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 Introduction: Once upon a time there was a little girl named Leah and a man named Liam. Liam was like a grandfather to Leah. They lived across the street from each other and would often send each other made-up stories they wrote in their journals. They sent them in plane form. After a few months, they put them in order. This is the story of Leah and Liam.


Leah’s journal

            January 15, 2020

Today, I was standing in the line, in the grocery store, and impatiently, waiting to pay for my candies. My mother was in the car, waiting for me.   I could not wait to go home, and get back to my computer games. In front of me, there was an old gentleman, and was counting his change, to pay for his small groceries.  He was taking his time, as if he had all the time in the world, and not cared for the rest of us who were in big hurry. Then he realized that he did not have enough change.  He took a strange thing out of his pocket, which to me was like a small booklet, opened it, and took a ten-dollar bill, out of a stack of money, inside. He gave the money to the cashier, and then when he saw my puzzled states on his strange booklet, with a smile at me, he showed it to me clearly, and told me that it was a Bill Folder.  Afterward, he turned toward me, showed me the function of it and told me that he had that bill folder since the end of the Korean war. I thanked him for his information. At last I got my turn. I gave a cashier my ten-dollar bill for a pack of candy, and a jar of ice-cream. She rang it out and gave me back my change of a few pennies. I put the change in my pocket, and left the store, but the images of the billboarded, stayed in my mind.  I thought I would never forget it. 


Liam's Journal

October 15, 1919

             Today, my father came home early, and announced that he had lost his job in the mill.  That meant that from now on, we all had to work. I am nine years old, and with my younger brother and sister, we must go to the field, and with our small diggers, dig the ground to find edible roots.  My father took his shotgun, and headed to the mountain sides to hunt for something bigger than small birds, to feed our family. The weather is getting cold, and my hands are really cold, but I know that I cannot go home without some vegetables, since there is not much food at home to consume.  I wish my father would be able to hunt a deer or something big to last us for a week.


             Leah’s journal

February 2, 2020   

Today, as usual, we were visiting my grandmother’s house for Sunday dinner.  While we all were waiting for the dinner to be set, the doorbell ranged. We all were startled, since usually there is no one else invited beside us.  But my grandmother told us that she had invited an old friend of my grandfather for Sunday dinner. To my surprise, the guest was no one, but the old gentleman whom I had seen in the grocery store the previous week.   My grandmother introduced the old gentleman as Mr. Liam. Apparently, my grandpa and Mr. Liam had some history together, from the time when they were very young.

 My grandpa was really happy to see his old friend.  They talked and chatted about the good old days, when they both were fighting for their country.

             I was fascinated with their talking, and laughing.  Mr. Liam, and grandpa, knew lots of people, who apparently were not around anymore. After dinner was served, my grandma served them tea, and Sponge cream fruit cake.  Grandma had gone to length to create a friendly atmosphere and to remind of Mr. Liam and grandpa’s old friendship. Not to mention that this was a favorite sweet of her own, too.

             I, steel, was thinking of Mr. Liam’s billfold.  I wanted to see it again, and see how it was working. It was nothing like my parents

 Valets, nor like zipper zaps of my own.  At last; I could not hold back, and I asked Mr. Liam to show me his billfold, one more time.  Mr. Liam was very nice, and after a hearty laugh, he pulled it out of his pocket, and showed it to me.  Along with its function, he also pulled out a ten-dollar old bill.

             “Do you know how much this bill is?”  Mr. Liam asked me.

             “Yes; off course I know!  It is an old ten-dollar bill!”  I said sarcastically.

             “Can you tell me what can we buy with this bill?  Mr. Liam asked.

             I thought for a few minutes.  Had he seen me on that day. Did he remember what I had bought with my money?  I answered that with that much money, I probably would buy a gallon of milk chocolate, and two loaves of bread.  If there was anything left, I would buy a candy bar, too.

             Mr. Liam sighted.  He put his money inside the billfold, and put the whole thing in his pocket. 



             From Liam’s journal

             December 19,1919

             Christmas is getting near.  We don’t have anything under the tree, since we have burnt the tree to get some warmth in the house. Yesterday, my father picked up his shotgun and went to the field, to hunt a turkey, or any bird which could be food for us.  The entire time since he has gone, my mother is praying for his safe and successful return.


             Liam’s journal

             December 22,1919

             My father came back today, and brought us a wild turkey which he had shot, so we will have a nice dinner for Christmas day.  My mother’s parents are visiting us, and also, my uncle, who has come from war, and is visiting his parents, would join us for the diener.  We all are too excited. My brother and I had enough salary roots, turnips, and potatoes, gathered from our field diggings. And of course my mother is the best cook possible, to be able to create the best food for the occasion.  We are going to have a very jolly time.


             Liam’s journal

             December 25,1919

We all had a good time.  My uncle had a flute, and while my father sang, he played lots of music with his flute.  He also played with us too. We all were too full, and too tired. The fun lasted, until my grandparents and my uncle said goodbye to us, but not before that my uncle gave each one of us, a ten-dollar gift. 

             I gave my ten-dollar bill to my father.  I will never forget his face as long as I live.  He had tears in his eyes. He held my hands in his, and put his head on my small shoulder.  We stayed in that position for some time. Then he let me go, and put the money in his billfold, and he didn’t say anything to me.  The next day he left the house. Before he left the house, he asked my brother and I to take care of our mother and sister as best as we could. He kissed us, and said good-bye, and left. 

             I didn’t ask him where he was going, and I don’t think that my mother knows it either, but I know that I will miss him greatly.


             Liam’s journal

             October 31, 1919

             I haven’t heard from my father, yet.  I don’t ask about him from my mother, in case she breaks down and cries, something she does that a lot, lately.  We still go to school, and I still have my job as a soda jerk after school. My brother and I, also have some paper job\e, and deliver the daily newspapers to the people who can afford to buy a paper.  The money pays for our rent, and sustenance. Sometimes I wish I had some free time to go outside, just to play with other children, but they also have jobs to take care of their families, too. They call it time of depression, and I don’t blame it for calling it that.



             Leah’s journal

             October 31, 2019

This evening, my friends and I went to the trick or treating.  I liked my costume, which was a Cinderela’s costume. My sisters each had their own costume, and I am sure that after tonight, we will never wear them again.  I guess that is a waste of money, but it's worth it. We collected lots of candies, and my mom told us that the candy should go to the homeless shelter, since she spends lots of money for our healthy teeth. We didn’t want to give all our candy so we gave half to the shelter.


             Leah’s journal

             December 23, 2019

             Today, my dad added 3 more gifts to the pile of presents under the tree, which we are going to have on Christmas day. The smell of cinnamon and baked cookies is filling the house.  I can’t wait for the Santa clause any longer!


             Liam’s journal

             December 23, 1920


             This afternoon, after I came home from my job, I saw a beautiful yellow car parked in front of our apartment.  I wondered whose car it was. Was it possible that our landlord was there to evict us? I wasn’t so sure if I should go inside or not, but I finally decided to go inside our house, and be of some kind of support to my mom.  I rang the bell, even though I knew the door was not locked. When the door was opened, I got the shock of my life. It was my father who opened the door on me. He told me that the car was his,, and he was going to take my mother, and my siblings to dinner.


             Liam’s journal

             December 25,1920

             Today, on Christmas day, we had the most wonderful time of our lives.  My father handed me his billfold, with a ten-dollar bill in it. Then he told me that with the money I had given to him, he had gone to town, bought a push cart, and created a small food business for himself.  Apparently, there were too many people who appreciated his pancake’s and syrups in the mornings, and hot dogs in the midday. At the present time, he had hired an old friend of his to watch over his business, while he had come home to take us with him to the town, to be near him.  My father told me that without that ten dollar, which I had given him on previous Christmas day, his dream would never be shaped.


  Mr. Liam sighted, again.  He had some tears in his eyes. 

             “You see my dear young friend, in my time, this ten-dollar bill gave us a life and hope which we dreamed about.  and then he told me stories about it.

From that day on; I have saved my money, and if I can give hope to someone else, I have the money to do so.  Now my dear girl, can you tell me what you will do with your ten-dollar gift, if I give it to you?” Mr. Liam asked me with twinkling eyes.

             After hearing his story, I definitely would not buy ice cream or chocolate mildly.  I guess there are more important things in the world, or even in my world, which would enable me to live without them. 

             Mr. Liam gave myself and my sisters each ten-dollar bill.  I decided to save my money for emergencies. Now that we live in a different era, my parents don’t need my money, but who knows what will happen in the future. But the money is not all I care for right now.  I have decided to put my efforts into playing less on the computer, and learning more. I am going to save every penny I can save, so someday I can have a story to tell to my grandchildren.

April 20, 2020 17:20

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1 comment

16:00 May 14, 2020

Thanks for the compliment! I know it was similar to the other one. My grandma actually wrote it, but she likes me take the credit to be successful. She's funny.


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