Josh and Tara Stevens met two years ago and married a year after that. Unfortunately, due to expenses they could not go on a honeymoon. But this Winter that was going to change. This year Josh made reservations at a cute bed and breakfast cottage for a three-day weekend. When Josh called, he was told he was in luck there was one room left and they got it.
Once the reservations were final, Josh thanked the woman and explained that he wanted it to be the honeymoon they never had and hung up. Then he turned to Tara and smiled. “We're set. Now all we need to do is pack and get on the road before it gets bad out.”
“Great! I'll get some laundry together, wash and get it packed.” Tara said already thinking of what to wash.
“And I'll go get the car serviced and gassed so it's ready to go.” Josh said as they kissed before he grabbed his keys and left.
Once he had pulled out of the driveway and disappeared around the corner, Tara went and grabbed clothes they would need and put them in the basket. Because it was winter, she didn’t have to search for Winter clothing,they had been wearing it. Now with two loads in the machines, she sat down and pulled out her tablet and began writing.
‘Josh surprised me this morning with a romantic trip to a Bed and Breakfast cottage for our anniversary. It is such a great idea. Especially since we have a winter break I think it’s a great way to spend our anniversary. I see it as our honeymoon since we didn’t have one when we got married a year ago. Since we still have deadlines, I’m sure we will be taking our writing with us. After all you need to take a break in romancing to replenish and explore grounds you have never been. Take notes for future stories and so forth.’
As I look outside I can see the clouds getting darker as they begin to roll in. Our hope is we can get ahead of it before it gets too bad. As I waited for the clothes to finish, the minutes seemed like hours. I can’t wait to get away and be alone with Josh. We have been working so hard lately, we hardly get to see each other. Yay the buzzer just went off time to dry the clothes and get them packed. Talk to you soon.’ and with that Tara closed her journal and set it aside. Sixty minutes later they were on the road heading out of town for a three day weekend.
Meanwhile at the cottage Mrs Banks was getting the rooms ready for her weekend guests. After she spoke with Josh and learned about the anniversary, she began planning something special on Josh’s behalf. He asked her to keep it a secret until the right time and she planned to honor that request.
Roughly around 3:00 o’clock Tara and Josh began to see the lake to their right and what looked to be smoke from a chimney beyond that. Then they saw the signs for the cottage and veered to the right onto a dirt road. Within minutes they Finally they reached the cottage.
As they pulled off the dirt road they noticed a few cars were already parked near the bigger building. So they parked in the next available spot and got out. The walkways were lined with flowers of various types. And all seemed to be in bloom. When they entered, the woman who sat at the counter focusing on something on the computer screen looked up.
“Hello, may I help you?” She smiled.
“Hello, we are Mr.and Mrs. Stevens. We have a reservation for the weekend.” Josh said, looking from Tara to the woman.
Smiling the woman looked from Josh to her screen. “Ahh yes here you are.” She said looking from the screen and turned to a row of cubbyholes behind her grabbing a key. “Here you go, your room is” - then she stopped and laughed. “Ahh heck let me show you where your room is.” She said putting up the sign that said be right back.
“So far you're our first guests to arrive. And with that gives you a grand tour of the place.” She smiled now standing in front of us.
“I thought with the cars out front there were others already here.” Tara said.
“Oh no, those are our cars, we have a few.” The woman smiled. And within minutes we were given the grand tour of a charming cottage ending at the front door that was our room.
“Again my name is Mrs. Banks, if you need anything don’t hesitate to ask.” She said as she handed Josh the key and scurried back to her desk downstairs.
“Shall we?” Josh said as he put the key in and unlocked the door. Upon entering the couple saw how beautiful the room was.
Obviously she was told about their anniversary because on the wall opposite the door was a banner that said ‘Happy Anniversary’. Now walking farther in Tara was looking around the room as Josh stood back and closed the door behind him.
On every surface were beautiful flowers and on the bed was a stuffed animal with a sash on it. “To my lovely wife”.
Tara was awestruck when someone knocked on the door. It was
Mrs. Banks carrying a tray with a bucket of champagne and a covered plate of appetizers. “Happy Anniversary Dinners at 6 but if you want to eat in your room let me know.”
“Thank you, no we will be down for dinner, we would like to meet the other guests.” Josh said, smiling at the woman.
“Okay, well we will see you then. Have a pleasant afternoon.” She said then walked out closing the door behind her.
“So are you ready to go get our things?” Tara said heading past him to the door.
“Later, come here.” He said, grabbing her arm and pulling her to him. Now standing before him they just looked into each other's eyes. “Happy Anniversary, Mrs. Stevens.”
“Happy anniversary Mr. Stevens.” And with that they kissed passionately and by 5:30 they were dressing for dinner.
“Good evening ladies and gentlemen,” Mrs. Banks said as each couple entered the dining room and took seats. “We are glad you made it ahead of the storm. Now as we enjoy dinner this evening I thought we would take this opportunity to introduce ourselves and share some of the attractions in our little village you might visit while here. There is also an anniversary to celebrate. Josh and Tara are celebrating their first anniversary and we are glad they chose here to celebrate.
Everyone congratulated them and wished them well. Then Mrs. Banks continued. Now Mr. Banks and I understand they did not have a honeymoon so we have decided to arrange something special for them. We are giving them an all expense paid trip back here when they are ready.” Mrs. Banks said.
“Plus a chance to renew their vows and strengthen their love for each other as Mrs. Banks and I have done.” Mr.Banks said, now stepping closer to his wife and giving her a hug. After a few more moments, Mr. and Mrs. Banks turned and headed back in the kitchen and brought out dinner while the guests were getting better acquainted.
Over the next few hours the couples ate, drank, and got to know each other. Soon they were realizing how much they had in common and before long friendships were being started.
Without realizing it, when Josh called to make the reservations and telling Mrs Banks that it was their anniversary, he didn’t realize he set in motion the events that would shape the rest of their trip.
Being the romantic Mrs. Banks was, she decorated not only their room but the garden as well and put the minister on stand-by if Josh had decided to renew their vows as he had hinted to earlier that day.
After dinner Josh and Tara decided to go for a walk. And as he passed Mrs. Banks Josh nodded which was the signal that he was going to ask her to remarry him. So after they went outside she called and let the minister know there would be a wedding there that weekend.
“This is such a beautiful place,” Tara said with her arm around Josh.
“Yes it is,” he said looking around as well. When he found just the right spot, he slipped his hand in his pocket and brought out a velvet box. Then as he opened it and kneeled. “Tara will you marry me again?”
She was silent as she just stood there looking at the ring. “Yes, I will.” She smiled as he removed the ring and placed it on her finger.
At breakfast that morning there was a different feel to the air, it was more festive than it had been the night before. After everyone gathered Mrs. Banks made another announcement. “Good Morning everyone, I hope your vacations are going great so far. This morning I have an announcement and it involves all of you. Today Josh and Tara will be renewing their vows and all of you are invited.” Everyone began cheering as Mrs. Banks continued. “Since the weather is still holding, I thought we could have the ceremony in the garden. And Tara and Josh, we have a dress and tux you can borrow.” And with that she left and brought in breakfast.
Once breakfast was over everyone separated and began decorating the garden with flowers and streamers candles and fountains. When it was done it was beautiful. Pictures were taken and memories had started. About noon everyone headed for different areas of the cottage and began getting ready.
Mrs. Banks and the ladies helped Tara with her hair, make up and dress. While Mr. Banks and the men helped Josh. Two hours later the ladies were leaving their dressing room while the men including the groom left theirs. The only one who remained in the dressing room was the bride.
As the women were leaving the dressing room to take their places, Mr. Banks walked up and knocked.
“Tara it’s Mr. Banks, are you ready?”
Carefully opening the door she saw Mr. Banks standing alone. He was so handsome in his tux.
“Are you ready?” He said smiling at her.
She opened the door wider and he got a better look. “You look beautiful. Almost as beautiful as the woman who first wore it.”
“She is as lucky as I am.”
“Thank you,” then the music started.
“Absolutely.” Tara smiled back. Mr. Banks stepped back from the door’s opening and out Tara walked. As they reached the door that led outside they paused and waited for the music to change and the bridesmaids to move down the aisle. When the last two walked down and took their place all eyes were now on the door when the wedding march began and everyone stood.
With each step they got closer to the front where the minister and Josh stood waiting. Now reaching the front the minister spoke.
“Who gives this woman to this man?” The minister asked.
“Mrs. Banks and I do.” Mr Banks said proudly. And with that he kissed her cheek and sat down
“We are gathered here to rejoin this man and this woman in continued matrimony. They have been married a year today and have come to state their continued love in front of God and everyone here. If there is anyone here who can show why they should not continue to be together let him speak now or hold their peace.” When nobody said anything he continued.
“I understand you have both written your own vows,” the minister said to them. When Josh nodded the minister continued “Josh would you go first.”
At that moment Tara handed her flowers to Josie who stood next to her then turned back to take Josh’s hands.
Now looking down at them he smiled and rubbed her fingers. “From the moment I saw you two years ago I knew I wanted you to be mine forever and always. And now here you are walking through life with me. You bring me up when I am low and show me the sunshine when there are clouds. I want you to continue sharing my mornings with me and I want to hold you at night as we drift off to sleep. I love you so much it hurts sometimes. I..” Then he paused taking a breath, then he looked at the minister and nodded. Then he turned back and squeezed her hand.
“Tara,” he said signaling her turn.
She took a deep breath as if remembering something then smiled.
“I never thought I would find someone who I could give myself to so freely. You have protected me in both the adventurous times and the scary. You have been my warmth when I was cold and my shelter from the storm. When I was afraid of the darkness you showed me the light. I want to continue to be playful with you as well as serious for the rest of our lives.”
And with that she had to stop for her voice was beginning to quiver. When the pause came, the minister took it as his que to talk.
“Do you Josh continue to take Tara as your wife and love her, cherish her, and be with her in times of uncertainty?”
“I do”
“And do you Tara continue to be with Josh in good times and bad to love him and cherish him and be his sunshine through the clouds?”
“I do.”
“Then through the powers invested in me by the state of Kansas I pronounce you as husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.”
And with that Josh leaned in and kissed Tara the first of many times that night. After a lengthy kiss they separated and Tara smiled and laughed as everyone gathered around them to celebrate with them. Just as everyone was moving the celebration inside, the clouds began to gather and rain began.
“Look the rain waited until after the ceremony,” Mrs. Banks said as they all gathered by the windows and watched.
Pulling Tara in for a hug Josh spoke, “Someone up there must really approve of this marriage.”
“Indeed,” Were Mr. Banks only words as they all turned and looked at the falling rain.
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