Sad Contemporary

"Mom," I said banging on the door. No answer. "Mom I'm serious open up," I said annoyed. "Fine," I said quietly under my breath, giving up. That was the moment I had decided to run away to dad. I grabbed a duffel bag and threw in some water bottles, a few granola bars, some money, and a change of clothes. I sprinted out of the house and walked to the nearest bus stop. When I got there, I sat down on a bench. I saw a boy maybe a couple of years older come towards me. He sat down next to me and nodded. I looked at the time and realized I had a good chunk of time left.

I starting thinking about life. When Luna was alive and then when she got into the crash, I thought about when dad decided to move away, and how mom started drinking and smoking, and how she didn't come home till one or two in the morning. I thought about how jealous I was of all the girls and boys whose parents were still together and whose sister was still alive and whose family loved them. My thoughts were interrupted when the bus came rushing towards my way. I stood up and made my way to the door. 

I went inside and found an empty seat near the back of the bus. The same boy from the bus stop had sat directly next to me. I got kind of confused but, I didn't say anything. I checked my phone and tried to find dad's address, after a few minutes of searching I got the address that I thought was his. Soon the bus stopped and I walked out. The cold wind flew onto my face and I tried not to shiver. I pulled my jacket closer to my chest and started walking. It would take about 15 minutes to walk to the address. It was only three in the afternoon but, it was pretty dark. I kept walking until I arrived at the apartment complex. 

I walked into the building and rushed to the door with the number 120 on it. I scanned the doors until I found the door with 120 on it. My hands were clammy and hot but I forced myself to knock on the door. It was a quick and sharp knock. I took a deep breath and a brunette lady probably a little younger than mom opened the door. We stood there in silence for a couple of seconds. "Um does uh Samuel Charles live here?" I said nervously. Her confused look turned into a small smile. "Sammy can you come here for a second," She said suddenly. A middle-aged man around 45 came into the door frame. His tired face changed to and wide-eyed expression. 

"A- Ana," He said shocked. "Oh please do come in," The lady exclaimed. I walked in and threw off my black shoes. We all walked towards the couches. I walked to a small armchair and dad and the lady walked towards an aged couch. "Anastasia I can't believe it," He said still in shock. "Oh yeah honey this is my um daughter," He said to the brunette. "Um and this is my wife, Margret," He told me. I don't know why I was shocked but I was. I wanted to run but, I just shifted a little bit in my seat. 

"What a surprise," Dad said to me. "Um yeah I didn't want to live with mom anymore," I told him looking down. "Oh it's been years," He told me. "I'm sorry for not warning you," I said trembling. "Oh Ana that's fine," He said calmly. "I'll get some food ready and a room for you," Margret said sweetly. We kept talking for hours until Margret told us that dinner was ready. I wasn't hungry so I went to the room Margret had gotten ready for me.

I jumped out of bed and walked to the kitchen to find Margret and Dad making pancakes. I sat down on a chair and Margret brought me a plate with so many pancakes. I thanked Margret and started to dig in. After finishing I cleaned my plate and dried it. For the first time in a long time, I felt safe and loved and even like I had a family.


Somebody was knocking on the door. Margret and I were watching a movie so I didn't want to get the door. The person who was knocking kept on knocking and they got even louder. Finally, I paused the movie and got up to get to the door. I answered the door and I was shocked. It was my mother. "What are you doing here," I said with the anger rising. "Oh honey," she said. Margret walked behind me and put her hand on my shoulder. "Whose this sweetie?" She asked. "Sweetie," Mom said angrily. "Yeah," I said unfazed. "Who are you and why are you calling my daughter sweetie" Mom yelled at Margret. 

Margret put her hands up and said "I don't mean any harm but, I've been taking care of Ana for the last couple of years". " I can take care of my daughter myself" Mom blurted back. "Come on Anastasia let's go home," Mom said. "What" I almost screamed. "You didn't care when I left years ago and now you care" I yelled. "Mom why are you here," I said trembling. "Look I need a little money and if we both work I'll get a bit more money c'mon you need to help me out," she said quietly. "Are you serious, you can't just hibernate like a bear mom you had to take care of me but you didn't" I said in an angry tone. "I am your mother," She said. "Unlike her", she smirked while pointing at Margret. "Margret has been more like a mother than you ever will be" I screamed at her. 

I slammed the door shut before she could respond. I walked outside after she had left and I saw the same boy from the bus across the street. He was actually with a girl maybe a year younger than him. I looked closer at them and saw a baby in the girl's hand. She was crying and trembling. They were on a small bridge. I walked towards them with my heart beating quickly. "Excuse me," I said quietly. The boy whipped around. The air was cold and the sky was a dark navy. The girl looked at me and quickly looked away. She set the baby down, whispered "It's a girl" and the two quickly walked away. "Wait" I called after them. The baby started crying. I looked up again and the parents of the baby were long gone. I carried the baby into the house. When I walked in Margret and dad were very confused but, I explained everything to them. "So honey, what are you thinking of naming her," Margret said eagerly. "Amari," I said. Amari means miracle of god and, It was a miracle that she was even here.

March 24, 2021 18:24

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18:29 Mar 24, 2021

BTW for all of you who are wondering about the reedsy cast. I am currently working on it so yeah <3. Also this isn't that good so yeah.


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Maddie's Closet
00:40 Mar 30, 2021

It's this guy who's downvoting! GET HIM/HER!!!!!!!!! https://blog.reedsy.com/creative-writing-prompts/author/beethoven-s-left-ear/


22:35 Mar 30, 2021

will do!


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15:25 Mar 25, 2021

#EndDownvotingNow Post this to ten friends!


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Maddie's Closet
23:26 Apr 02, 2021

I submitted the form like a week ago, but I forgot to let you know lol. I think my character's name is Willow? I dunno, just thought I'd let you know. Also, can you fill out my form please? It's to be in my upcoming story :) https://forms.gle/vYbkdEY5RYtRN5N18 You don't have to, it's optional. Alsoooo I mention the story can you do Percy Jackson please? It fits in well to one of the prompts


17:31 Apr 05, 2021

I think I saw your form thing and I just finished your form <33 I might do percy jackson lool i dont know yet.


Maddie's Closet
17:46 Apr 05, 2021



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