😳😳🥱🥱😴😴The narcoleptic insomniac needs some shut eye.

Written in response to: Start your story with someone saying “I can’t sleep.”... view prompt


Adventure Christian Christmas

“I can’t sleep.”

Makes for a crazed existence at times.

Irritable. Short-tempered.

Between the bad dreams, nightmares and other miscellaneous processing feats of mental strength and weakness. Strengths and weaknesses.

It is a wonder a sleepless night allows one to stand up🙂.

Still be standing.

Semi standing anyway.

Because if sitting down, was an option. One may fall asleep at the wrong time.

Missing something important. Very important—between the blurriness.

Caffeine gets a bad wrap.

What happens?

It happens.

A laugh.

A cry.

Terrorizing situations.

Stick with you,

Like a bad rash.

Constant and never ending interruptions of bad memories, bad voices, bad images, bad visions, permeate the unconsciousness at the time of the day when exhaustion reigns supreme. Factor in the no sleep cycles. Dead tired.

Running ragged.

Going down, down, down.

The Catapult of Cataplexy.

A tonic of sorts. A tonic of immobility (wk)

Playing dead, when actually no sleep, can make a person feel dead.

Dead on the feet.

Anyone have any recommendations?


Sleep recommendations. That is.

Getting kinda crabby here…

Prescription. Rx.?

Take two sleep aids and call me in the morning.

Increase the melatonin.

Warm milk.

Dark room.

No tv.

Here is one to consider:

Desperate for rest, once again our animal friends show us how it is done:

Make like an opossum.

Say what?


Playing possum.

Fake own death.

Apparent death is a behavior in which animals take on the appearance of being dead.(wk)


Works for me.

Given that lack of sleep= feeling dead through the day.

It is an immobile state most often triggered by a predatory attack and can be found in a wide range of animals.(wk)

Bless the animals in our world.


We learn so much.

Thank you!!

From insects and crustaceans to mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish. Apparent death is separate from the freezing behavior seen in some animals. (wk)

It is a form of animal deception. Considered to be an anti-predator strategy.

A survival tactic.😃

What ever it takes.

Thank you kind animals.

For showing we humans how it can be done.


Is the name of the game.

Who blinks first……

Time will tell.

It usually does.

Here is another trick of the trade.

Of playing dead.

Aggressive mimicry.


Will this help us finally sleep?

Get some shut eye.




The three “P” ‘s shall we say. They all share similar “signals”. Use a harmless model, allowing them to avoid being correctly identified by their prey. Or host.😳(wk)

As in. Suck the blood right outta ya. Right in front of your eyes. Outta their soul in the process. And back into their reserves for the advantage of energy—over us.


I get this.

Took a longgggggggg time.

But now,

Got it.

Aggressive mimicry is opposite in principle to defensive mimicry.

Where the mimic generally benefits from being treated as harmful.(wk)

The ginormous problems…?

Reduced fitness.


Mind bending ly so. Near impossible to keep the wits, healthful thoughts about the healthy head. So many distractions and nuisances. Stuffed this and stuffed that.

Sleep is the most important thing.

Or so we are told.

Could it be it is over rated?

Working all angles here……..Challenging the conventional “wisdom.”

Well. The next time you get behind the wheel of any motor vehicle and the eyes begin to “bob” may not be the best time to find out. I get it. Insurance rates are so up there. (One could have seen that coming a mile away) if they were not so tired.

There is no rhyme or reason or rule.

The goal posts keep changing.

The cute guy gets the cute girl.

And all that usual stuff.

The cute guy and the cute girl never look tired either. One wonders how they always do it. Who compliments who? Better question. Who eats who. Chews ‘em up and spits ‘em out and moves along to something better and more, well,


I wonder how it’s done, so effortlessly sometimes. Conscience tells us a “lie”, a pattern of lying, keeps a person up at night.Messes with the circadian rhythms.

Just wonderin’


Let’s get back to to getting back to getting some serious shut eye.

I am staring to eye “bob”. Again. And it is only mid morning🥱.




All factor into the premium of the premiums of a good night of it. Sleep. When we dig deeper and deeper into the probabilities, the equations alone may keep sleep at arm’s length. For some. Not for others. Reminders Cute guy. Cute girl.


Singing a lullaby.

Not singling a lullaby.

Reading a boring book.

Not reading a boring book.

Taking a walk.

Not taking a walk.

Talking to oneself.

Not talking to oneself.

Assimilation back to the bed?

When and if the mood, the sleep mood pays the mind a visit.

I don’t know.

How many all nighters can a person stand. Day after day?

How do the animals in our world know?

When a nother being is a predator or not.

Bless the animals in our world.

They just do.


And when they do.

They play dead.

To avoid the predator.

How beautiful a thing.

I think I am going to give it a try.

What have I got to lose?

At least, I will get to close my eyes for a few moments.

Because as the nights go now. My mind is always busily awaiting the next threat of life. Worse off. When I awake and the premonition actually comes true. It is darn tootin’ that night’s sleep and the following two nights, and so on are gonna be a hum dinger of not sleeping. It becomes cumulative. Lack of it. Sleep.



How many gallons of warm milk can one guzzle in order to wish to study the back of one’s own eye lids.☺️

Rest the eyes.

Rest the body.

When all else fails?

Give someone a hug?

It may recharge their bodies and de charge their minds. If they can stand to be touched. Which in addition to the intruders, distractions, nuisances and the like, it can make a person’s skin crawl.

Playing dead seems like the only option.

The only option.

Be at the ready to battle the premiums of the premiums. The rates are going up as the sleep is going down. Way down.

Rest assured. (Attempt at humor only)

If nothing else.

Learning the ropes of a good night’s sleep is half the battle.

The rest is not up to you.

The rest is up to the others who take it upon themselves to get real. Really real with themselves. The “lies” that incessantly involve projection. Onto another. Ever wonder why the predators sleep well?…

I don’t.

I have seen them in action.


I am prepared.


To strike back and

Play dead.

Even though inside.

I am happy as a lark, with my friend, the visiting hummingbird by my side. But, only for a quick moment. A hummingbird keeps busy attracting to good energy. Day by day.

On that note.

Wishing you well.

Wishing you wellness.

Wishing you a good night’s sleep😜.

As you close your eyes and attempt to enter slumberland.

November 10, 2023 18:48

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