My Rainy Day By Lauren Barbosa

Submitted into Contest #34 in response to: Write a story about a rainy day spent indoors.... view prompt

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My family got home as soon as they could, drenched in water. We finally placed all of our groceries on the ground and headed to take a shower. Evening head already struck like a lightning bolt. Our house was cold and dim. By the time we had all taken a shower, we realised that it was starting to rain hailstones. I say that we were just lucky that we weren't out at the time.

We had all then sat down to watch a movie, shovelling away the fact that we were all numb due to the freezing cold. We had just all crowded around each other as if we were a pack of penguins trying to keep out the cold.

We had only gone out to stock up some food for the tremendously long field trip that we'd have to get used to. We then sorely regretted ever going out.

We rammed closer in as the cold became stronger. We were all trembling and shaking, trying to keep warm. We then started to hug each other trying to keep warm.

We could suddenly feel each other getting hotter each minute that was passing by. We all sighed in relief as we pulled apart from each other loosening our grip and then finally tugging off . We all sat separately on our sofa. I was genuinely surprised of how much a gap my family left from each other. They acted as if they had just made each other really angry and now they can not even bare to sit next to each other. It was fairy strange adding to the fact that we had just a few minutes ago used our self to produce heat causing us to feel warm. We had just helped each other and now we are doing this? Nope. Not happening.

I stood up and commented that I needed to go to the toilet. I then when to out heater and decreased the heat/turned it off. I then went upstairs and went to the toilet because I genuinely need to go. I an back down stairs because I was taking a pretty long time and I didn't want to make my family become suspicious. A few minutes after I had settled in, my family started to keep saying that they were cold and then my father stood up and when to the heated. He had a surprised look on his face while walking to the heater. He had walked up to me and asked if I had turned of the heater. I then said no adding to the fact that I didn't want to get caught by my father or anyone else in my family. I don't think he believed me but he just let it fly and sat me back down on the sofa. We were all cold and that is when I huddled together with my dad. My mom, my sister and my brother all joined in on taking part in producing heat.

It had taken longer this time to produce heat. I wasn't so sure how but it gave us more time being huddled together. I really enjoyed the movie and being huddled together with my family. It felt like we were actually bonding.

When it got hotter, we had all parted from each other but hadn't left gaps this time. I guess I was right I guess we were actually bonding.

After the movie finished, my mom had went to pick up the groceries as I and my siblings went to get some junk food to eat. My mom had just bought one of our favourite healthy snacks but we for some reason didn't look up to having it after the movie. It's like ever since I had switched of the heater my whole life reversed. Well, to make I not seem like anything was different I picked up the healthy snack at sat back down on the sofa. It was truly boring just sitting there and watching a blank screen. That's when I picked up the remote and switched it on to my favourite show that I know my family hates. But, my family just sat there and watched. They were a all sitting in the corner of the sofa leaving no gaps of spaces between each other. That's when I knew something was up. I just thought that this was the worst day of my whole life.

I stood up and put my snack away. My family just sat there not making a peep. I then realises that this rainy day had just turned into a disaster. I turned the heat back on to see if anything would be normal again. I closed my eyes and wished for a normal family again. I'm not perfect, neither is my family. When I opened my eyes, my brother and sister jumped off the sofa and started a riot with each other. I sighed in relief. My family is back to normal again! It felt so good to have my family back. My siblings then had a race seeing who would get their favourite snack first. My brother got there first but ended up giving my sister half of the snack.

I obviously snatched the snack from my brother. He deserved it. My father chased me down and swung me up in the air. This was the best day of my whole life. My mother just laughed and giggled as she stood up and made funny faces. The rain was still pouring out side but we were warm in each others embrace. My father threw me and my sibling on the sofa as my mother followed and he picked out a movie for taking of my ridiculously lame television show. We ended up watching the show 'Good Burger' and ended up laughing hysterically because of how dumb the movie was. My mother and father ended up sleeping throughout the movie leaving me and my siblings fighting with each other at 1:00am.

Well, that's how me and my family got through our rainy day.

That's the end of My Rainy Day.

Written By - Lauren Barbosa.

March 23, 2020 13:03

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1 comment

Jenny K
17:54 Mar 30, 2020

This is a very raw story. At first I'm not sure what to think exactly, but then I like that it's raw because it's your story of a rainy day. There are a few grammar errors in need of correcting that would make this story smoother and easier to follow and read. Those are tough! Watch out for them. :-)


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