what her wife had to say and didn’t even bother to look up from his phone. Bella picked up a dress. It was little on the western side and asked john“ What about this dress? Will it look good on me? I also... ” She was about to finish what she had to say but John stopped her mid-sentence with a glare. Suddenly, he stood up, grabbed her arm so tightly that it began to hurt and shouted in her face “You seem to forget that you are a married woman now, so dress like one. What do you want people to think that I cannot even control my wife? What do you think it shows me? That you want everyone at the dinner to ogle at you. Ah now I understand you are an attention seeking person. Am I not enough for you?” John laughed but there was nothing amusing in his laugh. He was cutting Bella with his sharp words, digging the blade deeper and deeper. “let me remind you, that we are a well respected family and I want it to remain that way. If you so badly wanted to wear that stuff, you should have done it before marriage. And, even If you have, Don’t expect me to be okay with it. This is my home not your parents so I advise you to be careful next time”. Bella, stood, dumbfounded “But john I have never….” Again, John cut her off “Shut up just shut up ! I am done with this topic” John then went out of the room, slammed the door, hard, on his way. Bella silently started to collect all her things with tears in eyes. She thought miserably about her life how her parents didn’t allow her to do what she wanted and always told her to wait till marriage and now when she is married, she still cannot have her say in anything. She thought about the time when she felt defeated yet hopeful that one day, she’ll be able to do what she want but now looking back at it, she felt so stupid that how dare she thought that she could have a little room to breathe? How dare she let her hopes up? She wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. She wondered what respect people talk about? She wondered is there even a home for a woman? But then she decided, I couldn’t have what I wanted but I will make sure my daughter wouldn’t have to go through what I did. 

Present day

Little Audrey then asked, touched by the story, “Is that woman you? My mother.” Her mother teary eyed smiled and nodded “ yes, my love.” And then they both hugged. 

January 24, 2021 12:30

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13:12 Jan 24, 2021

You have done a great job....


Hina Ijaz
07:54 Jan 29, 2021

Thank you ❤️


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Rimsha Azeem
19:25 Jan 24, 2021

Loved it👏


Hina Ijaz
07:54 Jan 29, 2021

Thank you ❤️


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Laiba Ashfaq
13:49 Jan 24, 2021

Just truly amazing. Great job!!


Hina Ijaz
07:55 Jan 29, 2021

Thank you ❤️


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Karen McDermott
17:29 Jan 30, 2021

Wow, John sounds like an asshole.


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Ushba Sarfraz
08:26 Jan 27, 2021

Beautiful Writing! Gripped from start to finish.Well done👍


Hina Ijaz
07:55 Jan 29, 2021

Thank you ❤️


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Zunaira Arshad
08:08 Jan 26, 2021

Good work 👍🏻🤩


Hina Ijaz
07:55 Jan 29, 2021

Thank you ❤️


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Seerat Ahmad
04:29 Jan 26, 2021

Amazing 🌸


Hina Ijaz
07:55 Jan 29, 2021

Thank you ❤️


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Swera Sajjad
10:30 Jan 25, 2021

Truly amazing♥️


Hina Ijaz
07:56 Jan 29, 2021

Thank you❤️


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Arooba Akbar
15:58 Jan 24, 2021



Hina Ijaz
07:56 Jan 29, 2021

Thank you❤️


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Fiza Ilyas
14:31 Jan 24, 2021

Loved the story👍


Hina Ijaz
07:57 Jan 29, 2021

Thank you ❤️


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Kainat Khizer
14:25 Jan 24, 2021

It’s amazing ❤️ Beautiful story


Hina Ijaz
07:58 Jan 29, 2021

Thank you ❤️


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Saman Nasrullah
14:04 Jan 24, 2021

Good effort🌸 Keep it up!


Hina Ijaz
17:45 Jan 30, 2021

Thank you ❤️


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Tahira Iqbal
13:24 Jan 24, 2021

This is so beautifully done, especially love how it's all in a rhythm and the subtle message that one person is enough to break a cycle of oppression. Great job!!!


Hina Ijaz
17:44 Jan 30, 2021

Thank you ❤️


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Rai Hamayun
13:08 Jan 24, 2021

Keep up the good work👍


Hina Ijaz
07:59 Jan 29, 2021

Thank you!!


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Hamna Akhtar
12:51 Jan 24, 2021

I have just finished reading the article. Its amazing!✨💛


Hina Ijaz
07:59 Jan 29, 2021

Thank you ❤️


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12:47 Jan 24, 2021

Great job.enjoyed a lot 👍


Hina Ijaz
07:59 Jan 29, 2021

Thank you ❤️


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Hajra Farooq
12:43 Jan 24, 2021

This is such a beautiful read. You did amazing! God bless🌸


Hina Ijaz
08:00 Jan 29, 2021

Thank you❤️


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Rida Fatima
12:32 Jan 24, 2021

Wonderful piece of art.❤


Hina Ijaz
08:00 Jan 29, 2021

Thank you ❤️


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Unknown User
19:35 Feb 27, 2021

<removed by user>


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