
I can hear them...I CAN HEAR THEM. Oh my, oh my, oh my, they're home! My soft skinned puppies are home! Tail, you better be good, you don't need to knock over their delicious drinks again! I shot a glare at my tail as it swept across the floor, taunting me. I could hear them crunching up the driveway in those yummy cow bowls they wear on their paws. Why do they wear those on their paws? Are their paws soft skinned like the rest of their body? I don't know if they're soft, but I know I like to smell them after a long day - boy, they sure do smell good. My head tilted as I puzzled this, my ears perking forward as i heard the jingle of the metal "keees", they called them. I don't know what those are for either, but the large puppies don't like it when I take them. I can hear the door scraping - THEY'LL BE INSIDE IN... - all of a sudden, something took over my body and I just had to RUN. I'm so excited, they're finally home, I thought I would never ever see them again! I mean, of course my big puppies wouldn't leave me, I'm part of their family, but what if they had gotten lost!? I zoomed around the living room, a long burst of energy sending me over obstacles like the big plush thing they like to sit on (I like it because it gives me a lot of bounce!) The door opened and I turned to look at them, my tail betraying me, as always. I tried to say hello to them in their native tongue, but all that came out was my barks - I'm still not fluent in their language yet, but I will be someday! I barreled straight for them and I heard the smaller one laugh - oh I love that sound, and I love it even more when I can make it happen! We went through the usual routine, they patted my head and said I was a good boy (because I am, not one single invader got in all day, even the lady in blue that comes on our porch every day - I scared her right proper) and they put their stuff on the table. I followed them, sniffing out their day from their clothes. My big soft skinned puppies seemed down, so I did everything I could to make them laugh again. I gave them my cute face, I whimpered to them, I rolled over to show my belly...nothing seemed to get their attention. They sat down on the big plush thing and I jumped up to sit with them. That's when I saw it. The glowing boxes they held in their paws. I rolled my eyes as best as I could. I can never understand why those boxes are so fascinating, life has smells and "kees" and cow bowls to chew on! I watched them use their fingers to move something on the glowing screen and I harrumphed, making my displeasure known as politely as I could. Here I am, so excited to see them, and they'd rather look at their glowing boxes. The bigger puppy grabbed the black plastic thing and turned on the large glowing box across the room. That thing is so loud, sometimes it scares me when something happens. I turned my head to watch the big glowing box, but I didn't see any other dogs on it - only more big pink skinned puppies. These puppies in the box seemed stern - why are these puppies so mad all the time? There was a loud blaring sound coming from the box, and I looked at my big pups to make sure they weren't scared. He rubbed me and told me it was okay. Of course, I knew that, I was just checking that they were ok - i'm a good boy that's not scared of anything. On the big glowing box was a large red thing with wheels, blaring an obnoxiously loud horn. I don't know what it's called, but I love to chase them. I never get to though, my big pups think I'll get hurt. They just don't understand that I would tear that big red box on wheels into pieces! This went on for a while, until I got tired of waiting for attention. I rolled over into their laps - sometimes with the big puppies you have to be REALLY direct or they just don't get it. I showed my tummy to them - they love my tummy, they always scratch it and it feels so good. I looked up at the bigger one with a pleading look, and whimpered just a tiny bit. A smile was on his face (they really do have flat, squished faces) and they put the glowing boxes down. Next thing I knew, my belly was being scratched by 3 of their paws, and I felt like I was in heaven. I licked their faces asuch as I could - you have to train your puppies right, so that means you have to encourage them to do good things, like scratching my belly. I have to give them licks, it's part of the training process. Not that I mind, they have some interesting flavors from the day. This scratching feels so good.....I leaned my head back and relaxed. My body slid a bit and... Oh no! Tail did it again, he spilled their drink! I guess i better clean it up. I hope my pink skin pups know how much I love them! We spent the whole night like that, and they even let me sleep in the bed with them - OH BOY. I got to sleep with my big puppies, snuggled up under the blankets - that's just my most favorite thing. We all got to sleep in the next morning and I got to wake up between my favorite two creatures - and I had to go potty. I licked their faces until they woke up - everyone likes good morning kisses!

March 27, 2020 06:49

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