I jumped.
"I said I want ice cream!"
Of course, she did. It was summer and I was babysitting the two brattiest kids in town. Camille and Carter, the twins of the no-good Mayor, Mr. Fisheyes. No that wasn't his actual name, but Mayor Chamberlin was too basic for his pretentious personality. Plus, he did have some messed-up eyes. Most people were staying at home during the pandemic, but Fisheyes and his wife needed a sitter, and I needed money.
"You just ate lunch, you don't need ice cream, Cam," I sighed.
"Yes, I do! I deserve whatever I want."
I decided not to argue with her. Last time I yelled at her for being a brat, her mother came home to her throwing a tantrum, and I was almost fired for 'wrongly disciplining the princess of the house.'
"Get your masks, then get in the car and we'll go to Sammy's." Sammy's was the small, yet enterprising, ice cream parlor known for their famous 'Coco Hog' sundae. After things calmed down a bit in our small town in Maine, ice cream parlors were allowed to open as long as they were following the CDC guidelines. We drove to the parlor while listening to the Frozen soundtrack for the hundredth time this summer.
"Are we there yet!?" Carter screeched just as we pulled into the gravel drive, "I'm sick of Elsa and Anna singing about snow."
"Unless you're blind dummy, we just arrived," his sister rolled her eyes.
They put their masks on and got out of the car to look at the menu as I checked Instagram. I never posted anything, but my best friend, Sara was posting about her vacation nonstop. While I was wasting my summer watching spoiled rascals, she was off in the Caribbeans at her Aunt's beach house, because apparently, her parents wanted her to be away from idiots, or as they called it, away from 'humanity' during COVID.
"We need money!" The twins pounded on the window. I handed them a five then put my plain, blue, mask on and got out of the car and walked up to the window while still scrolling through pictures of baby turtles and coconut smoothies.
"Mia Stewart?" A deep, unknown voice echoed.
I glanced up to see the one and only, Zachary Frost, handing a sundae to Cam with some weird invention to make sure everyone was six feet away. Zach was in my grade, he was one of those half nerd half jock kind of dudes, his parents were both on the school board, but that's about all I knew about him. I think I worked on him with a project last year before online-school, but other than that I didn't talk to him much.
"Oh hey, I didn't know you worked here," I said, half paying attention to my phone.
"Oh, yea, I, I...I just got, umm, my, no, the job the other day," he stumbled.
"Oh. Uh, cool," I said. Did Zach Frost like me? No, he probably just is one of those socially-awkward people. But, he wasn't like that in Chem. Eh, I'm probably overanalyzing. I'll ask Sara later when she can Facetime. She's always had better advice about boys.
"Could, umm, I...?" he stopped midway in his sentence and snapped out of it, "Um, sorry about that, could I get you something to eat?"
"Oh, I'll just have a scoop of lemon sorbet in a dish."
After we got our ice cream, I dropped off the twins at their McMansion since their mother was home early. I turned on my playlist, which consisted mostly of country and a few pop songs here and there, and drove home to the apartment building hidden back behind a small diner at the edge of town. My parents have always been financially stable but never made a big-fuss over anything. They owned an apartment, a Honda they shared, and other than mismatch furniture, and our cat, Cleo, they lived pretty frugal lives. I got out of my Jeep, and walked into the kitchen, got a snack, and then collapsed on the ripped, blue, and tan striped, couch. After binging Netflix for an hour, my phone starting vibrating. I clicked answer on the call and was greeted by Sara's, sunglass, and wide-brim hat covered face.
"Mia! We haven't talked in forever!" she smiled.
"You mean since this morning?" we giggled.
"Anyways, how were the brats?" her cousin is best friends with Camille, so after meeting the twins at a birthday party, she knows how intolerable they are.
"Meh, same as always. Hey, I need your advice."
"Oooh! Is it a boy?" she shrieked.
"Eh, I guess. I think Zach Frost might like me," I told her the whole story.
"Well, I ship you guys," she smirked.
"Omg, you're so annoying," I rolled my eyes.
We spent the next hour or so chatting about a cute lifeguard at the beach Sara went to today before my parents got home from work, and we ate dinner, watched a movie, and then I snoozed off.
"We want ice cream again," the twins bugged.
"How about tomorrow?" I asked.
"No. Now."
"Fine," I hoped I wouldn't have to run into Zach again. The more awkward situations I can avoid, the better.
Once we arrived and got out of the car to see the one and only, Zach, standing at the window again. I let out a sigh and walked up to him.
"Oh um, hey, Mia."
"I've been meaning to ask you something," he blushed.
Oh gosh. A date? No, I just found he liked me yesterday. Plus, my parents would never let me go out on a date during Covid.
"I know you barely know me, but I was wondering if maybe, you would want to go on a, um, um, a date, with me, tomorrow night?" he spoke so quietly I though
OH NO! No. No. No. No. No. Apart from everything else in this situation, I have a slight confession... I've never been on a date. I am one of those Juniors in high school who doesn't want to think about a date until at least college. But, I'm also one of those people who speak without thinking.
"Of course!" I squeaked out sounding way too enthusiastic.
"Oh! Awesome! And if you don't mind, I was thinking we could just have a picnic in the Stoneylake park? So we could still stay six feet away? And how does six o'clock work?"
"Sounds perfect! Meet you there!" I cringed. I grabbed the twins, ignoring their protests, and we drove away. We stopped at a Dairy Queen, then I sped back to their house, turned on a movie for them, and locked myself in the bathroom.
"Sara!" I screamed at the phone.
"Uhh, why are you in the Fisheye's bathroom?"
"Nevermind that! Zach asked me on a date!"
"What!?" her eyes widened, "You're kidding! We found out he liked you yesterday and today he asks you on a freaking date!? Eh, what do you expect, it's 2020?" I laughed.
"You didn't say yes though? Still keeping up the no-dates until college streak, right?"
"Umm. That's the thing. I might have said yes. You know I speak before thinking. And you know my parents wouldn't let me go during Covid." I pouted, "What should I do?"
"What!? You don't even like the guy! Plus, you should really listen to your parents," she frowned then looked behind her, "Uh, What was that Aunt Linda?!" she asked, responding to nobody. She turned back to the screen. "Um, I have to go. And I'm really busy for the next few days, so don't call. Bye Mia."
She hung up before I could say anything. What was that about? She said something before about her aunt being strict about overusing the wifi, so maybe that was it. I sighed, fixed my hair, and then went to watch Toy Story with the twins. After Mr. Fisheyes came home, I headed out the door, and before going home I got takeout at the diner. I didn't feel like talking to anyone, disappointed that my best friend barely said a word to me about my first date, so I sat in my car, munching down a large fry. After I finished, I headed home to find my parents waiting for me at the door with angry faces.
"Mia Sandra Stewart!" my dad yelled. I jumped. "Where were you today?"
"Babysitting. Why?" I questioned.
"No, Sara told us you went to Sammy's."
"Yes, the kids wanted ice cream."
"And you also met a boy who asked you on a date?" my mother asked with a fierce tone.
I am going to kill Sara! How could my best friend rat me out to my parents? "Yea, I did. So what? His name is Zach and don't worry, he is not a criminal." I mocked with a sassy tone.
"Mia! We agreed that one, you would not be going anywhere during Covid-19 besides the Chamberlin's house. Yet, you got ice cream and now you want to go on a date! That's risky behavior! And, two you are not allowed to go on a date until college! You are grounded for the next month! I'll tell the Chamberlin's they'll have to find a new sitter!" she screamed.
Ok, yes. I really didn't want to go on a date until college, but most of that was influenced by my parents. I loved my parents, but they are very strict about dating and Covid. I don't blame them for the Covid thing. My parents volunteer at a hospital a few days a week. They see the numbers. We know it's dangerous. But as I grew up I realized that I should have more freedom about my love life. I just decided to ignore it, until now...
"Well, believe it or not, most of my friends had their first kiss in middle school! Middle School! And yet, even when I mention a boy's name I get grounded! I've listened to you stupid rules for seventeen years! And not that you care, but it was going to be a social-distancing date! It would've been safe! But you really don't care, do you? You never care about my feelings!" I stormed out of the room.
I picked up Cleo and snuggled with him in my bean bag chair. I shed a few tears. The truth hurts. After reading a few chapters of a cozy romance, I picked up my phone to call Sara. Wait till she hears this! Before pressing her contact, I realized that I couldn't call her. She betrayed me. After being friends for ten years, she betrayed me. I set the phone down and cried myself to sleep.
I woke up the hardwood floor. I rubbed my dry eyes and sat up. It was already 2 p.m. There was a note hanging on my door.
Dear Mia,
We know the effects of Covid-19 have been very hard for you to deal with. We understand that you didn't mean what you said to us last night. We forgive you, but there must be consequences. We have already spoken to your employers, and we have agreed that you are not allowed to leave the house for three weeks. We are trying to keep you safe.
Love, Dad, and Mom ♥
P.S. Mom is working late tonight, and Dad will not be home until around ten o'clock. Please stay inside.
Screw them. The only place I was allowed to go before was the twin's and now I am under freaking house-arrest? Sorry Mom and Dad, but I am going on that date tonight. Is this is a trap? Why would they mention they wouldn't be home tonight in the same letter that I got for trying to go on a date? Whatever. It's worth trying. Even if I get grounded for the rest of my life, I'll try to enjoy one last night before double quarantine.
By the time I finished the book I was reading, it was already four-thirty. I looked at my closet. I was a pretty simple person. Plain t-shirts, sweatpants, jeans, leggings, and a few dresses.
"What do people even wear on dates?" I asked Cleo. If I had no human to talk to and support me, Cleo would work fine. Except that he was snoozing away on top of my pillow. I sighed.
I searched google for 'What to wear on a social-distancing park date?' All that came up were pictures of face mask and CDC guidelines. I guess I was on my own.
After staring at my selection for twenty minutes, I decided to wear a fitting, striped shirt, blue jeans, sandals, and a silky sweater to top it off. I pulled my hair into a neat bun and didn't even bother much with the makeup. I put some lip gloss on and picked up a random, black purse from a flea market, and went out to my car. By the time I arrived at Stoneylake, the clock just turned six.
A rusty pickup truck parked next to mine. A second later, I looked through my windshield to see Zach set orange roses on the dashboard. He then stepped a few feet away and I smiled and got out of the car. I picked up the roses and laughed.
Zach looked concerned.
"Oh, I'm sorry! I've just never been on a date before and I can't believe my first one is during a pandemic," I awkwardly grinned.
He started laughing too, "Don't forget the murder-hornets."
I chuckled.
"Anyways, are you hungry? I brought takeout from Mario's. I hope that was okay?" he asked.
"I love Italian!" we walked to the gazebo on the beach that was lit with little candles. There was a long table in the middle with a chair on either side. We sat down and he slid a small pizza and breadsticks towards me.
"So," he said after finishing a slice of pizza, "What have you been doing besides babysitting the Mayor's kids and buying ice cream?" he chuckled
"Honestly nothing. My parents are kind of strict and my best friend's been out of town this summer. How about you?"
"That sucks. Besides scooping ice cream, I live a pretty boring life even before the pandemic. My mom left when I was a kid, my dad is a pilot, so he's at workdays and nights. I've never really had a friendship like you and Sara Adams."
"Oh." That left me silent.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't pushing all this stuff onto you," he apologized.
"No, it's not that. I know exactly how you feel. Um, Sara and I aren't talking.
"I'm really sorry! I didn't know."
"No, don't worry about it."
"Did you get into an argument or something?" he asked.
"Uh, yea. Something like that."
We stayed silent for a few minutes, munching on pizza until he broke the silence.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
If anyone besides Sara had asked me a question like that I would have said no. I hate sharing my personal life and problems. Whenever I'd go to sleepovers with other girls and we'd play truth or dare, they'd always share their crushes. I was never like that. People got annoyed with me for not sharing secrets. "It's just a crush" they'd say to me. But it wasn't for me. It was a secret that could be spread through the whole grade. It was a secret that I couldn't trust anyone with, besides my best friend. But now, I didn't have a best friend. And now, I couldn't believe what I just did.
"Yes," I whispered. And that was the night I ended up spilling my personal life to a boy I barely knew before today. That was the night I realized that you had to forgive others. You may not be able to trust everyone, but there are some special people in the world.
And that was the night I met my boyfriend.
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I definitely could see a lot of what you wrote about; the flavor of ice cream was a nice touch. I liked the description of the mayor’s family and parents - very well done without overdoing it. I wish the ending was different. So much was shared between two strangers. I wish I would’ve known if there was a reason - a feeling, an inclination, a madness from being in quarantine too long. Also, I just saw that it’s your first submission. Keep writing!!
Haha thanks! I get what you mean about the ending! By the end I was tired and sick of writing it so I kind of ended it erupt. ;)
Haha! I totally get it!
Awwww I love this!!!!!
Thanks! :)