
Tiong Bahru is a small contemporary or hype little town. There are beautiful café and coffee shops, which is the fusion of east and west. Down the lane, the vinyl shop growls at their presence, side by the charming boutique art gallery, front by many beautiful murals which depicts Singapore lifestyles. Tiong Bahru is a trove of Inspiration or “ Inspiration”. In the lazy hot afternoon, most cafés are swarmed by tourists, old neighbours or cab drivers over their favourite coffee with cake or pau. It was a peaceful town until I embrace the highlight of the day.

The rain was heavy that day. With the pandemic going around globally, the business was quiet. I was cleaning my hairdressing equipment when Karen walked in. “ Mimi text she needs a hair cut and you are picking up your phone” I look up and nodded. Three of us grew up in this town and are close friends. Springing to my usual talkative nature,  I start ranting about Mrs Huang, Mr Tay …..Karen quietly listen to me without interventing. Karen has learnt to accept my gossiping nature. Her husband always warns her not to join in any unnecessary gossips.

It was close to dinner time when Mimi walked in. She looks tired after a long day at the office. She is the only one who is working in the office. Her long hair neatly bun looking meticulously. She sits in the hairstyling chair and said” I want it short that last about three months” said Mimi. She glared at me who seem surprised as her friend treasure her long flocks. Karen too was taken aback .. She quietly pushes her chair near Mimi, pretending to be watching her favourite Kdrama and start eavesdropping.

“ What happen lah!”I exclaimed. I urged Mimi to tell me.  I claimed Mimi need to trust me with a secret so the stress does not exhausted her. I start to question Mimi on her husband. Is Mimi's husband having an affair or is Mimi's mother in law is seeing the coffee boy. I ratted on how Mrs Chan ran into Mimi's mother in law. My mocking cough a little harsh, and went on the rendezvous of Mimi's dowdy mother in law. I cast a little glance at Karen, arresting the supports from her quiet friend but Karen keeps her eyes on ATV set, not wanting to be part of the conversation.

                 I shoved the hair in portion with pins in my mouth. I am a very skilful hairdresser, which sadly not the reason for my large pool of clients. The groups love my broadcasting private life of the neighbours and maybe beyond the bounty of the town. I am certainly glad my skills in journalism which bring the clients. I just have a talent of persuading the victim to tell their deepest secret, but the even greater talent of spreading at larger length. ”NO! I will tell you but you need to keep the secret to yourself” Mimi cast a glance at Karen. Noticing Karen is totally immersed in K-drama. She turned to me and said” There are lockdown soon., I am worried cos I cannot cook and no one is allowed outside” There are minutes of silence among three of them. “ How about the food” I retort and look at her friends. Mimi coaxed in laughter” Singapore has enough food”

          In another hour, Karen made her quiet exit from the house. She walks with anxiety but with forced confidence of constant air so her friends did not notice. Within a safe distance, she calls her husband. Ming and told him on the ordeal. She hears his worrying voice. There is a sly smile on her face, as she realised Ming do care for what happens. There been days or night she has been totally non-existent in their life except for the kids and dinner. The next words are her initiatives for more attention. “ There will be going to lack of supply. Those who knew, have stored up”.” Meet me at the Ntuc, bring along the two boys’ Ming end the conversations. Karen calls her two elder boys while walking toward the supermarket. Her loud stern vocal alarms pedestrian s crossing the same traffic light.

      The two boys are at the supermarket, pushing a trolley near the entrance. “ We need three trolleys “ exclaimed Karen as she waved to her husband. They piled ten toilets rolls, can of foods, and lists of emergency needs as Ming counted down. They were upset that they couldn’t get medical masks for two weeks and reassured that masks are not needed. Their actions were observed by other shoppers as well. There is a growing trend of shoppers starting to imitate their actions without or guessing what they are up to. They are pleased with their purchase and made their way home.

      I swept the last lock of hair and singing happily. I am proud that I have kept my home supply for two months. Of course, myfather owns a provision store. Lovely tune singing in my mind, as I text some of her “fan clubs”. It is been a while I have interesting news to share.

Meanwhile, Mimi returned home with a heavy heart. She is a single mum of autistic boy, Eddy and her new maid having a hard time looking after him. “ Mdm, He wants to go out again| no mask ” the maid complains. She scorns at her and drops on the sofa and rest. Suddenly her Facebook notifications keep buzzing. There are frenzy panic buying at NTUC supermarket now by. People are rushing for toilet papers, can and other necessities. She gave ou a slight laugh and thinking these people are crazy.

It was a fresh morning, I woke up happy and prepare for the arrival of my first client.” Mum !, Come and watch this. On the television screen,  brawls, fight and snatching in the Supermarket. The rumour of lockdown has stirred up the commotions. And then a patrol car took away Mimi. Before I can digest what happens, my boy answers the knock to the door. “ Come with us” two burly men in a gray suit, grabbing me my hand and handcuffing them” You know what you did. I couldn’t smile anymore and did not know what I have done.

July 30, 2020 09:52

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22:00 Aug 07, 2020

Good job on that one. Sometimes tenses can be confusing as well as some words. Keep going!


Jacklyn Pang
21:36 Aug 08, 2020

Thank u . Will work hard on them . Appreciate your comments


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