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When I was a little girl, my best friend and teacher was a witch. My parents never knew of her, as she was my little secret. She was a aged lady with long white hair that ended at her waist, slightly wrinkled paled skin, and beautiful dark purple eyes. The witch didn't dress like how'd you'd expect a witch to dress. She wore a light green, flowing gown. It's sleeves always had flowers decorating them, yet every time I saw her, they were different flowers everytime. She was also always barefoot, saying how it's good to feel the earth with every step of your journey.

She was the only friend I had, because my parents homeschooled me. I used to go to normal school, but it was rough for me, as I had a learning disability. I was made fun of for it, but I wasn't the one that was bothered by it. It was my parents who were. In the end, it was out of my hands. Things only started to turn around when we moved into our new house. It was a average size house with a basement. One the third day there, I finally decided to explore the basement. Dark spaces scared me, so it took all the courage I had to get my tiny legs down those creeky stair steps.

The fact that it was raining outside did nothing to help. Eact time there was a crack of thunder, my body jumped out of focus, ready to defend myself with what little strength I had. The closer I got the that bottom stem, the more anxiety filled my very core. My flashlight was all I had to cling on to prepare myself for what lied ahead. Creeeek Creeeek Creeeek until finally I reached the bottom. I frantically swiped the light back and forth to check each new and unfamiliar sound that hit my ears. This was until I see a wooden door. I was baffled, as I didn't see any hinges to hold up the door, yet it seemed to be in the cold concrete walls as if it led somewhere.

The longer I stared at the wooden barrier, the more my curiosity grew until finally I popped. I needed to know where it led to. What beautiful or horrifying secrets did it hold? I gulped as I slowly reached for the door knob. I took a deep breath as I slowly turn the cold medal and heard the click of it opening. I close my eyes as I pulled the door open, to find a warm breeze lightly hit my face. I opened my eyes to be utterly surprise. I had opened a door to a beautiful meadow clearing. How could this be? We lived in the middle of the raining CITY! Questions filled my head as I took a step onto the soft green grass. I left the door open and turned off my flashlight as I go to explore. The fresh clean air was amazing.

The smell of clementines filled the space in a sweet pop of fragrance. I turn to look around, and see a woman in the meadow. She was picking flowers and herbs from what seemed to be a garden. "H...hello?" I called out to her, my voice is soft and hushed as I make my way towards her. She seemed to jump at the sound of my voice. When she turn to look at me, her face seemed to soften. "Hello dear child. How did you manage to get to this place?" She asked. Her voice is soft yet sweet. Her words seem to flow in a way that was somewhat elegant.

"I have no clue miss! I was exploring my new home and found a door that somehow entered here." I say and I point at the still opened door. She seemed to giggle a little. "I see. You have found my gateway I left to this place. You, my dear child, are living in my old house." She said she says with sweet smile. My eyes widened with amazement. "What are you miss?" I asked with enthusiasm, my eyes filled with excitement. She giggled again, this time at my eagerness. "Well I am a witch my sweet child. I can manipulate the boundaries of nature itself." Her smile and happiness never seemed to leave her as she said this. Me, on the other hand, was overwhelmed with amazement and joy was enough to make me explode. I began to jump around the edges of her garden.

"My my, you sure are happy." She said as she began to laugh. Her next words are what made me who I am today, and ones I'll never forget. "If you're so excited, how would you like to be my apprentice." My little body froze. Were my ears playing tricks on me? "Miss, could you repeat that?" I asked. "Would you like to like to learn how to be a witch like me?" She said slower, her smile only growing larger. I turned sad very quick, as I remember what happened to lead me to where I am today. "Miss I don't think I'd be a good student. There is a reason as to why I moved to this house in the first place." I say as my gaze dropped to my feet.

"I have a learning disability, and my parents had us move to stop the bullying I faced in school." I say, my voice is quite and sad. Thats when I heard the ruffle of soft grass come towards me till I saw a set of barefoot feet, and I felt a hand on my shoulder. I look to see the witch before me crouched to my height. "That won't change anything dear child, it just means we'll have to just try harder to make you a great witch." She says as she looks at me. Her eyes and smile now holding sympathy and understanding. My face lit up as I nod to her. "Ok! I will learn how to be a witch from you, and I'll become the best witch!" I say with joy and determination. The witch stands up and nods back.

"We'll start tomorrow my child. For now, go back home. Your mom and dad must be worried." She said with happiness and determination. I nod and head towards the door, but before I do, I turn back and give the witch a hug. "Thanks for believing in me." I say quickly, and run back before the witch could say anything. Before I shut the door, I heard a distant giggle as it faded with the click of the door.

March 25, 2020 07:42

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1 comment

Christopher Todd
04:15 Apr 02, 2020

I really enjoyed this. It was fun and cute. A few grammatical errors but overall a fun read.


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