The Lover of The Sea

Submitted into Contest #98 in response to: Set your story on (or in) a winding river.... view prompt


Coming of Age Fantasy Romance

The fresh pine of my home filled the air as the crispy dew of the morning settles on the leaves of the field. The river rages on as if waking the village to the happenings of the earth. The river that no matter how much I feel it calls to me. The waves at time seem to crash into me with billowing and thrashing. Mother says that I can’t go to the river , not yet

“ My sweet, Nori, your too small for the river. It will take you away to the sea. Your time to go to the sea has not come yet.” My mother would say. Yet as I looked out my window the village children played in the river as a school of fish roamed their own home. Eyes of wonder and delight as they explored all the hidden treasures of their home. When seeing them all having a fun along the riverbank, Nori would slammed the window panels shut. “All the other children play in the river all day long. Some even younger than me. I’m 14 and have never been to the river, not once” Boiling with a violent mix of emotion from seeing the village children flaunting around her beloved river. Nori wanted nothing more than to feel the cool drips of water rushing underneath her finger tips or the waters cascading down her arms. Siting in her room, Nori would dream of what it would be like to play in the waters. Thought Nori’s mother would never let her go to the river bank with the other village children, Nori’s father would fill her head with stories of the great waters that he sailed and fished everyday. Thinking of the last story from one of her father’s tales, Nori's took a pencil and a piece of paper from her desk and began to draw. The pencil glided across the paper as a figure skater dances on the ice. Sliding back and further across the page, Her mind began to float elsewhere to a place where ideas flowed like to strong currents of the waters. One idea started small , yet grew bigger and bigger as the idea kept flowing upstream until it cascaded on to the paper. The paper soon proved to be too small of a canvas to hold the overflowing idea spilling from Nori’s pencil. As if wading through the waters of her own thoughts, Nori traveled down stairs to her mothers modest art studio. The “art studio” was a small wooden shack Nori’s grandfather had built for her grandmother. Nori’s father fixed up the old shack for Nori’s mother. The shack resides in the back of the house near the calmest area of the river. The studio mainly consisted of an Easel with a few paints laying around and one or two blank canvas. The studio held a small fire pit with a makeshift chimney and one gas lamp. The walls of the studio where covered with art her mother’s art work of pencil drawings and paintings of the sea or other bodies of water. Looking around the old shack, the smell of paint and wood made for a warm and pleasing aroma with the calm melody of the river to soothe Nori’s nerves. The memory of the first time her mother brought her to this place flows to the front of her mind.

“When I was younger , the call of the river would upset me because my mother never would let me play in the river with other children. My father built this place for my mother. This is a place to escape to let your art speak what you can not explain. My sweet Nori, You and I come from the waters. That is why you love it so much, but the waters are too dangerous right now. When you are 18, you can go to the waters. “ said Nori’s mother.

“ Why do the other children get to play in the waters?” Nori whined

“ Because the river doesn’t care for the other children. Nori, my sweet, you are very special to the river. There will come a day when you will leave mommy and daddy and go to your beloved sea.” Explained Nori’s mother with a light twinkle in her eyes.

“ Never go into the river until you are older. The river is very clever and at times very sneaky, so please be careful my darling.” Said Nori’s mother as she held her daughter in a tight hug.

“ When you feel the call of the river is too much or when you feel upset , come here to my studio to paint or draw it out. Pictures are an artist's love letter to the world. Your love for the sea will guide your hands to draw from the heart.” With a small kiss on her head and a hug. Maria, Nori’s mother, points to a blank wall in the studio. 

 “ Your art will go on this wall for the world to see and the river.”

Coming to her mother’s easel, Nori places a large blank canvas on it and gathers her paints and brushes. Standing in front of her the canvas , staring into a sea of white, Nori takes her pencil to the canvas and the idea starts to spill out cascading down the canvas. Each stroke blends into the next one flowing in time with the river. No other thoughts dare try to interrupt. Nori’s hand moved with a swiftness of a crashing wave across the canvas. Adding paint to her brush, The colors began to bleed out of the brush. Blending and merging into a beautiful cacophony of light and dark that seems to swell from within and released onto the canvas like a ripple effect. Overflowing with the spirit of the waters, Nori didn’t see the setting of the sun or hear the lullaby of the cicadas. After all her emotions had poured out of her on to the canvas, Nori stopped. Drained from her efforts, Nori soon realized a fire was calmly blazing from the fire pit. In the corner of the room near the fire pit a small table with a chair , a plastic wrapped plate of food , a fork and a cup of water. There was a note on the table in flowing handwriting with one word on it “Eat”. Mom must have came in here while I was painting. Nori though as she tiredly glided to chair to eat her dinner. After finishing dinner, Nori took a blanket from the old chest under the paint shelves in the back of the shack. Sitting in the chair by the dwindling fire, Nori listen to the symphony of the night. The sound of the river lulling her to sleep. As the night’s smooth melody played away. The creatures of the field began to take there rest leaving the cool waters to carry the nightly tune. As the stars began to dance in the sky, twinkle brightly among the abyss known as the night sky. A small soft tune began to rise from the river “ Nori, Nori, come dance with me.” came the smooth call of the river. The sweet call seems to pour over Nori in waves to splendor. Somewhere in between of slumber and being awake, Nori rose from her chair she had been slumbering to walk out towards the river. The cool wet grass made as if Nori was gliding her way to the river. “ Nori, Nori , my angel come dance with me.” The call seemed to carry Nori closer and closer to the riverbank. The feel of twirling and overflowing with joy until-

“ Stop! Nori Stop! You're not supposed to be here. Don’t listen to the river!” came the shrill cry that rang out through the night. As if the clock had struck twelve, the trance was broken. Snapping to attention, Nori noticed a boy with tanned skin and silver hair standing in the river with strange tattoos on his arms and torso. His green eyes glowed brightly in the night with a warm reflection from the water. He look up meeting Nori’s eyes. His eyes widen was the realization that Nori saw him. Both children did the most natural reaction to seeing such strange things at night. 

“ AAAAAAAHHHHH!” The children’ s screams rang out in the night as both ran for a place to hide. Nori ran back to the shack for the protection of her blanket and her fading fire.

The emerging rays of sun came peaking through the pine tree along with the birds singing their morning tune on the wind.

“ Wake up now, sweetheart. Sleeping in a chair can hurt your neck.” Came Mari from the house. “ What did I tell you about leaving the windows open at night?” She fussed as she roughly shut the window. “ I’m just glad the river’s song didn’t get to you.” She said as she tied up the art studio. Raise from her chair and stretching, Nori sat watching her mother clean. “ What exactly is the river’s song?” Nori asked feeling a lump in her stomach. “ The river sometime when all the rest of the world has gone to bed. Let’s out a soft beautiful tune for its beloved to lure them to the waters to take them to the sea, never to be seen again. This only happens when the river is still young, too immature to handle its own waves of emotions. The time is not right ” Maria explains. “ But the river is old right?” Questioned Nori. The river had always been there how can it be young and not old. “ Just like people, the river is renewed every generation with new life flowing in and through it. Think of the fish in the river, there are new and old fish, but there is never a time where there are no fish because the fish are always being new life to the river. As all living creature renew and refresh, so does the river. When the river is not refreshed it becomes stale. When things become stale, death soon follows.” states Maria as she continues to clean up the space. “ Mom, what happens if someone answered the river’s song before their time?” Maria Turned towards Nori, Maria walked up to her daughter, get down to look her in the eyes “ That would be very dangerous. Young rivers don’t have much control yet and could…hurt you very badly or kill you, Nori. Do. Not. Go. To. The. River. Do you understand, sweetie “ Maria’s grip on Nori’s shoulders was like iron. Her tone ,which was always warm and sweet, was like ice. Chilling Nori to her core, but with this new knowledge there was one last question Nori had that was question sloshing around in her head. Nori nodded her head to her mother a bit scare to speak. Muscling up a bit of courage, Nori’s question gushed out of her mouth.

“ is the river a person with…silver hair and…green eyes? “ came Nori question. The question fading off along with her confidence. Nori’s mother narrowed her eyes and her grip tightened then she released Nori. Letting out a long sigh, Maria pinch the bridge of her nose.

“ We will need to have a talk with your Father.” was all she said before leaving the studio. Nori got up to go after her mother. While crossing the year, a dazzling glimmer of light flashed from the ground near the riverbank. Slowly walking towards the river bank, a beautiful craft pearl laid in the grass. Looking around, Nori took the pearl and proceeded to walk back to the family cabin. When Nori’s father returned from work, Maria told Caspian , Nori’s father, what had happened in the art studio. The family sat down at the dinner table. Caspian began to tell his daughter about the ways of Water Guardians (Mizu no gādian) ( 水の守護者) .

“ Nori, Have you seen this marking before? “ her father asks as he lifts up his arm sleeve. The same strange tribal tattoos where painted on her fathers forearm. Nodding her head. Her father opened the palm of his hand and a small blue orb appeared looking like a small glowing ball of water. “This is the power of the Water Guardians. We protect the waters from people that will do it harm. The women guardian are best with healing and for being unity and peace to the waters. The men guardians patrol, protect and defend the the waters from anyone that could cause harm to the society of water.” He stopped to his tale as he saw a glittering light shine from Nori’s pocket. “ What Is in your pocket ,Nori?” he asked. Nori pulled out the pearl to show to her father and mother. “ I found it near the riverbanks this morning.” Caspian took the pearl from Nori’s and hand inspected the jewel with great care. He returned the pearl back to Nori. With a deep breath, Caspian exhaled with only three words of his lips. “ it has begun” He stated. “ What has begun?” questioned Nori. “ The Royal Courtship. The prince of the seas will chose for himself a bride from among the guardians. The one he has chosen will be gifted with a beautiful jewel. The aquatanium pearl is beautiful as it is strong. This jewel is very rarely only two queens have ever has this jewel in the last seven thousand years.” Her father said as if it was the most natural thing in the world. Nori’s mind spins with the new information all her questions she thought were answered only lead to new , more pressing ,questions. Queen?Royalty ? So this pearl is like an engagement ring? What kind of proposal is this?  “ What if I refuse? I don’t know him or anything? “ Nori stated abruptly. Her father looked bewildered for only a moment and then simply stated “ Return the gift back to the river by handing the gift back to the prince. “ was her father’s cool reply. Seeing trouble in his daughter’s eyes about going near the river, he replied with a simple suggestion. “ or.. hold on to the gift until it is your time to be at sea. On your 18th birthday, you will decide what to do with the gift until then do not worry about it. First get to know him, then you can make the best decision when it is time to decide. You have already seen him at least give him a chance to speak to you.” Nori nodded her head at her father’s words. With her world spinning in a new direction, Nori escaped to her only haven, the art studio. The gentle breeze of the night with the smell of the river flowing off the breeze. Setting up her easel and paints, a light tapping came from her window. Nori opened the window to find the bright green eyes starting back at her. Jumping from the window with shout, Nori ran across the room.

“ Nori, may you please open up? I’m sorry if I scared you. “ came the melodic call of the green eyed boy. “ how do you know my name?” Nori asked slowly walk towards the window. “ The river” came the reply. Nori opens up the window for the green eyed boy to climb in. Tumbling into the studio, the boy wore black shorts and a white sheet. He stood about 5’11 dwarfing Nori’s 5’4 stature. With a dazzling smile with a two pronounced canines , the green eyes boy walked towards Nori. “ I would have wished for a better way to introduce myself, but here we are. My name is Malik, I am the crowned prince of Nigala and you ,Nori, are my chosen beloved.” Malik states with a boyish grin on his face. “ what about the other night? Trying to kill me or something.” Nori ask. Malik's grin falls from his face and a deep red blush paints his face. “ I’m sorry that I became anxious knowing you were so close for once, so my waves became unsettled and started to call out to you.” Malik explained. Seeing a bit of confusion on Nori’s face, he explained how the waves react to his emotions. “ As I get older, My control of my waves will get better. I was just excited to be near you and may be talk to you.” He said. “ Why me?” Ask Nori. “ The waves lead me to you. “The one with a true Heart for the sea will be the love for me.”  is one of the guardians sayings about the chosen beloved.” Malik retorted. He looked around the room marveling at the painting and drawings on the wall. His eyes landed on Nori’s newest painting on a large canvas. The picture showed a mighty king of the seas with his queen ruling while the sea billowed underneath them. “ What a beautiful painting, Nori,” Malik said as he marveled at her work. “ I didn’t even know what I was making when I started. It just flowed out of me on to the canvas.” Nori stated nervously. “ it is said that some queens have had the gift of sight to see beyond. What you drew is our kingdom. Us ruling together.” Malik said as he stood behind Nori. Swapping away an imaginary fly and turning to face Malik “ pfff.. you may be sold on this chosen beloved thing, but I’m not. Plus I’ll decide when I’m 18, which is 4 years from now, if I even want to be your queen.” Nori said while folding her arms over her chest. Taking her hand, Malik kissed her hand with a wolfish grin. “ while that just means I have four years to convince you to be my queen. I’m sure I'll succeed because you are my one and only beloved.” With the winding river, thrashing about in celebration at last being united with its one true beloved. The once violent waters were calm with the balm of love. 

June 18, 2021 19:42

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