
Rahul, Still awake? I was going to grab some water & I saw lights were turned on in your room, is everything okay?

Are you fine? Looks like you are thinking something?

No Dad, I’m good!

I can see it from your face, try me, let's see If I can help you out.

Okay, I'm going to college in 10 days, I will miss everyone, I can see you all once in a year, considering the flight fares!

Don't worry Rahul, Everyone has to face this situation,you are growing, the world is waiting to teach and offer you a lot. 

(Sudhir thought, that his son is worrying about missing them , he can't assure him that he will be visiting him every month..he knows, Rahul is well aware of the financial situation..He was thinking to tell him something, which can make up his mind to get ready for college) 

Since you are worried, I will share one of my best experiences of my life, which fortunately happened in my pre college days, Just like you are in now.

Back then, we used to live in Studio Room apartments.our evenings would be kids full of streets playing around, our parents used to gather and spend time with neighbours..

Raj was my only childhood friend, we both were normal not hyper active, we spend our time on the terrace, in the parks or just simply sitting somewhere and admire things happening around.Maybe political and social problems around us, at that time might have subconsciously affected us or we were meant to be that way.It might be boring to others, but we both were happy.

I was about to join my college,I was worried that I will be missing my home and our days in avalanche.He too was concerned about the oppression of the Migrants people and situation went worse,It was like they might ask them to leave the state any time soon.

Our last days in our colony were filled with emotions, he was worried that he would be leaving the place we grew up anytime.

One evening, I heard about the recent excavation happening in our city from the radio. I told him about the findings and the political speculations around it.

He was excited and pumped up to hear about this! I told him what I knew then. 

Then I said, I will be leaving in two days, Tomorrow might be the last day for us to catch up and I left the place with a heavy heart.

He said, okay I will see you tomorrow with a pain in his smile.

Next evening, he asked me to go with him to a place in Bicycle.

I asked him, where are we going?! He said considering our situation, we don't know when we will be meeting again, so let’s make it memorable today!

On our way, he was seeing something which he wrote on his hand,I asked him what that is? he said, it is our Navigation!

Raj said, Get down, we reached the destination.

I saw a place covered with Blue sheet and the fences around it. I asked him what place is this?

He said, this is the excavation place which you were talking about! I get to know about the location from our Neighbour.

I’m seeing a post that says, “trespassing is strictly prohibited” and I told him not to go.

Raj said, Lets go and see what is there, If someone comes we can run away.

Something insisted me to try it out.I still remember It was my first and last adventure..

Then we jumped off the fence, I was excited and shaking that someone might see us. we saw the places were covered with Blue sheets and holes were dug. we heard someone coming and we closed our eyes and ran off like a bullet train.

After some distance, we saw no one coming after us and we parked our bicycle in the street to get some relaxation.we saw each other and laughed like we did something, it was like we were in a thriller movie.

Then he gave me a small U shared artifact, which he took from there and gave to me as a memory, something which I can hold on behalf of his memory. He said, show it to me when we see each other next time.

Then I went to my college, I heard about him in a letter from my Mom, that the government has asked them to vacate the place and they didn't give any address to contact as they were not aware of where they will be going!

Rahul interrupted curiously and asked, Dad, did your friend Raj send you any letter?

No, Since most of our neighbours left, we moved to a different location later and I haven’t heard from him.I tried looking for him from our mutual friends, but nothing worked out.

Rahul asked, Do you still have the artifact? 

Ofcourse, I still have it. if I get a chance to see him, I will show him.

Okay Rahul, The reason I shared this to you to make sure you spend these days as a memorable one.you cannot get these days back.

So don't worry, go to sleep, see you tomorrow!

Next day morning Rahul got ready like something he had to accomplish. He was motivated and inspired by the incident which his dad shared with him yesterday and he wanted it to happen for him.

He spend time with his friends, visited his favourite restaurants,his school and he did everything ,what he was doing before..

Days passed but nothing gave him the excitement and the joy as listening to his father’s experience.

A week passed, one of his friends bought a boomerang to play and somehow it reminded him of the u shaped artifact metal which Raj gave to his Father Sudhir.

While coming back home after playing, A flash popped up in his head to find Raj and to surprise his father.

He asked his Father about Raj's details, but his dad said wittily, that I have already searched for him on Facebook, but couldn't find him.

Rahul lost his hope of finding him, but it didn’t let him to sleep. he is determined to find him.

He decided to look for the Migrants details in the government portal, Luckily they had the details of the representative on location basis.

Fortunately, He found the contact details of the representative for the avalanche, where Sudhir and Raj lived in their childhood.

He was so nervous to call them, and he enquired about Raj & he got his number.

He was so happy and excited that he found something, he will cherish for his lifetime, which is similar to the experience of jumping off the fence in an ongoing excavation place.

Rahul was so anxious to call him, He heard, ”Hello” a strong and loud voice which sounded like iron hitting Bang.

He was nervous and said, I’m Rahul Sudhir’s son.

Raj was excited and so sure that it was his childhood friend Sudhir’s son from Avalanche.he knows no one in the name sudhir other than him.

But Raj wanted it to be sure so he asked, are you Sudhir's son from avalanche?

Rahul said yes, it is me.

Raj asked curiously, how did you find me, how is your dad? Where is he now?

Yeah Uncle he is good, He doesn't know that I found you.I want to surprise him.

Can you please tell me, where you are now?

Sure, I’m in colombo.

Uncle, it's a 3 hours journey from here and tomorrow we will be coming there anyways, I won't tell dad, please show up at the airport at 10 AM.

My flight is at 12PM,I’m going to join my college, so please be on time.

Raj was happy to hear his friend's son had grown up and took some effort to find him.

Rahul’s excitement on seeing them together, overshadowed the fact that he is going to leave the home tomorrow. 

Next day morning, Suhir was emotional that his son is growing up and he won’t be with them, just like the old days, it made his eyes wet hot. They hugged each other. 

Sudhir said, You are grown up now, you are on your own..

Don't forget to call us when you are stuck or when you need us, we will be checking with you everyday.

Yeah dad, thanks Sure! Rahul said in his crackling voice.

They placed all his stuff in the cab, Rahul said, Dad I forgot something, I will be back in a minute and rushed to the house.

He went to his dad’s cupboard and took the artifact and they started leaving.

On the way, Sudhir said, I came to check on you yesterday night, but you were sleeping well. Hope you collected your memories, It will be precious, especially when you miss your grown up place.

Yeah Dad, I found something which will make me satisfied and happy.It won't fade away from my memory.

Do you want to share your experience? Sudhir asked curiously.

No dad, Said by Rahul after a half pitch laugh!

Then they reached the airport, Rahul was looking around and his dad asked him to grab the luggage from the car.

while on their way to the security center, Sudhir asked him ,what are you looking for?

Rahul hesitated and said no dad, nothing!

Try me!!

Rahul worried that he might miss seeing Raj, so started saying what he planned!!

Dad I found Ra ....(Then there is a pat on his dad’s shoulder).

Sudhir turned around, and then he was just excited & shocked by seeing Raj.

The moment that hit Sudhir and Raj with excitement, belief & happiness and they started asking each other, Where were you ?I tried looking for you, I couldn’t find you.

Rahul is so happy and grateful to see them together.He feels like he did something great.

After some time, Sudhir came to the moment of presence and said Luckily we met here. My son is going to his college & I came here to drop him!

Raj and Rahul are looking at each other and smiling, they pretended to be normal.

Sudhri said to Rahul that this is Raj, my childhood friend, I told him about on the day, remember?!

Rahul smiled and said, Yes dad! I remember!

Raj couldn’t handle the excitement and said, that your son found me and he told that you both will be coming here! 

Sudhir never realised that his emotion would care his son so much and He is proud that his son did something which he never was able to and he saw him with abundant care and pride and asked him, how did you find Raj?

I found him on the Migrant list on the government website. Luckily the representative had his contact number.

They heard the announcement for Rahul's flight and his dad asked him to grab the bag.

Rahul gave the artifact to his dad and Raj said, I know he will still have it.

Then, Rahul entered the security center and waved his hand and said bye to them, His Heart is at peace with full of emotions to see them together.

After the formalities, he saw them through the glass wall from the first floor, they both looked like kids who are expressive, sharing and talking to each other and they looked happy.

Rahul boarded on the Plane and tried to process what happened ,what he did and he feels like everything ends up in flash of a moment. He realised that it was no coincidence that he was worried about going to be away from home and dad came and told his story and he found the person, who is a part of his dad’s life and his only friend.

He didn’t want his dad to be left alone while he is away, he didn’t want this to be a bitter experience like his dad, who missed his friend when he went to college. He unknowingly recreated the event, which in turn gives what I took earlier.He is happy and satisfied that, there is something to cherish when he is away.

(The universe will find its way to recreate or bring back, where everything needs to be in...)

August 06, 2020 16:14

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Doubra Akika
15:12 Aug 11, 2020

Love how the father shares a memory with his son. I think you should try to use quotation marks (") before the characters in the story say something. It helps your reader flow with the story more. But great job, just keep writing and stay safe!


Madhan Raj
07:09 Aug 12, 2020

Hello Doubra, Thanks for the suggestion & taking the time to ready my story, It means a lot to me. I have noted your feedback, I will improve them.


Doubra Akika
10:19 Aug 12, 2020

It was my pleasure!


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Anna Irwin
15:17 Aug 11, 2020

The connection between the father and son was great! The effort to make both of their last days at home memorable, was so sweet. If I were to give any tips I would say using quotation marks during the dialogue to clear up any confusion for the reader. Also, one big thing I have learned as a writer is to show not tell. For example, when you wrote this sentence, "He was excited and pumped up to hear about this! I told him what I knew then. " You may want to say it more visually. So show the excitement by saying he had an expectant smile on his...


Madhan Raj
07:06 Aug 12, 2020

Hello Anna, I have noted your tips and I will make the changes from next time. Appreciate your feedback, Your comment means a lot to me as be beginner, it made my day.


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Ritu A
06:52 Aug 13, 2020

Great work da Madhan👌I know the father-son relationship is the most special one for you and you have executed it beautifully. Loved the last sentence!


Madhan Raj
14:16 Aug 13, 2020

Thank you


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