Drama Teens & Young Adult

It's a normal day on a Tuesday. I was not planning on going anywhere besides hopping in bed . I heard a ring ,so I picked up my phone . It was my friend Tessa. She sounded so upset and horrible . I am just thinking about what Tessa wants now ! Tessa is so needy . AS I try to listen to her . Tessa was talking too fast ,but all I heard was "I need you ". I rushed over there as fast as I could . On my way there I have a strange feeling . Something doesn't feel right but I continue to keep walking .

I am finally there , I knock on the door. Some reason I hear commotion inside of the home . Tessa Mother opens the door . To me, it was strange how her mother opens the door. When I stepped inside , I saw Tessa in tears . "I asked her what was wrong." Tessa started to explain . The things she was explaining to me did not make any sense. She stated that her mother kicked her out . Since I know Tessa she has the tendency to lie to me . I do not know whether to believe her or not .

I remember thinking about last summer and we were having a sleepover . Tessa told me ," Lila I am going to tell you a secret .I will always need you ,you are my dearest friend Lila." Even though I thought back on that time on how close we are. 

I saw both of them really mad and her mother began to cry . Instead of me comforting Tessa , I comforted her mother. I know Tessa, she is such a drama queen . She always thinks everything is about her. Tessa mom is a good mother and I know Tessa gives her mother a hard time . Despite how it might look towards Tessa . I would be damned if I didn't make sure her mother was okay, since Tessa wasn't going to. I don't think no one should feel less than what they are as a human-being.

Our friendship was always based around her. My thoughts are loud .I just stood there while Tessa and her mother were talking . I am just hoping they can't hear my thoughts . I started to analyse the way she talked to her own mother and started to notice her body language . I should not be surprised by the way she talks to her mother . Tessa always talks to her mom so reckless, but this time she took it way too far. Tessa told her mom "I wish you were not alive ''.

I began to speak to both of them about their daughter and mother relationship. Like always Tessa wants no one to tell her that she is wrong . I then began to speak to her mother instead . Me and her mom sat down, so did Tessa. I was actually curious on why Tessa sat down . I talked to her Mother for almost an hour . Almost forgot Tessa was in the room. There was so much great laughter and good conversation going .

Some reason I noticed Tessa's face getting red . As I looked over again Tessa rudely yelled , "You're talking to her like she's your own daughter!"You are treating her how you should be treating me !" I could tell She was mad . Tessa was really mad . She threw away the one thing I gave her that was from my great grandmother in front of me . I gave her a necklace my great grandmother wanted me to give when I found a real friend. I thought the real friend was her. No matter what Tessa did or how selfish she could be , I valued our friendship. I never thought she would do something so hurtful

I got so mad I began to cry and all I could do is look at her with disgust. After I stopped crying . I spilled out: Your mother wishes she never had you ! you are a mistake! . . Tessa told me to get out! I refused to do so. Me being petty as I am . I said," Your mother kicked you out , so how about you get out !" I know by me saying that , that made Tessa really upset .Tessa began to speak and the things she said were hurtful.

I can't believe she had the nerve to say she was intimate with the boy I thought who liked me as much as I liked him . The boy I talked about to her his name is Pres . The boy I thought I also fell for . The boy I couldn't get enough of . In my head I was thanking her. I am glad I dodged a bullet . Tessa knew how much he meant to me ,even though I know I did not mean as much to him . She knew how much I was crazy about him .

I started to think how me and Tessa were just texting ''I love you's'' to each other and how we would not trade our friendship for anything in this word . I stormed out as quickly as I could before I hurt her as bad as she made me feel, but I know I hurt her as much .

I can not believe the person I confide in ,trusted with all of my deepest secrets and fears . A friend I trusted more than anything in this world betrayed me!? At this point I don't want to think anymore. As my way back home I put in my headphones , I played loud music to control my thoughts . When I play music it is like I don't hear my thoughts .

As I am getting closed by my grandmother's house I realized our friendship was based on a lie . I wonder how someone could be so deceitful and a liar . The secret she told me replayed in my head over and over . How could I mean so much to her when she did something that is not forgettable. I played a different song to control my thoughts much better. As I walked into my grandmother's house . I guess there was a look on my face that my grandma noticed . I did not want to tell her about trouble day, that I just had.

 My grandma asked what was wrong . I instantly started crying . My grandma gives the warmest hugs. I began to tell her everything that happened at Tessa's house . I could tell that my grandma was surprised as I finished the story. She told "me that was no friend no way babes ! " My grandma always knows how to make me laugh. Knowing that Tessa was no friend of my mines by her actions . I began writing and singing my heart out . Everything my grandmas was saying was true and that what me what to express my emotions in a good way . I still thought about Tessa though that day because I did consider her as a friend . The betrayal was brutal for me to bear with .

The next day - I honestly thought about revenge but I started to Contemplate on my decision and I can say she is not worth it . Although the revenge would be great . I am godly and she is the devil. Literally the devil ! I sometimes wondered who has so many ugly tattoos , yeah I know who Tessa does . Any who know enough about Tessa . I am getting ready to drive to somewhere that I feel completely safe . I am Pulling up to my favorite spot , the zoo . I love looking at animals when I feel like I am going to lose self control . The animals make me feel calm and collected .

Even though looking at animals is what I participated in doing . I wanted to meet someone to take my mind off of the boy Tessa screwed behind my back . All I could think about was how she lied to me and how he was untruthful . Also I thought about how he wanted her instead of me . Right now I am trying to ignore my heavy thoughts .I slightly looked away at the animals to see one of my exes

moving on . Now I am realizing I am Scared of getting hurt. Now I am scared of betrayal and liking someone . All thanks to Tessa.

November 19, 2020 21:55

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