Urban Fantasy

John Lupin

The neighbours watched quietly and with unbroken attention as not one, but three large moving trucks had pulled into the old Mansell place.

  Donna Harrison watched with the excitement of a child ogling her first Santa Claus parade.  

“Mommy what are you doing?”

She turned around and hissed at her daughter Hayley.

“Don’t you have anything better to do than annoy me right now?”

“Can me and Frankie play video games?”

“Yes, just go ahead and play video games.”

She turned and ran away with excitement and almost ran Frankie, her little brother over.

“Come on, mom said that we can play video games. Hurry up before she changes her mind.”

“But we aren’t allowed to play video games on a Wednesday.”

“Frankie, don’t be a bird brain.”

“I’m not a bird brain.” He turned and chased after his big sister.

Their mother continued to watch when her cell phone rang.

“Hello, Wendy?”

“Have you seen the new owner yet?”

“No, have you?”

“No, but Rita did and she says he’s sophisticated and debonair.”

“That is awesome.”

“For sure, the neighbourhood could always use an upgrade in the male class department.”


“Mom, Frankie’s cheating again,” screamed Mia from the family room.

“Hang on a second, I have to go and smack some bottoms.”

She marched into the living room and stopped.

“What are you two playing video games on a Wednesday? You know you are only allowed to play on the weekends.”

“But, you just said we could.”

“Mia, said we could mommy.”

Frankie sounded like he was going to cry.

“Well, if you are going to play then don’t fight or cheat.”

Donna walked back to the perch at the bay window hoping that she hadn’t missed any action.

“Come on, new neighbour, show us how classy you are.”

But, he never showed up. Her husband found her sitting at the bay window when he came home from work expecting supper to be on the table. She hadn’t even started.

“Why are the kids playing video games?”

“Cause mommy was snooping at the new neighbours.”

“I was not.”

“The Daily Bugle rides again.”

“Now, Stan that isn’t nice.”

“Well, how about some supper?”

“Why don’t you just order a pizza?”

“Hurray, we’re going to have pizza! Frankie did you hear that?”

“How could he not hear that everyone in the neighbourhood heard it?”

“Daddy, that isn’t nice.”

“Nice would be supper waiting on the table when I get home from work or at least started.”

“Oh, Stan don’t start on me. I’ve had a hard day.”

“Let me guess, you have eye strain while trying to suss our the new neighbour. Let me guess, he’s a hunk?”

“Oh, give me a break I haven’t used that word since high school.”

“Sorry, my memory doesn’t go back that far because it was so long ago.”

“Do you think that is funny Stanley Harrison?”

He was laughing.

“Are you and mom fighting?”

“No, we aren’t fighting. Okay, what are we going to have on our pizza? How about some squid eyes?”

“Daddy, that’s so gross.”

“Oh, don’t like squid eyes?  How about some bat wings?”

“Daddy, that is even worse than squid eyes.”

He laughed even louder.

“Donna what do you want on the pizza? How about some snake tongue?”

“That would be fine dear.”

He just shook his head and walked away.

After supper, he knew that she wanted to go back to her perch.

“Go ahead.”

“I’m good. How was your day?”

“You asked me that already.”


“Yes. What is so damn interesting about the new neighbour?”

“Aren’t you the least bit curious?”

“No, I am not.”

“But, it is a new neighbour.  Stanley, how could you not be curious?”

“Because, I mind my own business.”

“Well, go and mind your own business.”

“I am going to put the kids to bed.”

“Good luck, they were really active today.”

“Active? They played video games all afternoon long.”

“Well, they don’t always have to be bouncing around tearing the house apart.”

“Have fun. Are you gals taking shifts?”

“No, we are not taking shifts, Mr. Smarty Pants.”

He walked away laughing.

It was dark and near midnight when Donna gave up. She slid into bed next to Stanley who was fast asleep.

A few minutes later, John Lupin drove up in his silver Mercedes Benz.  His hair was slicked back, he wore a red suit trimmed in gold, flashed at least three gaudy rings including one with a skull on it and walked like he already owned the entire neighbourhood.

Rita took a video of the whole thing and the next day the three neighbourhood gossips sat around to watch it.

“He is so hip.”

“A hipster for the ages,” gushed Wendy.

“Do you think he is married?”

“No way, but probably has a real flashy girlfriend.”

“Yeah, the type that does all of her shopping in Europe.”

“And goes to spas on a regular basis.”

“I hate her already.”

“And has the figure of a teenage model.”

“Okay, never mind the Barbie doll stuff. Let’s focus on him. Do we bake something and go over to meet and greet?”

“What do you want to make?”

“A banana bread because it is safe and easy.”

“Okay, sounds like a plan.”

“Let’s get started.”

So they whipped up the banana bread in record time and then casually walked over with all of the kids in tow.

The three of them stood around to see who was going to knock on the door first.

“I’ll do it,” said Donna.

She knocked on the door and there was silence.

“I wonder if he likes video games?” Asked Frankie.

“You kids be quiet.”

Frankie looked down at his running shoes.

It took a while before someone finally answered the door. It wasn’t John Lupin, but one of his assistants.

“Hello, can I help you?”

“Yes, we are the neighbourhood welcoming committee and have baked this banana bread.  Welcome to the neighbourhood.”

“Thank you, that’s very nice. I will make sure that Mr. Lupin gets it. Have a nice day.”

He closed the door and walked away.

They walked back.

“Well, that was rude.”

“I hope that Mr. Lupin isn’t like his assistant.”

“I hope so as well.”

They all went to their separate dwellings.

It was a month later when the first report of someone seeing something very strange walking late at night, wearing a fancy wide-brim hat, gold cane in hand and necklace to match.

October 30, 2020 21:17

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Roxanna C Revell
10:52 Nov 05, 2020

Hey there! Commenting for critique circle. I'd love you to reply and explain the ending, because I didn't really know what it was... But that's probably due to the two hours sleep I had last night & that my brain isn't quite working! 🤣🤣


David Dicaire
21:00 Nov 05, 2020

Two hours of sleep tend to render one somewhat incoherent. The ending was now of three. The guy moving in is a werewolf. So it is only natural that he will venture out under a full moon. In keeping with the nature of the story I didn't want it to be gory. So I went with the ending that you read and couldn't figure out. Thanks for reading the story.


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