“I quit!” Mimi said and ripped her pants off. Cool air rushed through her thighs. “Much better!” She patted her pink panties. She walked to the mirror and looked. She smiled, admiring herself. She wore a green blouse. She brushed her long, black hair, then put her yellow earrings in.
I’m ready to go to Lori’s.
Mimi left her room and walked to the front door. Here goes nothing. She opened the door and stepped out of her house. The only sound Mimi heard was birds chirping. She walked into the driveway. Excitement rushed through her body. She couldn’t believe she was in underwear in broad daylight! She whistled as she strolled on the sidewalk, enjoying the warm sun. A red minivan sped down the street. She wondered how her friends would react to her clothing choice for today. She looked down and tucked her shirt into her panties.
She walked for four blocks, then turned into her friend's house and up the driveway. Her stomach tightened as she stepped up the door. She looked down at her panties. Am I about to do this? What if Lori gets creeped out? No, stop worrying, everything will be fine. Besides, it’s kind of funny that I’m in my panties. A smile spread on her face and she rang the doorbell.
The door opened. “Mimi!” Lori said and looked down. “Where are your pants?”
“Fuck pants!”
“You heard me."
“I don’t understand."
“I quit wearing them."
“Uh, OK? Mind telling me why?”
“I just don’t like wearing them."
Mimi shrugged.
”What about shorts?” Lori asked.
“Fuck shorts!"
“Mimi, what’s going on?”
“You’re acting weird."
“I know."
“You can’t just go around in your underwear.”
“Yes, I can."
“This is insane! What about school?”
“I’ll take online classes."
“When did you decide to do this?”
“Do your mom know?"
“Not yet."
“Fine, if you wanna roam around in your panties, that’s OK. But don’t come crying to me when you get laughed at.”
“Thanks, can I come in?”
“I don’t know, Peter is here."
“I don’t care."
“Fine, go ahead,” Lori said.
Mimi walked in and saw Peter on the couch.
“Mimi?” he blurted out.
“’Sup, fool!" Mimi strutted over.
”Where are your pants?”
“I ate them."
“No, seriously."
“Pants are overrated."
“I quit wearing pants."
“Yeah, I don’t understand either,” Lori said. “So, what do you wanna do, now that Mimi’s here... pantless?”
“Um, I dunno.”
“Wanna go out?” Mimi asked
“Sure, if you put some pants on," Peter replied.
“I ain’t doing that."
“Then, no."
“Aw, you’re no fun!” Mimi pouted.
“We’ll probably get, uh, I dunno, told off.”
“Are you for real? Or is this some kind of weird joke?”
“I’m serious. I’m done with pants."
“OK, then."
“So, let’s go out!"
‘”No, you’re crazy, “ Lori said.
“Not til you put some pants on, psycho,” Peter said.
“I’ll buy you a Coke."
“Ah, what the Hell?” Peter said.
Lori sighed. “Fine, let's go to the mall."
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Lori asked, unbuckling her seatbelt.
“Yeah!” Mimi hopped out.
“You’ve got a lot of balls, Mimi,” Peter said,
“Thanks,” Mimi replied and squealed.
“You OK there?” Lori asked.
“Hell yeah!” Mimi patted the front of her panties.
A buff guy with blue eyes looked and rolled his eyes.
Mimi smiled.
"Aw, you're scaring off hunky men," Lori moaned.
“It’s gonna be a day.” Peter rolled his eyes and the three friends headed toward the mall.
As Mimi walked into the mall, cold air rushed through her body.
“How are you feeling there?” Lori asked.
“Not cold or anything?”
“Hope we don’t get stopped,” Peter said.
“Hi,” a girl smiled and passed by.
Mimi smiled. Maybe she didn’t notice. It was fun seeing how others reacted to her clothing choice.
“Where first?” Peter asked.
“Let’s go to GameStop and see if Josh is working,” Mimi replied,
“You’re determined to ruin your social life, aren't you?” Lori said.
“No., I'm just trying a new look."
“Whatever, crazy."
“Just cause I’m violating social norms, I’m crazy?”
“Well….’” Mimi pulled the sides of her panties and let go.
“This isn’t Wal-Mart, you know,” Peter said.
“I know. I’m not wearing a thong, showing my asscheeks."
“If you did that, I’d have nightmares forever,” Peter said.
“Don’t worry, my taste in underwear isn’t that bad.”
“Doesn’t mean you should flaunt it off in front of everybody like you’re doing right now."
“Well, I like flaunting it,” Mimi said.
“You sure you haven’t gone insane and waiting for your chance to kill us?” Peter asked.
The three friends walked into GameStop.
A girl with several face piercings smirked.
Mimi walked up to the counter. “Hey, Josh.”
“Oh, hey." Josh looked up. “Where are your pants?”
“I’m just hanging out in these today.” Mimi grabbed her panties.
“Oh, well, that’s brave of you."
“Hey, the new Mortal Kombat has just been released,” Josh said.
“Cool, but I don’t have enough,” Peter said.
“Oh, that sucks, dude
“Yeah, gotta wait til my next paycheck."
“I feel ya, man
“This might cheer you up!” Mimi bent over and shook her cute butt.
“What’s gotten into u today?” Peter asked, trying not to smile.
“I dunno, but I like it!”
Josh pulled out his phone and held it up.
“Go, Mimi! Go, Mimi!” Peter chanted.
Lori smiled.
Mimi continued her butt dance. “Oh, now, you’re enjoying, Peter?” Mimi said. “All I had to do was wiggle my ass for you?”
Peter’s face turned as red as a Stop sign.
She let loose a giggle. Who knew it was so fun to be in panties in public!
“Mimi, your wild!” Josh laughed.
“You know it!
Someone whistled
Mimi looked and saw a guy with cute brown hair. She smiled and walked to him. “’Sup."
“Nice outfit.” He smirked.
“Not into pants much, huh?”
Mimi laughed. “No, not very much!”
“You got guts. What school do you go to?"
“Keller High." Mimi fiddled with her panties.
“Cool. I go to Gerton High."
Cool! My cousin goes there!”
“Yeah, he’s a senior."
“Cool, what’s his name?” he asked
“Scott McDoodle."
“Cool, What’s yours?”
“That's a nice name… my name is Lex. Well, Mimi, it’s nice to meet you.” He gave me his number. “Maybe we could get together sometime."
“That would be great."
“’Alright. Well, see ya!” He walked away.
Mimi strutted back to her friends.
“Ooh, Mimi, you got his number!” Josh smiled.
“Gonna call him?”
“Maybe.” Mimi removed her shirt and tucked it in her bra.
“Again, this ain’t Walmart,” Peter said.
“Or Hooters,” Josh added.
“I don’t give a shit.” Mimi put her shirt back on. “Well, gotta go.”
“OK, will I see you naked next time?” Josh joked.
“Maybe.” Maimi stuck her tongue out.
“We won’t be with her,” Lori said.
The three left the store.
“So, what next, Miley Cirus?” Peter asked Mimi.
Before Mimi could reply, Lori said, “Uh, Mimi, don’t turn around, but…”
“What?” Mimi spun around and gasped.
“Oh, hi, Mrs. Robertson, how are you?”
“Uh, my pants split in half so I’m getting new ones."
“Oh, sorry to hear that. Hope you’re not too embarrassed."
“Well, I’m going to get my nails done. See you, Monday.” She smiled and walked away.
Mimi turned to her friends. “Maybe, this is a bad idea going out in my underwear. I just lied to Mrs, Roberson. You know I babysit her son and she wouldn’t be happy I was joyriding in public in my panties.
“you’re enjoying yourself, right?” Peter asked.
“Then, chill."
“But, if she found out, she’ll probably fire me, and I like babysitting for her. Oh, why did go out like this?”
“Mimi, you found something you like. embrace it.” Lori placed her hand on my shoulder. “Go out in your underwear
“Sorry, but I can’t risk getting fired,” Mimi said and walked away.
“Well, it was fun while it lasted,” Mimi said and sipped my shake. She had bought a new pair of pants at JC Penny’s.
“You don’t need to do this. Do what you like to do,” Peter said.
“I need my job.
“So, she probably won’t find out you were
“What if the wrong cop saw me and arrests me for public indecent?”
“No, but then word would spread and Mrs. Roberson would find out
“That’s why I’m better off wearing pants
“But, you’re clearly unhappy.”
“There’s nothing I can do."
“Why don’t you talk to her?” Lori suggested.
“And say what? I like to go out in my underwear? She wouldn’t want that person watching her son.”
You have a point, but being happy is more important
Mimi walked up Mrs. Roberson’s driveway. She looked down at her black bell bottoms. What was I thinking? Going around in my panties? Being a total idiot in front of everybody? She sighed. It’s better this way.
She walked up and rang the doorbell.
The door opened.
“Hi, Lori, Jay Jay is in a bad, mood,” Mrs. Robertson said.
“Oh, no. What's wrong?”
”I won't let him watch The Simpsons. They’re a bad influence."
“Oh.” The Simpsons aren't that bad. I watched them when I was nine.
“So, it's best to leave him alone for a while,” Ms. Roberton continued.
“OK, I’ll let him chill out.”
“Sounds great! What would I ever do without you.” She checked her watch.
“Mrs. Robertson…”
“What? Is it important? I have to go to my book meeting.”
“No. it can wait.” Mimi sighed. There was no use telling her now. She was in a hurry.
“Good. I hope Jay Jay doesn’t give you trouble tonight.”
“Don’t worry, I can handle him.” Mimi smiled.
“I know you will. I’ll be back around nine o two.” Ms. Robertson walked toward her purple pickup truck.
Who says nine o two? Just say you’ll be back around nine, woman, Mimi thought and shut the door. Let's see how Jay Jay is doing. She walked to Jay Jay’s room. His door was opened so she poked her head in. “Hey, Jay Jay, how are you doing?”
“Hmph!” he uttered, his arms crossed.
‘"Sorry you’re in a bad mood. Wanna talk about it?”
“OK, want me to leave you alone?”
“OK, I’ll leave you alone. If you wanna talk, holler at me.” Mimi walked out. This night was going, to suck.
She sighed and plopped down on the couch. She pulled her phone out and scrolled through Facebook.
She groaned. “I’m so bored!” I wish Jay Jay was in a better mood. Then, maybe I could play video games with him or help him out with his homework. I really liked hanging out with him.
A half-hour later, Mimi chomped on her bologna and ketchup sandwich.
Jay Jay's door opened.
“Are you in a good moo—” She looked up and started choking. She coughed and spat the piece out. She gasped. "Jay Jay! You’re naked!”
“Yeah, what’s it to ya?” Jay Jay sneered and parked his bare butt on the couch.
“Why are you nude? Put your clothes back on.” Mimi stood up.
Jay Jay…”
“I don’t want to wear them."
“Tough." Mimi grabbed him
Let me go!” Jay Jay kicked and screamed while Mimi carried him to his room. “I want to be naked!”
“STOP!” Mimi struggled to hold onto him while she rushed to his bed.
“LET ME GO!” Jay Jay wailed, trying to free himself.
She dropped him on his bed. “Put your clothes on, NOW!”
“No, I’m in a bad mood!”
“I don’t care! As long as I’m here, you wear clothes!”
“No, I’m not putting them on!”
”Why don’t you wanna wear them?”
“I don’t feel like it.”
“I understand.”
“What? You do?”
Mimi nodded. “Lately, I don’t feel like wearing p— uh, my jacket.”
“I just like being in cool clothes. But I wear it anyway because it’s cold in the winter.” Wait, that didn’t make sense. He'll never believe—
“I still don’t want to wear clothes.”
“I know you don’t, but—” An idea popped into Mimi’s mind.
“But, what?” Jay Jay asked.
“I’ll make a deal with you.”
“I’m listening…”
“If I take off my pants, will you put your clothes on?”
“You heard me.”
”You’ll take your pants off if I put my clothes on?”
“Is this a trick?”
“OK.” Jay Jay grabbed his underwear from the floor.
Once he got dressed, Mimi said, “Now, you have to promise you won’t tell anyone what I’m about to do.”
“I’ll be fired and won’t be your babysitter anymore.”
“OK, I won’t tell. I promise.”
“Good.” Mimi took a deep breath. “’Kay, here they come off…” She unzipped her pants and dropped them.
“Mimi!” Ms. Robertson yelled.
“Oh, crap!” Mimi turned around.
“And that’s how I was fired from babysitting Jay Jay.”
“Wow, did your parents find out?” Lori asked.
“Oh, yeah, I was grounded for three months!”
“So, that’s why I didn't hear from you!”
“Are you sad?”
“A little bit, but I learned my lesson.”
“And, what is that?”
“Babysitting isn't right for me.”
“Uh, that's not a lesson.”
A yellow Hyundai covered in dust pulled up.
Mimi swayed to them, hips on her panties. She smiled and started washing the car.
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Mimi is one wacky fun-loving character. The idea is really original and I think you took it to the right place and that you could pull off the story without any creepy vibes because Mimi seems so innocent, The story is kind of funny and kind of weird, but I liked it.
Thank you!! Check out my Booksie
I notice that you are asking people what they think about Mimi.
Mimi is a bit stupid, and creapy. Plus, should'nt the kid get in trouble?
Amusing story, but you have several typos. For one, “Do your mom know?" should be Does. Also, you keep changing the name of Miss Robertson, to Miss Roberson or Robetson.
There were other typos as well, and the storyline seemed to bounce around a bit. Perhaps, spend more time reading it over and editing before submitting the next one. Keep writing.
Thank you. i submitted a new story., "A Squirrely Halloween." Can you read it?
You keep asking people what they think about Mimi. Are you sure you want to hear?
Mimi is a complete idiot that I have no respect for. If she was super smart in her diction then maybe...
S'up, chill..etc..etc.
You have two typos and you change the point of view one time when the friend puts her hand on "my" shoulder.
Now to the good news: the concept is original. The very idea is simplistic and beautiful. Inventors call this elegant. You have an elegant story with excellent plot balance.
As a reader, I tried to imagine where you were going... And you made much better choices than I thought you would.
1) the babysitting and panties situation seem like it would bleed into the babysitting. It did but in such a natural way.
2) the timing of the narrator getting caught was exact.
Caveat: where oh where did Mimi put her money? She offers to buy her friends a soda and then it looks like she might buy a video game and then she actually buys pants at the mall. Are we to think that this is a bra situation because she already put her shirt in the bra.
Are we supposed to think that she is a human kangaroo. (I am smiling as I ask this). Basically the underlayer, the secondary theme should be: "show me the money."
The Segue into the new job was excellent. I thought the yellow car might be from that kid that gave her the phone number. Then the picture of her having to wash cars for money... Is paired very nicely to a person that doesn't want to wear pants.
As an old guy I just find the dialogue annoying. :) It's probably totally appropriate and Mimi's character would not get much better if she was a bookworm that always spoke with 19th century diction.
Of course, that could give her a character more dimension. If she was this 150 IQ chick that needed to teach the human race the value of not wearing pants...
Thank you very much! You made great points. I just made the ending up from my brain, the idea just popped in there. I'll fix the money issue sometime.
Always crazy stories Charlie…. Good job being fun with the characters.
That’s a very interesting take on the prompt. You definitely think outside the box. Great job.
Thank you. What did you think about Mimi?
She’s a hoot. A little crazy but very interesting.
That was a fun story and had some unexpected twists. I enjoyed reading it.
Thank you. What did you think about Mimi?
She seemed confident, fun, and easy going. I could see why they all liked her.
What about her choice to quit wearing pants
Funny story. I like how the whole plot flipped. I like how the lesson Mimi learned wasn't what I would have expected.