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My name is Charles and I want to get my girlfriend something really special for christmas.

I just don't know what would be special for her.

I might as well go to town and look around for her gift.

I might stumble across something that is so very much special.

I hoped into my car and drove to town.

Driving through town I stopped and pulled over at the pet store.

She loves animals.

I walked in and started to look around.

What would she like?

"Hello sir."

"Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Yes do you have any kind of special animal."

"I am looking for my girlfriends christmas present."

"I have the perfect animal for you to give her."

"Follow me."

I lead him to the birds.

"These birds are all beautiful but the one that is right for her are these ones."

I pointed to love birds.

"They are really cute they will be great for my girl I will take them."

I bought the love birds and went on my way to my girls house.

I am so excited to see the reaction on her face.

I knocked on the door.


"Oh hi Charles I am so glad your here I got you a gift for christmas and I want you to open it right now.

I handed him his gift.

"Oh wow it's great I love it so much thank you sweety."

She got me a new wallet with a photo engraved on it.

"I got you something to sweety I will be right back they are in the car."

I went to my car and grabbed her gift I walked back inside.

"Here you go."

I cant wait for her reaction.

"Wow I love them they are love birds thank you so much I love them so very much."

"Thank you Charles I love you so much."

"Your welcome Penelope my cutie pie I love you so much to."

We had lunch and a lot of fun laughing and playing games.

"Thank you for comeing Charles I had an amazing time with you."

I kissed him goodbye as I shut the door behind him I looked at the love birds.

How am I suppse to take care of them I dont even know how to take care of animals.

Yes I love animals but I have never owned one whaqt am I going to do?

I looked around the house for help.

I know I can look for the answer on the inter net.

I looked for hours but came up with nothing.

I am going to kill these poor love birds.

What am I going to do?

Tears ran down my face.

I dont want to kill them.

I have to tell Charles that I cant take care of the love birds I love them but I have a chance of kill the poor little love birds.

I grabbed my phone and called him.


"Hi Charles I have to tell you something."

"What's up sweety?"

"I cant take the love birds."

"I love them but I have a high chance of kill them and I have never taken care of any kind of animal before I am so sorry but I just cant except you perfect gift."

"You got this Penelope I know you do all you have to do is feed and water them in the moring and daily change the news paper and just hang out with them they love human contact."

"Ok that dose sound easy thank you so much honey I love you."

"I love you to bey."


I hung up the phone.

I am so happy now that I might be able to take care of the love birds.

Ok well I should get to sleep.

I locked the bird cage and went to bed.


I woke up went down stairs and the birds where laying down they look like there dying.

I ran to them and looked they look like they need water I grabbed some water and tried to water them by hand.

But it wasn't working so I grabbed my phone and called my best friend Lilly.


"Hi Lilly I need your help my birds are like slowly dying please help me."

"I will be right over."

I arrived at Penelopes house walked up the stairs knocked on the door.


"Hi Penelope now where are the love birds."

"Over here."

I lead Lilly to the birds.

"They where given to me for a gift but I cant take care of them and I dont know what to do with them without almost killing the litte ones."

"Would you like to have them?"

"No I am sorry I cant but I will help you right now to get them back to health."


How am I going to ever take care of them I am an animal lover.

But I cant take care of real life animals.

I watched as Lilly got them back to there healthy state.

"Thank you so much Lilly."

"No problem."

"Thank you for letting me see them they are so amazing."

"Take good care of them and take care of yourself I have to get going to work bye."

"Ok thank you again bye."

I am so sorry little birds I dont know what I am doing.

The birds only respons to what I said was tweet.

Well I am going to clean up the house it needs to be done so I am going to get to work.

About two hours later I am finaly done.

That was not fun but I am so glad that I got the house work done.

Now to hang out with the birds and make sure that they are fed and watered and that there paper is changed.

Well little birds what do you peeps want to do?

There respons was tweet.

You both are so beaustiful.

I just dont know how I am going to keep this up and how I am going to know without someone telling me all the time on how to take care of you two I need to call Charles again he has to take them I cant take this any more I dont know how to do this I am sorry little birds and I am sorry to Charles to I need to call him.

I grabbed my phone and called Charles.


"Hi Charles I am sorry to call you so late but I need to tell you something."

"I almost killed the love birds my best friend Lilly came over and helped them back to health but I cant do this."

"I was wondering if you can take them back because I just cant do it I almost killed them today and I am so sorry."

"It was the perfect gift for me but I dont know anything about animals I just love animals and I have never taken care of them or anything like that and I am so sorry."

"Ok I will take them back and I am sorry that you couldn't do it I should have asked before buying a live animal and I am sorry to honey I will bring them back to the store and get you something diffrent for your gift ok?"

"You do have to get me anything i already have the perfect gift."

"You do what is it?"

"I will show you when you come over and return the love birds."

"Sounds good to me I will be there in a little bite love you."


"Bye pumpkin I love you to."

I hung up the phone and waited for Charles to knock on the door.

It was about thirty minutes before I heard a knock.

I walked over to the door and opened it.

"Charles hi."

I grabbed the birds and walked over to Charles.

"You cant get ride of them Penelope I did alot of thinking and you need to keep them I know it's hard for you but this is a sign of our love."

"How about I come over once a day and help you take care of them since there are two birds will that be ok with you?"

"Yes that will be great I love you and I love the birds to thank you."

We talked for a while and it started to get late.

"Well I should get going I love you Penelope take care."

"I love you to take care."

I closed the door behind him.

I am do happy that I get to keep the birds.

Thanks to Charles I get to keep them I am so thankful.

December 18, 2020 19:04

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1 comment

Philip Clayberg
23:06 Dec 30, 2020

I can sympathize with Charles for trying to find the perfect Christmas gift for Penelope, but I can also sympathize with her, because she loves him but this was clearly the wrong gift to give her. At least she was honest enough to tell him so. He, in turn, at least was kind enough to help take care of the birds. It reminds me of parents who think that it's a great idea to get a cute kitten or puppy for their child or children, only to discover that a living gift requires caretaking (and money for things like food, kitty litter, veterinary...


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