Friendship Happy

It was August 3rd in Sunnydale, California. The sun was shining and the birds were singing. But Maria was still sleeping. Her brother, Pedro came into her room and started shaking her. "Maria get up. Today's the day." Pedro said. Pedro went to the kitchen to get a water bottle. He came back to her room and sprayed her! "Wake up Maria!" Maria jerked up and started yelling at Pedro. "What did you do that for! Can't you see I am trying to sleep?" Maria yelled. Pedro laughed and walked out of the room. "Ugh! Why wasn't I an only child?!" Maria exclaimed. She climbed out of bed and headed to her closet. She picked out a white and blue crop top with high waisted jeans. She brushed her hair and slipped on her Vans and headed to the bathroom. She checks her teeth in the mirror. She grabs her shiny white toothpaste, applies to the toothbrush, and brushes her teeth. "Maria hurry up! We are going to be late!" Pedro exclaims. "I'm almost done!" Maria says with her mouth full. She grabs a cup of water, gargles it, and spits it in the sink. She runs back into her room, grabs her mini black backpack, and runs to the car. She climbs in the front seat and puts on her seatbelt. Pedro gets in the car, puts on his seatbelt, and drives off.

Pedro and Maria arrive at this big festival. There were hundreds of people. There was this big banner that said "Baking Competition" on it. "We are finally here!" Maria shouts. Maria and Pedro walk up to the sign-up sheet. After they signed up, the bouncer let them in. "Woah," Pedro says surprised, "This is a really big place." Maria spots the station. "Pedro look! Our station!" Maria runs over and puts on her apron. Pedro chases after her. He puts on his apron too. "Maria look! I think it's starting," Pedro whispers. "Hello everyone! Welcome to the first annual Sunnydale Baking Competition!" the speaker exclaims. Everyone starts to whistle and clap. "For your challenge, you will have to bake a cookie." All of the competitors were confused and some started laughing. "But not just any cookie, a giant cookie! 20 feet tall!" Maria's jaw dropped. "You have 4 hours. Your time starts now!" Maria started on the dough while Pedro worked out the measurements. 3 hours have gone by and Maria was on her 23rd batch of dough! She nearly fell on the floor. "Maria. I'll take over the dough. Prep the instant oven!" Pedro said. Maria turned on the giant instant oven and set it to 550 degrees so it can cook fast. They spread out the dough and put it in the oven. "Pedro! We might have a shot at this!" Maria exclaims. One of the contestants, Lisa, came over to Maria and Pedro's station. "How are you guys doing over here," Lisa smirked. "We can't be bothered sorry," Maria says while rushing. "Oh well sorry." Lisa walked away and tripped Pedro! He fell and knocked over the milk which got in the oven! The oven started to spark so Maria grabbed the fire extinguisher before it blew up. She extinguished it and it didn't blow up. Pedro checks the oven and the cookie was fine. "Why did you do that Lisa!?" Maria angrily shouts. The speaker has news from the judges. He comes down to Maria and Pedro's station where Lisa, Maria, and Pedro are. "Lisa," the speaker says, "You and your teammate are disqualified," Lisa screams and walks away to her car. "Bakers continue working." The speaker went back up to the judges' table. "She needed to be disqualified," Pedro whispered to Maria.

45 minutes gone by and the cookie was done. The cookie was frosted and it looked like an emoji face. It took up the rest of their time! The alarm went off so they had to stop. The speaker came down and the judges did too. They tasted everyone's cookie. They decided on the winners and the speaker announced it. "The winners of the annual Sunnydale Baking Competition are... Maria and Pedro!" Maria screamed and jumped into her brother's arms. "You also get a prize of 100,000 dollars!" Maria danced and screamed. Maria and Pedro took a picture of the check and went home.

They arrived at their house. They ran inside and showed their mom the check. "Oh my gosh. You guys won! I'm so proud of you guys!" Their mom hugged them and talked about what they were going to do with the money. "Mom. I think we should move somewhere. Maybe get a new car. And get some laptops." Maria said. "Really Maria. We can't just spend money on electronics."

It has been 2 years and they bought a 2 story house. It even had a pool and some garages! Maria had a youtube channel called "Baking with Maria" and had 5 million subscribers! That's how she made money. She attends Harvard with Pedro. Pedro worked at Walmart. Their mom had passed away on January 5th. They had the house all to themselves. Maria and Pedro never separated. They always were together. Taking care of each other. Their friends would always come over and spend time with them. They eventually started to appear in big movies and TV shows. They also kept going to baking competitions. But not in Sunnydale. They went to competitions from all over the world! Sometimes Maria and Pedro would fight but they would always make up. Maria started to get more into music and became a singer. She even made music videos! She did collabs with other singers/rappers and she did youtube collabs with big bakers! She still did the baking. Pedro decided that he wanted to change the world. He started meeting with big people like CEO's of big companies. He wanted to run for president, but he lost. He still loved to help people. That first baking competition really changed their lives.

December 09, 2020 22:18

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