Christmas Fiction Kids

Chris was born into an average family, that is family that is not too rich. Chris was the first born of the family and the family cherish him so much because he was the source of their Joy, this is because the family anticipated a baby long before the arrival of Chris. Chris birth was a huge source of happiness to the family especially the mother. This made the mother to love him and always do everything to make him happy even after giving birth to other children, she still treat Chris as a child or even a baby. Always giving him many pets name like: my sugar, my Daddy, my happiness and many other sweet names. This made the younger siblings of Chris to nicknamed him "The first and the last born".

However, at school, Chris was always hard working and brillant, he always participate in all school activities with every alacrity of boldness. The school is always proud of Chris because of his braveness and boldness.

Chris always like football game and was a good striker. Each time the school has football match, Chris is always selected as one of the school representatives and he usually make the school proud. Everybody in the school knows Chris either because of one thing or the other because he is really versatile.

But back at home, Chris is another personality. He always want the parents and the siblings to pet him as if he was still a baby.

At the age of ten, Chris will also want the mother to bath him while bathing his younger siblings. Most times he will like to drink the milk that was made for the baby the mother was nursing


The mother is always in support of Chris attitude and always give him more petting than he needed.

Back in school, Chris loves chocolate ice cream and always buy one for himself for his mother do give him money for snacks every school days.

While Chris buys chocolate and share with his friends at school, he always drag chocolate with his siblings at home. And the parents never scold him for that. He developed the attitude of dragging Chocolate with his younger ones.

During one of the football contest in school, Chris was selected to play for his school which was having a friendly match with a neighboring School.

Chris was a good player and always take the ninth number in the field.

When the match began, every player mounted to his position including Chris, the match kicked off and both team tried to score goal to each other's goal post as that was the only determinant of the winner in any football contest.

Chris' School team was the first to score goal and that triggered off the zeal of the other team at least to have a draw game with the opponent. As they struggle to score goal, their opponent, the Chris team tried to build a defense against them in order to remain the winner.

As the struggle and urge to score was so high, the struggle to defend was also high. At this point all football tactics was used by both teams. At the eve of the struggle, one of the opponent player on trying to kick the ball, hit his boot on Chris who fell unconscious and was rushed to the hospital after first aid couldn't remedy the situation.

After some moments in the hospital and with necessary treatment, Chris regaind conscience and asked about the match and was happy to learn that his team won.

However this happiness vanished when he saw his father stepping into his ward.

He fell back to his childish behavior and started crying over the pains on his body. This put a surprise on the teachers that took him to hospital but the father had to give him the usual petting and made him to smile again.

After some days in the hospital, Chris was discharged from the hospital.

The family beckoned on the teachers to allow Chris stay at home and regained himself before going back to school which the school granted a two weeks holidays in order for Chris to regain himself.

During the staying at home, Chris will never allow his parents to rest, he always nag in one way or the other to the point that the mother who was always comfortable with his attitude became tired. She thought of two things to do to Chris, either to send him back to school or to take him to one of the relatives so that he could complete his remaining health break there.

The decision was for Chris to go and stay with his relatives small since that would make him stay away from home and experience another family.

The family welcomed Chris with warm greetings and treated him good for the first two days. But after that, they made Chris to realize that he was no longer at home and could not get the usual petting he used to get from his people. He was given hard labor and was meant to fetch water every morning and also do other house chores. Chris was ok with it for the first few days but later he became pixed off and put a call on the parents requesting them to come and pick him up that he has fully recovered but the parents told him that he has to start school there because they discovered that the place was the best place for him to stay. Chris was not happy with the idea at all. But after realising why such punishment was given to him, he called the parents again and promised not to disturb them again.

The parents promised to come on the Sunday and pick him up for he called on the Friday. Chris was very Happy that he will soon leave the place he was.

On the Sunday morning, Chris began to anticipate his parents arrival that he hesitate on going to church service with his relatives.

On the arrival of the parents, Chris was very happy and the parents took him home.

At home the parents made Chris to realize that it isn't good to behave childish, Chris has learned his lessons but sometimes he also behaves like a child while at home but if the parents remind him that they will send him back to the relatives, he put up his garment of maturity.

November 25, 2020 16:17

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