Mystery Creative Nonfiction Drama

The little boy is slow to wake up. The boy looks around the room and he hears a noise. Strange he thinks too himself as slobber runs down the side of his face. He wipes his mouth and yawns as he try's to come to terms of what he just heard. Their was a loud yell in the distance. He walks over to the front window and looks out. The streets are completely empty. Cars sit alone as the wind sways the tree branches and leaves from side to side.

The little boy hears another unfamiliar noise. It sounds like a gasp for air but now he realizes its coming from inside the home. Nervous and unaware of what the noise is he begans to walk in closer to see if he could identify it. Falling asleep watching cartoons is the last thing he recalls. Slow to move he calls out, "Hello?" No response but movement begins to rapidly take place in the distance. A loud thunk is heard hit the floor. Quick to move towards the sound, the little boy moves. 

Reaching for the door but instead the door swings open nearly hitting him in the face. He reacts quickly as he falls to the floor bumping his butt. A man jumps out and he dances wildly. The boy is taken back by the dancing that he doesn't realize how hard his butt is hurt. The man twisting his feet back and forth and twirling around. The little boy laughs extremely hard and falls onto his back. The man starts singing a song now as he dances. "Fun time with big Unc, don't forget it". 

The man closes the door behind him. The little boy left sitting there on the floor still laughing to himself. Finally come to realize that no one else is in the room. Laughter stops. Confusion on the face of the boy. "The fun no more?" He can hear noise again in the distance so he decides to follow again. This time stepping slowly just in case to protect himself from a swinging door. Reaching out to the door knob and twisting it to the right. The little boy realizing it is locked. He knocks on the door. The loud thump is heard once again and the same man answers the door. Sweat dripping down his forehead. He hands the little boy $5. "Grab some ice cream for everyone." The little boy smiles and leaves. The door slams shut. The front door opens and the little boy gladly walks out with his fist held so tight around the $5 dollar bill. 

The next day. A loud door slams waking up the boy. His sister walks into the room and wants to play games. He's so excited. "I haven't seen you all day." He says. She looks very tired and looks like she's been awake all night. A forced smile on her face seeming to just want to be happy. 

The sister suggests they play doctor and patient. The boy wobbles his knees. He collapse to the floor. Doing his best not to move but the smile on his face is uncontrollable. Sister starts at his legs checking his toes and everything in between. Using a pencil to probe him. He can't stop laughing. "Shhhhhh," she says. "You're dead." She runs out of the room and comes back in with coconut oil. "It seems this boy has died from lack of moisture," crying out loud to herself. "Oh know! I can't loose another one." She opens the jar of oil. The oil is cold from the weather but she breaks off a scoop and puts it in her hand rubbing it together as fast as she can. She begins to rub the boy with oil. 

Her hands crawl up the sides of his inner thighs. Like little ants moving one by one. Her finger nails painted light blue. His bare leg shakes from the laughter. She gets to the point where his shorts meet his thighs. Her hand creeps under the shorts and then she pulls them back out. She laughs. But her eyes water slightly and drip onto the little boys leg. 

He wakes up. He's nearly 30 now. His beard has grown out and his hair has started to diminish. The top few remaining hairs are blonde and the beard is black. He sits in the courthouse chair being questioned on the stand. He looks confused as the day he did with the man singing and dancing in front of him. 

The dancing man now sitting in a chair across the room. Handcuffs on his arms in an orange jumpsuit. He has aged and now has white hair. His belly sits far beyond his shoes. He looks up at the boy and moves his feet as he once did when the 30 year old was a boy. 

The lawyer ask the now 30 year old if he recalls the now dancing man ever doing anything strange to himself or anyone? Did he ever witness any strange behavior? The 30 year old tells the story of the dancing man that made him laugh so much. His dancing skills and funny faces. The door that closed behind him where his sister sat in the room with the man. His sister naked and coconut oil on the floor. He remembers the man always saying to his sister that he was sick and needed healing. His sister always wanting to play doctor. He stops talking. He looks at the man. He looks at his sister. He begins to cry. The lawyer ask if he saw what happen with the man and his sister while she was naked? The 30 year old remains silent, shaking his head. "I didn't do anything" Finally speaking. "I didn't do anything" The 30 year old looks directly at his sister in the face. She sits calmly as a tear rolls out of her left eye. He quietly mouths, "I'm sorry." The older man looks at the older boy on the stand. He looks at and with sincerity and hurt in his eyes mouths silently, "Im sick, I need healing." 

The older man lets out a laughing cry. 

October 02, 2020 23:08

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