Christian Inspirational Fiction

One evening,Chief Nelson invited a thousand of noblemen to great banquet,and they drank wine together.While they were drinking,Nelson gave orders to bring in the gold and silver cups and bowls which his father Ezra had carried off from the temple of Vienna.The chief sent for them so that he,his noblemen,his wives and his concubines could drink out of them.At once the gold cups and bowls were brought in,and they all drank wine out of them and praised gods made of gold,silver,bronze,iron,wood and stone. Suddenly a human appeared and began writing on the plaster wall of the palace where light from the lamps was shining most brightly.And chief saw the hand as it was writing.He turned pale and was so frightened that his knees began to shake.He shouted for someone to bring in the magicians and socerers .When they came in the chief said ,"Anyone who can read this writing and tell me what it means will be dressed in robes of royal purple,wear a gold chain of honour round his neck ad be the third in power in the kingdom. The royal advisers came forward,but none of them could read the writing and tell chief what it meant. In his distress chief Nelson grew evenpaler and his noblemen had no idea what to do. The wife heard noise made by the chief and his noblemen and entered the banqueting room.She said,may your majesty live forever! please do not be so disturbed and look so pale.There is a man in your chiefdom who has the spirit of the holy gods in him. When your father was chief,this man showed good sense,knowledge and wisdom like the wisdom of the gods.And chief Ezra your father made him in charge of the fortune tellers,magicians and astrologers.He has unusual ability and is wise and skillful in interpreting dreams,solving riddles and explaining mysteries,so send for this man Timothy whom your father named saviour and he will tell you what all this means. Timothy was brought at once into the chiefs' presence and then chief said to him,"Are you Timothy that refugee whom my father the great chief brought her from South Sudan?,i have heard that the spirit of the holy gods is in you and that you are skillful and have knowledge and wisdom.The advisers and magicians were brought in to inculcate this writing and tell it means but they could not discover the meaning.Now i have heard that you can find hidden meanings and explain mysteries.If you can read this writing and tell me what it means,you will be dressed in robes of royal clothes and be the third in power in the chiefdom. Timothy replied,"keep your gifts for yourself or give them to someone else.I will read for your majesty what has been written and tell you what it means. The supreme God made your father Ezra a great chief and gave him dignity and majesty.He was so great that people of all nations,races and languages were afraid of him and trembled.If he wanted to kill someone,he did,if he wanted to keep someone alive ,he did.He honored and disgraced anybody he wanted to. But because he became proud ,stubborn and cruel ,he was removed from the royal throne and lost his place of honour. He was driven away from human society and his mind became like that of an animal.He lived with wild donkeys,ate grass like an ox and slept in the open air with nothing to protect him from the dew. Finally he admitted that the supreme God controls all human chiefdom and can give them to anyone he chooses. "But you ,his son have not humbled yourself and even though you knew all this,you acted against the Lord of heaven and brought in the cups and bowls taken from his temple.You,your noblemen,your wives and your concubines drank wine out of them and praised gods made of gold,silver,bronze,iron,wood and stone-gods that cannot see or hear and do not know anything.But you did not honour the God who who determines whether you live or die and who controls everything you do.That's why God has sent the hand to write these words. "This is what was written,"Number,weight,divisions."and this is what it means;number,God has numbered the days of your chiefdom and brought it to an end;weight,you have been weighed on the scales and found to be too light;divisions,your chiefdom is divided up and given to Alwi and Panyango". Immediately Nelson ordered his servants to dress Timothy in a robe of royal clothes and hang a gold chain of honor around his neck and he made him the third in power in the chiefdom.That same Nelson the chief of Paroketo was killed and Alex of Alwi was then 55 years,seized the royal power. Alex decided to appoint governors to hold office throughout his empire.In addition he chose Timothy and two others to supervise the governors and look after chief's interests.Timothy soon showed that he could do better work than the other supervisors or the governors and because of his outstanding performance,chief Alex considered putting him in-charge of the whole empire. This never went well with other governors and they tried to find something wrong with the way Timothy administered the empire,but they couldn't because Timothy was reliable and did not do anything wrong or dishonest. They said to one another,"we are not going to find anything of which to accuse Timothy unless it is something in connection with his religion. So they went to see Chief Alex and said,"may your majesty live forever.All of us who administer your empire have agreed that you should issue an order and enforce it strictly.Giver orders that for 30days no one be permitted to request anything from any god or from human being except from your majesty.Anyone who violates this order is to be throne in into pit filled with crocodiles.So let your majesty issue this order and sign it,and it will be in force as a law of Alwi and Panyango which cannot be changed.And so chief Alex signed the order. When Timothy learnt that the order was signed,he went home in an upstairs room of his house.He knelt down at the open windows and prayed to God three times a day.When the enemies observed this,they accused him to the majesty.The he ordered for his arrest and was thrown into the pit filled with crocodiles. "He said to Timothy may your God whom you serve so loyally rescue you." A stone and royal seal was placed on the pit so that no one could rescue him .Chief Alex spent a sleepless night without food or any form of entertainment when he was thrown. At dawn Chief Alex got up and hurried to the pit .When he got there,he called out anxiously,"Daniel, servant of the living God! was the God you serve so loyally able to save you from the crocodiles?." He answered,"may your majesty live forever!God sent sent his angel to shut the mouths of the crocodiles so that they would not hurt me." This was because he knew i was innocent and i haven't wronged you ,your majesty". Chief Alex was overjoyed and gave orders for Timothy to be pulled out of the pit.He then ordered for the arrest of all the men who had accused Timothy and they were thrown into the pit filled with crocodiles. Chief then ordered his people to respect and fear Timothy's God for he is a living God who performs wonders and miracles in heaven and on earth.Timothy prospered during the reign of Alex and his long day of the year came to glory.

June 24, 2021 11:01

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