Fiction Science Fiction

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

Getting caught was my mistake

To the land of man I was taken

Now I want not for food

No need to hunt

Just enjoy the sun


At first it seemed I was free

That opening is a magic thing indeed

An invisible wall stops me

Is it not an opening

No damage it takes

On the other side are men... staring

I shout, I claw

They just enjoy the show


Futile my effort seem

No strength have I

No point to try

Still I plot

Though confined

I will survive


Yawning, soon it will be breakfast - today is spicy lamb, if I remember correctly. The routine is always the same - if it's lamb for breakfast then buffalo for lunch and buffalo again for dinner. They bored me, they once gave me a live one - that was fun. I took my time to corner and ravish it. That look of terror - oh it was exhilarating. Sighing, I guess I had too much fun that day.

As usual here they come - these men in coats, observing me from the opening. They are different from the others - those big and small, young and old who come by with excitement in their eyes. For them I strut about, the young ones especially seem to give me praise as I do. Seeing their small bodies flare about, clapping and jumping pleases my heart.

Their young flesh, oh so tender - I must stop myself from salivating. I do not wish to show my excitement. The big ones with them look a little firm but I'm sure they would taste even better. Especially those with the lump of flesh protruding in front of them. Just a nibble is all I ask, just a nibble is my demand.

Ah, but those older ones seem frail and their flesh withered with time. They appear to lack the basic nutrients. Thou would I eat them all the same. I don't expect much from their withered frame. Their bones I can clearly see - this tells me not much is there to eat.

Still today only, those in coats I will see. They stand in one spot, pointing at the board in their hands. Back and forth they turn to each other with a small stick in their hands. They seem to be talking but they have no mouths. It was a surprise when I saw one move that white substance from their face - just as white as their coat. A symbol of some sort. Then I saw their mouth - strange, very strange.

Today their numbers are the largest ever. As I lay here in the sun on my rock that stands above. No other dare challenge, this area I command it. Something is off I feel. So I observe the coats, unnaturally they move, walking back and forth as excited somehow. Strange - let my prowl about and see how they react to my change.

First I must stretch, to get my bones refreshed. I jump down to the rocks below, systematically adjusting my balance and shifting my weight to jump again as I proceed from rock to rock, till the floor I reach. Now I stand and stare before slowly walking the openings length. As I walk, I glance at the coats from time to time, checking to see if my count is right. One, two, three, four...in all I count ten coats - normally there are between three and six but an extra four, this is strange. I can only recognize the aura of three, that means seven new coats are here today.

My food arrives and these men quickly take their stick and point it at the board they hold. They stare at me intensely - I stare back as I reach the end of the open space. Slowly I turn around and head back toward my breakfast, their hands start moving with the stick, so I pause but they pause as well with me. Strange indeed, I move again toward my meal and they too begin to move their sticks as well.

Interested as I am, I'm in need of sustenance so I proceed to my meal. Sinking my teeth into the meat, as I chew I have this weird sensation and the meat seems bitter. Glancing around I see the others eating with enjoyment - maybe it's just me, I probably just miss the thrill of the kill is all.

Still chewing, I can feel the gaze from the coats. Looking toward them I see they're moving their hands and turning to each other rapidly while also pointing towards me. My instincts tell me something's wrong - I spit out the meat I was chewing but I'm... I'm dizz...






In audible chattering


What... What's going on? It's pitch black. Wait, why won't my eyes open?

I hear men but don't know what's going on. Why won't my eyes open? Damn it! Let's try again... I can feel some movement...just a little more...just...

Good, I can...eyes widen. This...this...can't be real. Why can I see my body over there?... Why isn't my head moving?




"The...the head sir."

"What about it?"

"... The eyes...the eyes?"

"Damn it, speak clearly would you?"


What have they done to me?


Nervously, "Sir?".

Turning around and shouting, "What?"... "Oh my God!".


My mouth, I can feel it but it's not moving either. These wretched men. What have they done to me!?!


"Well, this is a surprise?"


This man is different. He has an air about him.

My mouth... I can feel it move. I can't expect they will understand me but it's worth a try... What... What happened to my voice?


"You seem surprised?... As you can see your body’s there". He points to the table behind him on the right. He's smiling at me, this wretched man. "I take it you have something to say but...if you haven't realized...you're only a head".

What does he mean? "You seem puzzled. Here we thought the experiment failed", he smirks. "You being alive is good news for us", he remarks. Just what did they do to me?

"Gentlemen, gentlemen, may I have your attention". A group of coats who were near the narrow opening, discussing something, turn around. He points at me.

In unison, "Ohh!!".

Smirkingly he says, "As you can see, preserving the head was a good idea. Now we can proceed to the next phase".

The group applauds.

He turns back to me and smiles. "Your contribution will not be forgotten".


My...my life won't end like this. Let's try and move my front paws...nothing. What is this, this cold feeling...is this what death feels like. Is this my fate?

NO! I refuse to accept this. That man is moving near my body. What... What is he doing, touching me with that foul grin on his face? I am a KING! I demand respect. Move damn it. MOVE!!


Tank liquid bubble, monitoring station beeps.


“Sir! We have a problem!”


Monitoring station beeps wildly.


“Turn off power to the tank. NOW!”

“I’m doing that sir… but, but-”

“But nothing, turn it OFF!!”


Tank bubbling.

What is this feeling? Why does it feel so… so… So Good!


Monitoring station reports, “Cellular growth detected. Mutation has occurred…. Warning, Warning!-”.

Tank glass cracking.


In a panicked unison, “Let’s get out of here!”.

Door locks.


Monitoring station responses, “Negative, the subject cannot be allowed to leave. Defense protocols are unavailable. Reporting situation”.



Glass shatters.


This feeling, what is this? Why am I standing like a man?... Nevermind that.


“You, what’s the matter? Where’s that smile you had earlier?”

“I’m-I’m sorry.”

“Haha-hahahaha, sorry. What a joyous scent you have… and I’m famished.”

Nervously shaking he says in a small voice, “Please spare me”.


I sink my teeth into his flesh. The cracking of bone as blood gushes. This taste…yes… YES! I’ve longed for this… Look at them, cowering. At long last prey, I’ve missed this.


Door beeps.

Hmm, what was that?

Door opens.

NO! My prey cannot be allowed to leave. I drop that man and move toward the opening. There stands a man with those lumps. Hmm, why’s his hand sparking?



Ahhh! What is this surge this pricking sensation pierces through my skin? AHHHH! It hurts, it HURTS!




While gargling, “This.. this.. Isn’t… ove-”

Smirking, “Sorry but it is. It’s my win”.

“I... I am… I am… a… a king…”


Nervously they ask, “Is it over?”


Monitoring station states, “Termination of subject confirmed. One casualty confirmed”.

March 02, 2023 21:10

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Wendy Kaminski
02:51 Mar 03, 2023

Awww. ;( I was rooting for the big cat the whole time, those dang sons of ...! Still, this was a really good and original story, Keith! Did not see it coming when I was reading the poetry (which was also a really nice touch!) - definitely a dark day for the lion/tiger, but I am so curious to know what the heck they were thinking, splicing a tiger head on a man's body (I think.... you left it wonderfully vague). :)


Keith Maynard Jr
11:01 Mar 03, 2023

:) you are actually wrong about the splicing. The cat is in fact a lion, which is why I used the King line like that cause the lion is considered the King of the jungle. The story shows that the lion's head was separated from the body and then the line about cellular growth and mutation refers to the lion's head regrowing a body in the tank but it has become a Werelion (similar to a Werewolf) which is why it stands on two legs at the end.


Wendy Kaminski
14:51 Mar 03, 2023

Ohhh gotcha, that was obvious and I just missed putting 2 and 2 together!


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