Corrupt Sun

Submitted into Contest #90 in response to: Write about a community that worships Mother Nature.... view prompt


Drama Fiction

Temperatures were rising, Arizona weather was normal in every state around this time. Sweat would drip down foreheads just for going outside. Winter and snow were becoming a myth for adolescents. Heat waves were a common occurrence, if snow came it would melt before touching the ground. 

Religions started popping up around the world, worshiping the sun. They prayed the sun would stop its rising heat, every day they stared blankly at the sun. You’d think humans would go blind, but with a purpose beyond their eyes, they could stare for hours. People started buying land and reserving it for followers to have a nice place to worship. It was gaining so much attraction other religions tried to copy some of its rituals. This didn’t work very well. In less than a year everyone worshiped their new god, the sun. 

In the public eye, the man who created this religion was a bulky business man named James West. He had no involvement in creating it; he’s never sun gazed, but he was the perfect famous figure to support the religion. This religion titled Organa, founded by a man named Rih. Mysterious man with no prior past or name. Considered a god in followers’ eyes until the religion became popular and known in the media. He disappeared as soon as it blew up. 

After his disappearance, the religion took off and James West became the focal point. The religion intrigued a few journalists who never sun-gazed. They explored a few Organa worship assemblies. No information came out besides a few leaders spoke of a man named Rih. Not much said, the leaders were significantly more quiet than regular worshipers. They spoke of Rih like he would answer questions because these leaders seemed shy and wouldn’t answer them.

Questions popped up for the journalists, who is Rih? Why is he important? The four journalists split into two groups researching the mystery man. Online searches didn’t have any references for him, they figured he might not be real. These days you can find anyone on google. However, they had no luck finding information. 

They returned to the assemblies looking for those same leaders, but they disappeared. The journalists waited for a couple days, but the leaders never showed up. Curious, they went around asking the regulars where they had gone. No one knew where they were. Until they crossed paths with a normal girl, wearing a grey robe with her hair in a ponytail like the rest. Once they asked about Rih and the leaders, the girl’s face became pale. Her sweat was from more than the hot temperature. She was hiding something, so the journalists continued to push the question. She began backing up, pulling her hair out. Her face was menacing, eyes twitching, and her head rapidly jerking left and right. Worshipers came over, concerned for the women. In reality they had become displeased their rituals were being interrupted. The crazy lady began screaming, “THEY’LL KILL ME IF I TELL YOU!”

She fell to the ground, rolling around with her hands over her eyes. Just in time, a few police officers came grabbing her. “NO NOT YOU PEOPLE!” she said. Her weak punches on the officer’s back didn’t faze him. They took her to the back of a police van.

Those police put her straight into the van, alarming the journalists. Light bulbs appeared over their heads. This story intrigued them more than the religion now. This could be a huge headline considering these police don’t seem normal. 

They quickly got to their travel car and followed the police van. A few turns later, the van stopped just outside the city next to an old warehouse. The journalists’ mouths were wide open. They were starving for a story, and this was a big headline. The police jumped out the van and opened the back; she was unconscious. Two officers picked her up and started carrying her to the warehouse. Journalists were taking so many pictures, which led them to miss one minor detail. 

A man in a beat up, dirty, grey robe sprinted towards the police. In a blink of an eye, he had grabbed the girl and continued to run opposite the warehouse. The cameras could barely even get him a decent picture. He was extremely quick. They started the car again, forgetting the police to follow the new story. 

He ran for two hours straight; they wanted to yell to stop him, but that would jeopardize the story. Far outside the city, in a small town in the desert, he finally stopped. The homes were tiny huts, enough for two people maximum. The temperature was extreme in this desert, even with the car’s AC. 

They brought umbrellas to stop the sun from beaming on them and walked towards this man’s hut. His hut was the furthest down a single path in the village. It had a little farm swarmed around the outside except the front pathway. The village smelt like a basket of fruits and vegetables. Inside the huts were people looking out, staring blankly at the journalists. 

They approached the man’s half broken door and knocked. He shouted, letting them in. A skinny man who needed a bath, earth all over him, but his teeth were whiter than the journalist’s notebook papers. He was white, but tan enough to pass as any ethnicity he liked. He was making a meal for this crazy lady he had saved and carried. Then he asked why they were here. They froze up.

 Finally, one journalist noticed a tiny sign on the top of his fridge. It said, “Rih’s Kitchen.” She unfroze immediately and without hesitation asked if he was Rih. 

He was indeed Rih. Perfect for their story, Rih had plenty of information and wisdom to spill on these journalists. The corruption of cops, government, and his own religion was the centered topic. He explained he had to leave his leadership role because there were assassins after him. They’re still after him, but he does everything he can to help his followers. 

The crazy lady finally woke. A brief conversation with Rih finished. It was time to understand why she went berserk. It turned out she wasn’t crazy after all. The followers who know of Rih’s existence become very panicked if anyone speaks of him, which led to her public breakdown. They can’t speak about Rih or they will have people sent after them. Two journalists asked questions while the other two wrote notes non-stop. 

While questioning Rih, he explained his intention in spreading the religion was not to create a fear of the sun’s heat rising. It was to learn to love the sun, no matter the season or temperature. 

This worked for several months, but all good things end. Unfortunately, this end came right as the religion was getting media attention. After a couple months, powerful people took notice and tried to use Organa as a distraction. Rih vanished because he had no other choice. James West took over and commanded many disgusting acts with the faithful of Rih. He started controlling many corrupt police to do his dirty work. 

Rih told them everything. A perfect story for them, but he warned them to keep it quiet. He was adamant they can’t spread the story in the media. More innocent people would die if the truth displayed soon. Rih had a plan he wouldn’t explain, as they weren’t in it. The journalists agreed to keep it off the grid. Rih offered some food he had made for the lady, but they declined and said their goodbyes. They slept heading toward the hotel, but the driver had a couple hours to think. She knew this story would be mainstream. This is amazing, she thought. This would be our big break. 

The next morning they all woke up except the driver. She had already finished half of the story working all night. Smiles throughout the room, they all instantly helped finish this groundbreaking story. They thought to similarly, Rih said not to, in their eyes he didn’t understand the money they could earn.

April 23, 2021 00:45

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