The trip to Australia

Submitted into Contest #27 in response to: Write a short story that ends with a twist.... view prompt



There was once a couple, two males, named Tim, and John, who had been married for over ten years.

Tims parents didn’t accept what he was, a gay man, as his parents were very Christian, and believed in straight marriage, they thought it was wrong, they didn’t accept him, so Tim left home when he was nineteen, and never looked back, and six years later, he met John, four years after that, they were married.

Every year they took a trip somewhere, from their home in the United States, in Tennessee, for vacation, it became a sort of tradition for them, that they would go somewhere new for for a few weeks near the end of Summer, just before fall, when the leaves start changing.

They had gone to the United Kingdom, Canada, Europe, even Japan, on this particular year, they decided they wanted to visit Australia, see the wildlife, see the sights, the outback, try the food, it’s something they always talked about doing, and we’re very excited.

Within two weeks, they landed in the outback’s of Australia, they booked a hotel room, had dinner, visited a Wildlife habitat, they were having a great time.

One evening, Tim said “I’m going to go out, go to the local store”, “Alright, I’ll see you when you get back, love you!” Said John, Tim said nothing, and he walked out the door. About twenty minutes later, there was a knock at the door...

John went to the door, Turned the handle, and the door burst open, John fell back onto the floor as two people in ski masks burst into the room holding silenced pistols in their hands.

One of them pointed their gun at John. “Please! What do you want!? I’m not from here!” Yelled John. ”we know” said one of the masked men, he had a gruffled voice. “I’m sorry” said the other, “...Tim?” Said John. There was silence. Then, one of the men took of their mask, it was Tim, his husband, a man he loved and trusted for thirteen years, pointing a gun at him. “I’m... I’m so sorry John” said Tim, and he pulled the trigger. The sound of a silenced gunshot, and the man whom he once trusted were the last things John ever saw and heard.

February 03, 2020 05:53

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