One of my best pal , he is fuming with anger , frustration and jealousy , quite a selfish guy to be exact and by the way , most of my friends are childish people .
One of the few to always leave the group when we are in trouble , he basically just ran away ...
quite a braggart most times , they are very timid guys .
many just look nice but most of them are usually timid people .
expecting tons of bullshit from them is usual , everyday occurrence . most of them are money hungry and not much of them possess EQ .
the way they handle stuffs are very lousy , brainless to be exact ...
most of them are horny , money - hungry guys , usually very horrible .
in a way , they usually don't respect people , with a few of them behaving like barbarians ... most of them left school early , they could not do well in schools ... we came out to society early in Life .
the conditions here quite harsh , most of the stuffs here have to be bought , no fun , we were not making much .
this harsh environment shape most of us ... money was on our mind most of the time .most of them they go around disturbing people's wives and girl-friends ... which is not very well-liked .
during games , they would make lot of noises if we were losing , create a big hoo-hah , which it seems like a loser attitude .
we got into fights for no-idea what is the reasons also often .
Then , the police was hot on our heels .
when they were in a foul mood , they would usually lash out on each other .
Money matters were strict , most of them were ( u got it ) stingy ...
they would leave each other embarrassed in public .
As the say goes , child-like is good but not childish behavior , most of them they were plain childish .
not exactly very nice people , our behaviors were mostly childish moments , not in the best environment . it was best to easily forget about them , behaviors were disruptive and they tend to tear the social fabrics .
despite being friends for decades , the treatment was very harsh .
strangers i met were better behave than most of them .
there was no loyalty among us .
It was best to leave them and have a family of my own most times ...
When we gotten into fights during teens , some of them would run away ... leaving us behind ,
there was a time when we suffered heavily .
fast forward now , most of them were just after cars and luxuries in life , there was not completely any loyalty among friends . big boo to those big guys , guys might look big here but most of them are actually timid people .
the politics among us were tremendous , tons of gossips from bitchy friends over here , those so called alpha- guys are actually full of gossips .
most of them , they uses gossips to control the group which is quite childish , funny part was it does not worked on me , i pay no attention to gossips and politics , i go solo most times .
I usually do not need people .
most of them were usually stingy and selfish people , not your typical Men . grown-ups behaving like children .... seems like a joke though . i feel kind of embarrassed sometimes ....
ladies here were good though , quite a number of them were quite matured , there was no bullshit from them typically .
Our days were spent disrupting the public and hanging loose on the streets . We grew up in the red light district areas , there were all sorts of people around the area .
Guys politics were very heavy around that area . Came to think of it , it was like a waste of time hanging around that area , most of them , they got no code of loyalty and many just wanted more money .
the environment was advisable to be in ... i had to leave .
nothing was constructive back then .... everyday was just plain wasted ....
my advice to usually anyone , leave the group . You are better off alone without most of the people around you .
the closest one usually brings the most troubles to you .
Find your loved ones and love her/him with your life , many friends are not worth it , there might even be times when your loved ones are not worth it .
Don't go around testing people , you will be disappointed .
to survive , turn a blind eye to most of the stuffs and never gave your all to anyone , only to your love ones who supported you during tough times ...
during tough times , many people will just leave you .
This is Life .. !
those who stayed behind , stand by them , no matter what .... !
they are your support group , never leave them in the lurch .
the group i mentioned above only sticks to you when u were good ,
common friends , they are ought to be left on their own most times ...
they are not worth the time spent , the negativity .
most of them seems like children in primary schools even though they got big bodies . they have not left their attitude in schools though . kind of weird .
there are places like public, schools , friends , social gatherings , play places . they took their attitude in primary schools to everywhere in them , kinda embarrassing though .
Etiquette and EQ , they do not possess though , it is quite common to see people here behaving without any EQ here , this area ... this large large area ....
adults here seem like a joke , most of them have not left their attitudes in primary schools , taking it everywhere they go .
this is our culture here , which might seems like a joke ... !
full grown adults don't behave this way , most of the working adults are not very affable most times ...
u need not waste time on them , many got trouble looking after themselves .... lolz ..
the cost of living here is enough to trigger anyone into insane mode ... forget it .
time is spent better with your ultimate loved ones , forget about the people here .... most of them are just selfish people ... !
to err is human but people are borne selfish .
Best to look after yourself and disregard people .
Always place yourself first , people are not worth mingling around with , most of them behave like idiots over here .... !
lousy environment over here , the upbringing of people seems like a joke over here , many were just left to fend for themselves ,
Expect nothing great from people over here , there is no greatness within .... adults are still going around asking money ....
Dumb places .. !
til now, there are still childish behaviors going around ....
'Amazing ' ....
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