Friendship Teens & Young Adult Fiction

This is how it’s meant to be, how the world’s supposed to look. The golden hues turn a rose and lilac blend with the bat of an eye, the birds sing their lullabies in the trees behind and the fireflies set alight. Liam has never looked more beautiful than at this moment. The sun’s rays bending around his jawline, the reflection of the young moon illuminating his turquoise eyes, the ripples of his personal ocean gracefully complementing his worn out, blood orange jumper, which is far too small for him to still be squeezing on every day. 

“Pepper... you’re staring.” My mind comes back into reality and I panic, spinning my head to look at the sun setting behind the green giants in the distance. He doesn’t know how I think about him, about us. I can’t tell him because I know the answer: “Thanks Pep but I think we’re better as friends.” and I’m not going to put myself through that, not if there’s a chance I could lose him. “You know, it's getting quite late. We should probably head back.” He stands up and puts his hand down to help me up. There’s no point in trying to convince him to stay, he always gets his way, so my hand reaches for his touch. 

“TIG YOU’RE IT!” Oh god, I forgot to say timeout before we sat down.

 “Oh you’re in for it Liam Connelly!” We race down the hill, the blades of glass gently caressing my bare feet, the cold soil between my toes, leaving these memories in the ground forever. Liam’s honey-coloured hair dances in the last of the sunlight, savouring the warmth until he drops and the golden strands have no choice but to fall down with him. Even when he trips he’s perfect. His perfect hair, his perfect teeth, his perfect tan. He’s just… perfect. His laugh is the most contagious laugh the world has ever heard, I can't help but smile uncontrollably at his clumsiness. 

“You gonna let me stargaze by myself are you?” he shouts to me. I panic, 

“our bikes are still at the top, What if someone steals them?” Yeah good excuse Pepper, the bloody bikes. Who cares about bikes that much? God. Well, you gotta go back up now.

“Okay weirdo” He stands up and dusts the pollen and dirt combination off of his beloved jumper. “Oh no, it’s dirty now. That's all your fault for chasing me.” he blames me. 

“Oh no.” I mock him, “now you can’t see your 4 year old blueberry stain” as I fake a sulk until I come to the realisation “hang on a minute. You tug me! This is not my fault at all.” as I stumble back up the hill and he chases me back up.

The stars have always fascinated me, how they can be so far yet still so bright, how they can be so big but look so small. 

“I FOUND IT!” Liam’s exciting discovery broke me from my trance.

“Found what?” I replied annoyingly.

“The big dipper, duh. What we’ve been looking for for the last 10 minutes?”

I don’t know how it took him so long but either way i congratulate him and he offers me a donut.

“Ewww have they been in your bag in the sun all day?” The thought of the musty donuts almost makes me gag.

“Fine. suit yourself.” replies Liam, scoffing the donut like a ravenous dog. Somehow still looking perfect, just slightly covered in icing sugar. 

The moon now rests at 12 o’clock as the stars shimmer behind it as it’s backup dancers, adding more fashion to it’s routine. It sits right at the centre of our world, yet it isn’t the reason people love the night. It’s out-shadowed by the tiny cricket chirps, the gentle breeze that engulfs your face in it’s cold welcoming, the curious foxes and badgers that can adventure through the fields without a worry.

“Pep?” begins Liam, “do you think we’ll always be like this?” I sat perplexed. 

“What do you mean? Like what?” I countered his question.

“Well, together. Because not everyone stays friends when they go through university and get their own families, you know?” I sit shocked, wanting to speak up but my mouth staying sealed shut. He continued, “like, I know we’re best friends-” oh god here we go. “And we’re gonna have our own lives and families to be with, and we probably won’t see each other as much-” 


“Well yeah, I love you too Pepper but that's not my point. My point is-” 

“NO Liam, you don’t get it… I love you, like I'm in love with you.” Well there it is. Too late to go back now. We sit in silence for a bit while he’s probably just thinking of a polite way to turn me down whilst I spiral into a psychotic meltdown, until… 

“I love you too” I must have imagined it, surely. “Pep? Did you hear me?” “Wait, what?” as I try to dig myself out of the hole I fell into. “I’m in love with you too.” My heart skipped a beat, ripped open my ribcage, went running down the hill and tripped over a boulder. I never thought in a million years this would be how tonight ended but god I’m happy it was.

We sit and talk until the birds start warming up their voices for the busy day of singing ahead, when the foxes and badgers have done enough exploring for the night and go back home to their little fox and badger families. “I think it’s funny” Liam mocks my feelings “it’s not funny!” I replied laughing, “I seriously thought you would never ever think of me in that way” as I hit his chest, causing him to exaggerate a reaction. The sun starts rising behind us and before I can muster up a reaction, Liam stands up the fastest I've ever seen anyone stand up, climbs to the top of the oak tree we were leaning against and screams “HAPPY SUMMER SOLSTICE!”

Yes. yes it is.

June 22, 2021 21:08

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19:19 Jul 01, 2021

Hi, I got this to read from critique circle. It's really lovely, such an uplifting tale and meets the brief really well. If you want any critique I'd suggest that you check the formatting of your dialogue, in a few places you have both characters speaking in the same paragraph. It would be clearer if you separated them out. But the story is very sweet. Thank you for the read.


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John Hanna
22:47 Jun 30, 2021

What a pleasant, idealistic story. Thank you!


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