Creative Nonfiction Drama Teens & Young Adult

When life gives you lemons make lemonade right. Angie could not see the right lemons i believe. Question is "does life really give us lemons or humans manage to bring themselves lemons they do not need?" "Beware of scams", on walls, YouTube videos, Google and now friends , call it staple food already " Angie's thoughts three months earlier.

She was a well bred girl so humble and kind the little joy of the Matt family. Be it at home or at school she did her best afterall having strict parents why wouldn't you. "Tyrants" that was the word on the street about them.

Financial wise Angie never had much trouble the little she got, she saved and would help out friends. Weirdly enough never in her light years would she borrow from people. As a university student the pressures of independence and making money knocked on her doors. The thoughts of success took captive of her mind when it was idle. One problem or could it be a blessing in disguise, she lacked confidence. Taking the first step, be it forex trading or starting up a small business like her peers she did not have it.

All her life everything was provided and involved only immediate family hence less risk. However, she knew she wanted multiple investments when she grew up. "What better time than now," she murmured. Days went by Angie surpressing the feelings of her thoughts. As if wonders never cease to happen you could say, " look at what the cat dragged in." Beep-beep, in came a notification from her Instagram account and read "Hi, my name is Mrs Joy from XYZ investment..."

Ever wondered why Eve could not resist eating the aple in the Garden of Eden? Angie's confidence got boosted in a matter of seconds just from reading the message. She brought forth questions to her parents and all the told her became fuel to confidence she already has to help her close the gap of making money like her peers. One fateful day she took her savings and transferred it to Mrs Joy to make her investment "a small amount afterall i still have more " she said quirky.

Unknowingly that was the day the biggest mistake of her life was made. She became the perfect bait and grabbed very tightly. The following day she was asked to pay again for registration and she paid with a no stress. There are bit of delays and suspicions that arise and she tries to send texts the only thing Mrs Joy would be asking for it is more money different fees. As the days go by Angie complained to her and even started to communicate using eamils however she felt she was speaking to the same person but because she believed in emails she let it slide.

Angie asked for refund which took some days and was told it is non refundable. The thought of leaving so much money in the hands of a stranger was unsettling to her. Every night she would cry silently in her room and pray hard. She tried to finish off the payment, more fees would come up. As she searched for those fees on the internet they would correlate, "what a relief ," she would say. It was like an addiction to a game of gamble to loosing less to gain more but in reality it was the opposite.

When compared to other children you could say she weirder than the rest but for a person who believed in facts she came across a tarot reading. During the day she was still thinking of not making payment the tarot read, " you are sitting on a treasure, something that would make you rich..." Angie was sold then and there she believed it resonated and spoke to her.

The final payment was the decider of all. She paid it all and she felt she had conquered everything. Angie felt happier and plans to buy her family and friends some gifts, you could see the list overflowed like a christmas wish list. The wait was finally over and the day had finally arrived which are the 3 days she was ordered to wait. To her surprise no notification was received so she sent a text waited for a moment, he room was as silent as a grave and she finally made the call. "The number you have dialled does not exist..." tiiiiiiii, her ears rang, phone flat face on the ground some chill rand down her spine and you could her heart skipped a beat too.

Angie picked up the phone surfed the internet to search for Mrs Joy and all accounts were erased. She finally found one thing she was indeed a scammer, all doors shht because of the disbelief. Angie felt the weight of the world on her shoulders. The lack of confidence was indeed a blessing in diguise if only she knew earlier. A dead man walking with thoughts living rent free in her head was a description given to her state.

I am Angie and it is only now i realised i should not ignore signs like i did 3 months ago. Only after a month i was able to tell my friends and parents about the scam, i could see the rage and disappointment in their eyes. I felt like the most stupid person in the world.

The instructions i was given were to hide this secret to the grave as it is an embarrassment to the Matt family. If i had siblings i would say i am the black sheep of the family, i guess being an only child has its pecks. All my needs were still provided for then i knew never to take anything for granted. One of the things i had to was figure out my way on the wants in my life as punishment i hope i have learnt well.

I have started to save for a laptop and tried to earn money through games all i see is see is "scams" everywhere. All i can say is once bitten twice shy.

July 22, 2021 15:35

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