The Second he saw her

Submitted into Contest #74 in response to: Write a story that takes place across ten seconds.... view prompt


Contemporary Happy Romance

Melanie Iredale

Reedsy Writing Contest #223

10 Seconds

The Second I Saw Her

By Melanie Iredale

Chad Bradley an Single bachelor architect whom was racing the final blueprints to a highly established new construction company downtown of the city’s new Courthouse for final approval. If they accepted this could not only mean the deal of a lifetime it would also mean his name and his work would soon be well known around the city. Chad not wanting to be late, jumped in the elevator of this twenty seven story building his eyes met Megan who was a twenty five year old interior decorator within the same building although Megan had barely acknowledged Chad, Chads Heart started to race. Megan was breathtaking, her long golden brown hair was just shimmering and she had the softest most pale green eyes, eyes of that almost only a cat could have, Her lips were like rose petals only colored of that of a deep wine, cheekbones were high like and Native American Indian girl and her smell, oh my God Megan smelt like a garden of Cherrys, just waiting to be picked, so sweet and delicious, she was slightly shorter than Chad.which made Chad comfortable she must have been about 5’6” 5’6”1/2, Chad being a mere 5’8 which for a member of the Bradley family was considered Short. His mother nicknamed him shorty beings even mother toured over him. They all realized at about eighteen years old that Chad wouldn’t be growing any taller, the nickname his mother gave him quickly became a family nickname for him. As Chad reached over to press the elevator button to floor . he smiled and gazed at Megan, he noticed the twinkle in her eyes as she watched the doors close. This told Chad he would have to make the first move if he wanted to pursue any type of conversation or introduction with this woman. As the doors closed he simply stood in awe over her beauty, slightly shaking he looked at her wondering all about her. What was her name? How old was she? Is she single and available too? Would she like to go on a date with him? Would she like him? What makes her smell so good? Is it her Hair? Her perfume? Her Soap? Her clothes? What? This Smell is amazing!!!! What does her mother look like? She is so beautiful her mother has to be beautiful as well. Immediately Chad knew that he could spend the rest of his life with this woman, Amazing ain’t it ? He could spend the rest of his life with a woman he hasn’t even really met yet? Chad pictured himself asking her on their first date, and visualizing all his their whole lives all the way up to a wedding and two children a big house, a happy marriage, family get togethers and everything. As the elevator reach the Fifth floor he realized she was headed to the floor above him, he then tried to remember all of what businesses were on that floor, would he ever have a reason to go to that floor or when he got off of the elevator would all his hopes and dreams be gone? He would have to hurry and find an excuse to talk to her. Finally Chad spoke in between floor 5-6 “Whats on the twelfth floor he asked?” Megan looked at him and politely said “I’m designing the interior of a lawyers firm, not very exciting she said kind of stuffy but it’s a good job!!” Chad smiled huge and said “Well I’m bringing the blueprints to a construction for a new courthouse ain’t that a coincidence?” Both of us working on jobs for the legal system.” “My name is Chad Bradley, I would love to see your work sometime if I could.” As he reached into his pocket to grab out his card, as he handed it to her she chuckled and said “ Yes that is a coincidence as well as you being, an architect!” As she looked at his card then she continued “My name is Megan, Megan Price, AKA interior Decorator by Day lonely lonely girl by night” letting Chad know she was single available and interested. Chads eyes glistened!!! as she too reached into her pocket and handed Chad her card, to where hers had no picture other than that of a paint bucket and flowers, however her cell phone was plain and clear right across the front of it. Chad took her card all at the same time the elevator rang and doors opened on the tenth floor to where to both of their surprise the doors flew opened and a large man dressed as a custodian worker and his cart was waiting to enter onto the elevator, Chad and Megan making room for the janitor an odd silents came across the elevator as the doors closed. Once the bell rang on the eleventh floor Chad waited for the large custodian worker to exit with his cart and with a final sigh Chad smiled looking Megan’s way and said “Nice to meet you Megan, Megan Price.” “I will call you to check out your work,” As the both looked deeply into each other and smiled and simultaneously they both said Thank You looking forward to it and I hope you have a great day!!!” Exiting the elevator Chad was breathing! As if it had been the first time ever, each breath was deep comfortable and clear, he knew he had just met his future everything that fast his life had been filled with all of his future happiness he had ever dreamed of all in one person, Megan!!!! Soft Beautiful intriguing Megan!!! Chad shifting gears to his meeting quickly stop and thought not only in just a few moments did he meet the woman of his dreams if he landed this contract this could very well be one of the best days of his entire life and would be set and changed all for the better for the rest of his life. 

December 24, 2020 21:20

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