
The same boring routine that most of society had adopted. Skipping, Stepping, Hopping around people stopped in the road that was normal. All because of this mindless soulmate act. A form of acceptance or gratification and if you didn’t have one you were outcast. There were so many ways that someone could possibly find a soulmate and yet some didn’t have one.

The selfishness of the higher government put onto the shoulders of big companies as it always had been. Not caring about the physical, mental, or emotional being as if that wasn’t a present thing upon the old world. It was usually at random two people that could be less compatible forced to love each other to be accepted. No mistakes and No second chances if a soulmate for any reason was lost you were done alone forever.

Waking up in the presence of silence was always unsettling, sometimes the darkness consumed you into the fact that your truly alone. That was an emotion I felt on a daily basis although there was no time to feel it this morning. An endless pit of loneliness that loomed over my head just waiting to engulf me into an utter boredom. Getting up from the bed that had housed the memories of the past quickly glancing at my alarm clock to see I was once again late. Walking to my closet I stared at the array of clothes snatching out a navy blue piece that reached my mid-thigh. Not having the time to shower or eat I slipped on the garment and ran to my front door.

Passing by the living room I stopped getting a whiff of something familiar and I paused remembering the first time I had smelt that distinct aroma.

Seeing her sitting on the sofa with her legs crossed was somewhat of a comfort not being alone was a comfort. “Why are you just sitting here its late come to bed” Still silent I unwrapped my arms from around her neck bounding over the back of the couch to sit beside her. “Is something wrong are you feeling well” at that point genuine worry covered my body.

An expression of pure anguish covered her face as she uttered the phrase no one ever deserved to hear. “I want to cut our soulmate connection” my entire being broke at that moment as she stood and walked away leaving me with a clear smell that was so familiar yet so distant I couldn’t place it. Quickly jumping off of the couch I followed after her “Why is it something I did we can work on it you know there’s always-” Turning around she looked at me with a cold stare something that still plagues my nightmares to this day “You wouldn’t understand” an answer so vague even I couldn’t comprehend it. “Then help me understand but you cant just leave when things get hard”

“Listen I never wanted a soulmate ok!” slowing my pace I glanced at her.

Mind juggling every single plausible explanation for this sudden revelation. “Your not making any sense we were happy where’s this even coming from is there someone else I-”. Eyes widening she once again turned towards me “I would never do that to you or anybody for that matter”

“Its hard to believe you when you pulling something like this so suddenly”

Not noticing I had wandered over to the couch and grabbed the blanket specifically placed there. Taking a deep inhale my deep hatred and longing of that particular scent. The scent of jasmine assaulted my nostrils dropping the object and seizing my phone I quickly shot out a message “remind me to wash the throw blanket when I get home”.

Trudging along the cracked sidewalk trying not to be more delayed than usual, a crowd of people blocked my path aggravating me to no end knowing that this commotion wasn’t going to die down anytime soon. At least if I was gonna be late I could find out what this was about. Shoving my way towards the front of the crowd I peeked at what everyone was so exhilarated about. A small store front sat quaintly between large building. The naked mind wouldn’t necessarily even think for a second that something so small-scale could cause such a commotion.

I must not have been paying attention because I was jolted out of my stupor when something collided with my torso leaving a smell that I had hoped would never cross my path again.

Sauntering into the coffee shop that I frequently stopped at before work the usual aroma hit my nose causing a slight smirk to cover my face. Strolling up to the desk I never paid attention to my surroundings because the shop was empty at this hour. A small figure bumped into me spilling a scalding hot liquid onto my new white dress shirt.

“I am so sorry I wasn’t paying attention ill go get napkins” whoever had collided with me scurried off quickly enough that I couldn’t properly distinguish who it was. Unbuttoning the top seeing that my undershirt was indeed also soaked completely through sighing that meant I would have to go home and would be late yet again. Which wasn’t something that was relatively new as I was mostly always late not that I would get fired because my sister was the manager.

Slightly startled I stumbled back when I heard a voice “Oh god I’m sorry first I spill coffee on you then I scare you geez what is wrong with me today” Taking a quick glance up from my ministrations to see a small brunette woman with grayish black doe eyes deciding to stop her rambling. “Hey its no big deal its just a shirt I can always get another” I mumbled

“I just feel so bad its a white shirt and I could at least buy you you a new one” She looked up at me and paused as did I. Hit with a sudden onslaught of apple and cinnamon. I uttered out the only thing that could possibly come to mind at the time “Do you want another coffee”

Coming out of the memory the noise funneling into my ears was unbelievably deafening only catching the end of what the person in front of me was saying. “Sorry for bumping into you”. Looking up planning to tell the person it was fine and walking away our eyes connected and all of a sudden speech was unknown to me. The smell of burnt caramel wafted around me mind boggled at my sudden realization.

Uttering the simple words that would seem normal to anyone but myself “Would you like like to get coffee”. Silently wondering how I of all people got a second chance and that maybe new smells weren't always so bad.

September 30, 2020 00:04

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