The Big Drummer Boy

Submitted into Contest #73 in response to: Write about a drummer going to a Halloween party for musicians.... view prompt


Christmas Happy African American

(A/N: The main character is a tall, black man.)

I hung up a green balloon and climbed down the ladder. “How many invitations did you send out again?” I asked Christian who just finished frosting the last cupcake.

“About fifty or so.”

“Fifty? Isn’t that a bit much for a Christmas party?”

“No. I don’t think so.”

I ensured to keep the napkins folded into perfect squares. “I just love these parties you’re throwing, man.” Every year, Chris would have local musicians gathered around to celebrate the best time of the year. Each guest is allowed to showcase their talent, but the selected song must be Christmas themed. Christian would have a theme for each party. Last year’s theme was exoticism where we played instruments from all around the world. I do not mean familiar instruments like the piano or guitar, but something with more layers, like bagpipes.

“So, what’s this year’s theme?” I asked.

“One word: toy.”

I wrinkled my nose as I waited for further explanation.

“We’re playing toy instruments. Just go to a local toy store and find you a toy drum”

“Chris, I guarantee you if you make the guest play toys, no one is going to show up.”

“That’s where you’re wrong.” He handed me his phone. I scrolled through his recent text messages and it seemed like everyone was on board.

I sighed and handed the phone back to him. “Why can’t we just do last year’s theme, instead?”

“Sorry, man. But, you know me. I like to try something different.” He grabbed another box of decorations and moved them to the corner of the room. “Besides, Lucy suggested it.”

I rolled my eyes. Lucy was Christian’s daughter who was starting in the first grade. Her little brother, Andrew is starting kindergarten.

“Of course,” I said underneath my breath.

“So, you still in?” Chris held his hand out for me to shake.

I rolled my eyes and took the shake. “I’m in, but there better not be any funny business.”


I went to Goodwill and chose the Mini Jazz Drum set. It was a good thing it was only $10.99 because my budget was tight at the moment.

“Aw, is this for your little tyke?” the cashier asked as he rang it up

“Sure, you can say that,” I murmured.

“You know, I have a little kid at home who loves music. I gave her that kitty cat piano that was popular for the kids in her age group.”

I sighed as the man continued on about his daughter picturing herself to perform onstage as if she were Beethoven.

As soon as I got my receipt, I rushed out.


I held onto the presents as tightly as I could as I went in. I tried not to drop the toy drums. I placed the set down on a table as Kelly, Chris’s girlfriend, ran over to hug me.

“So glad you could make it!” she chirped. She had Chris’s two kids between her.

I kneeled next to them. “Hey, kids! I got somethin’ for you.”

The kids squealed and bounced.

As soon as I handed each of them their gifts, they snatched it right out of my hands. I laughed as they attacked the bags until their gifts came out. Lucy received a Barbie doll in a box while Andrew received a Hot Wheels set. The kids screeched with glee and ran to their rooms.

I chuckled as I turned to the redhead. “I got you something too, Kelly.”

“Ooh! Is it a diamond necklace?”

“You’ll see.” I handed her one of the gift bags.

She quickly dug out the tissue paper and pulled out a beige knitted sweater. The red letters read: MERRY AND BRIGHT in cursive.  “Aw, this is so cute!” She turned it around and smiled at the saying. “Thanks, Ruben.”

“I tried to get the right size.” I looked around to see where Christian could be. “So, where’s Chris?”

“In the kitchen.”

I nodded as I walked through a sea of people. I spotted Christian speaking and laughing with a few guests.

“Hey, my man. Here’s your gift.” I gave him a small box.

Chris mock-gasped. “Is it a million dollars?”

“You and Kelly really are meant to be.”

He opened his gift and his mouth fell to the floor. “No! You didn’t!” What he held in his hands were tickets to the Cheetahs game.

“And that’s not all.” I gave him the second gift.

“Dude, you better-“ As he opened the second gift, his eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. It was the Silverstone guitar.

“Where did you get this?”

“I know a guy.”

Instead of saying anything else, the little guy just tackled me into a hug, almost knocking down my tall stature.

“Whoa, easy there, buddy.”

“I just love you, man!”

“I know,” I chortled as I pulled him off.


During the party, we did gift exchanges, played some games, then it was time for us to showcase our musical talent. With toys. Christian’s kids were first. They sang “Up on the Rooftop”. Lucy was playing the xylophone while Andrew played on the bongos. They did well for just a couple of toddlers. After them was a guy playing an out-of-tune tuba. Kelly and I tried to stifle our laughs as the poor guy walked off the stage. Next was a woman playing a small piano with a guy by her side playing a guitar. With them together, the music sounded peaceful, considering it was composed with toys.

“Alright, who’s next?” Chris asked after the duo finished.

“Go up there!” Kelly urged me.

I looked down at my miniature drum set. “I can’t play with this.”

Kelly rolled her eyes. “You’re such a chicken.”

“Come on, guys,” Chris encouraged. “Going once, going twice…”

“Ruben will go up!” Kelly announced.

I vigorously shook my head ‘no’ as the young woman pushed me onto the stage. The crowd applauded.

I gave the audience a forced smile. “How y’all doin’ tonight?” I wasn’t sure how I could play just these drums, but I was determined to succeed. As I began to play, the audience rocked to it. I nodded my head as I started progressing to the rhythm. It’s amazing how much a toy can do. Christian joined in and played his toy guitar. Apparently, we were playing Deck the Halls. Kelly chimed in with her kazoo. Then, the kids. Chris added his vocals to the mix, which made the crowd go even crazier. His falsetto completed the whole performance.

After we finished, Chris and I high-fived each other. I guess this wasn’t such a bad idea after all.

“Good job, buddy.” Chris slapped me on the back.

“Same to you guys,” I replied.

“Daddy, let’s take a picture!” Lucy said as she tugged at his sleeve. She ran over to the photo set where the photographer took a picture of a couple and their baby boy.

“Hey, Felix!” Christian called out to the photographer. “We’re next.”

Felix nodded as he finished taking shots of the family.

“Oh, and we must take pictures with our toy instruments,” Chris whispered to me.

“You’re pushin’ it,” I whispered back.

We walked to the photo set and posed with our instruments.

“Say, ‘Joyeux Noël’!” Felix instructed.

“Joyeux Noël!”

December 25, 2020 15:18

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