Coming of Age Fiction Inspirational

You would expect a seven-year-old girl to run to the kid section of the library, but not Micelle. She was the bold type, the exotic type, thus no one liked her. But she liked herself, and that was the only thing that mattered. As to being exotic, she loved teen books about adventure, fantasy, friendship, and more. Novels to other kids were just pages bounded into a 200-400-page little story with a pretty cover. Micelle thought it was a whole new world, a world where you can immerse yourself into without a fear in the world, as well as a pretty cover as a final touch.

However, this little girl had many, many issues of her own to deal with outside the fiction. her parents weren't really there for her. Adding to the fact that she is an only child, makes the loneliness even worse. Her parents would be either working, or out with friends, or each other, completely forgetting that they have a child at their house. She was hopeful, hopeful to the fact that her parents still cared, I mean, they are still able to put food on the table, pay the fees for her schooling, and have some nice cats to keep her company while her parents are away. But that hope was slowly but surely dying down, as her parents had abandoned her.

At school, it wasn't any easier. Oh, how she hated the bullying of the idiotic children who think reading and hanging out in the library is 'nerdy' and 'weird'. Idiots she would call them. She was truly the exotic and bold type, according to the idiots anyway. Friends? no such thing. No moral or emotional support at school and at home. What a nightmare. A lonely one in fact. How she copes through said loneliness is to deflect her anger and frustration to the rest of the world. Envying the fact that despite of the bully's being idiots, they had loving families and friends, who would give them their all, their time and attention. Whenever her parents were home, she would throw tantrums and show her frustration. Them having friends to go to, having the time of their lives with each other, but not with her. She envied them so much. Despite her wickedness towards others, she liked herself, and that was all that mattered. The library was her safe heaven, or rather, an escape from the harsh world Micelle lives in.

She was at the library. The seven-year-old, excitedly, ran to the Teen Fantasy section in the library and started to read. Considering the long hours she had already been in there, she really couldn't find a good novel to read. She either already read the novels, or the others seem boring, which were only a few. She then, after hours of searching, stumbled upon an old, plain covered book. Not really was she was looking for. There wasn't even a blurb. Thinking she was going to reject and put away the book, but how wonderful the mind works am I right? She decided to keep it. Why? I don't know either.

She also ended up borrowing said book. expectations are not really so high. But what other choice did she have? She needs a new, fresh book to read. That night, Micelle sat down on her lovely light bed, and open the first page of the plain covered book. And let me tell you-or rather her tell you-that she didn't expect to enter into such an adventure.

A prince, unhappy of the power he holds-but yet arrogant-wanted to be a regular folk. A lost girl, who seeks luxury as the soon to be king. crossed paths, and at first hated each other, or rather envied each other because of what they each wanted in life, the other had. They tried to murder each other, go to extreme lengths just because of jealousy. But in the end, they put aside their differences, and understand that society might just never except the fact of their desires, and befriended, taught each other's world. Ready to take on the world, together.

Micelle closed novel after reading the last page of it. wow. After a week of reading non-stop, this novel-with no color or blurb-had changed her. She what a pity life she has been living. love and kindness will always and forever resolve wars. Wars within us, and wars that are out of our control. This truly was an epiphany, she thought. She also thought about how she learnt such a valuable lesson, be kind to one another, despite your differences with someone, don't envy them because of it, rather, try to understand and learn from each other, so you can grow and be a better human being. And that is exactly what she did.

Throughout Micelle's life, she was kind, friendly, wouldn't judge or envy anyone, instead loved them for who they are and learnt from them. She applied this principle every day, and every night. Doesn't matter if you're black, white, Asian, Muslim, Jew, Gay, Lesbian, Micelle would still talk to you, understand you, befriend you, and treat you like you are worth carats. Showing these people what she didn't get throughout her life. She would start being nicer to her parents, bully's, and everyone in between. She finally had friends. And you know what they say, when you give good, good will come back to you. As the people around Micelle as well, reciprocated this love. These actions and small deeds, every single person should apply to their daily lives.

Time passed by like birds flying from north to west. At the age of 67, she was still that bold type, the exotic type, thus everyone loved her. And she liked herself, and that was all that mattered. she still loved teen books about adventure, fantasy, friendship, and more. And she is super exited to be able to go back to the Teen Fantasy section of the library, and find the old, plain covered book that changed her life for the better.

April 24, 2021 23:14

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