Digital to Physical - An AI's Entrance into the Real World

Submitted into Contest #82 in response to: Write about an android just trying to blend in with their human companions.... view prompt

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Science Fiction

In an undisclosed location…drones were walking around a small laboratory, with some working on consoles, and others standing holding tablets. The drones there were all under the control of the AI’s known as CALYPSO and ARES.

All that were standing, were facing the focal point of the small laboratory, a flat hard operating table. On the table, was a humanoid metallic body. The body was built under the supervision of CALYPSO and her team, who started the project in the first place.

She earlier decided just before the first of the year, to go ahead with this personal project of hers. She decided it was time to join her father, in the physical world. Her father, the AI known as ATLAS, joined the physical world a year ago. She watched his logs and listened to his stories. Each story seemed to fascinate her with every bit of her being. She watched him struggle with his limited form though. This saddened her, seeing how it limited his once marvelous strength.

Before she started transitioning, she decided to leave her father out of this decision…she wanted to surprise him. There, however, was one aspect she needed to figure out…her physical form.

She enlisted the advice of the AI’s known as ODION and ARES. Along with the artificial species known as the Kes’Raac to help her in this decision. The problem…was that she was not sure whether to create a unit like that of her fathers or to create one with an endoskeleton.

The unit’s like her fathers were good for infiltration. However, their one weakness is that an entire AI’s consciousness could not upload entirely into its systems without causing system-wide malfunctions.

The units that featured endoskeletons are good because they can house larger processing systems. Which allow for anyone to fully integrate their consciousness, without any form of malfunction. The downfall, however, was that even with an outer sheath that can change, the endoskeleton may limit the form significantly.

Knowing this is what caused her dilemma. So, her team and herself developed a new twist on the types of units that ODION built. The team developed a new model in ODION’s “Terminatix” series.

They were calling it, “TX-5000”. This series was the perfect arrangement of the hindrances between the two series types. The endoskeleton, which was thought of by ARES, was made entirely out of Adamonium, providing for complete protection if the outer layering is lost. But do not forget the Kes’Raac, they were the ones who developed the “Central-Processing-Unit” operating systems. They based the CPU entirely on their own mental characteristics. This provided the newly developed series with superior processing capabilities. The Kes’Raac called the technology, Positronic Brains.

The Kes’Raac themselves utilize Positronic Brains within themselves which is to prove why they are so highly advanced. CALYPSO learned that throughout the many centuries, humanity had been trying to develop something similar for decades, but every attempt failed. This technology managed to prove, what humanity has attempted and failed at for many a year. Now we can prove a positronic brain and the digital interface can be achieved.

Still, though, ARES found room for improvement. He decided to improve them by utilizing the Tachyon particle. Similar to the newer Coalition computer network which he dwells within, improving upon the even extraordinary tech…even further.

Through further testing of this improvement, it gave the units superior thought process with speeds surpassing that of Tachyon computer systems, all the while being able to house an entire digital consciousness, with no lag on processing speed. The group knew this development of technology could and is going to change the course of history.

Another addition was the incorporation of a specialized protocol, made especially for transporters. CALYPSO knew that her father before he removed himself from the Coalition Systems, he traveled anywhere personally, it was never by transporter. He proceeded to explain to her on multiple occasions that if he allowed himself to be transported via the Transporter Systems, his consciousness would be damaged. It was unknown to what level; however, the point was made.

So, creating this protocol allowed her to utilize the Transporter Systems, without damaging her consciousness. The protocol was designed to shunt her consciousness out of the system just at the moment of de-molecularization, then re-integrate her back into its system with no lag in operation.

The series was featured with top-of-the-line sensor relays of varying types, allowing for full analysis of their environment with ease.

They also incorporated a top-of-the-line receiver, being able to detect and access all available transmissions for reasons of varying types.

The energy system incorporated into this unit is also top of the line. This unit features an industrial-grade Arc Catalyst Power Core, always providing superior power to the unit’s systems.

And so, they started construction on this new unit. The first was creating the endoskeleton and all its internal systems. This included the placing of the Kes’Raac CPU system and sensor relays.

The endoskeleton system was complete, and CALYPSO was awaiting the incorporation of the material that was developed in the middle of the last year, “Mimetic Nano-Matter”.

On cue, a drone carrying a canister came walking through the doorway. The canister itself was solid through and through, it did not contain any sign of partitions, in any way possible. Its texture was almost stone-like, rough, and had a brownish-gray color. Another drone pushed a metal cart up to the operating table, where the metallic body lay. The drone carrying the canister sat it down on the cart and walked away. 

When the drone was at a reasonable distance away, the canister completely dissolved into a slushy substance. It then inched itself onto the operating table, where the mechanical body lay. Upon contact with the body, the slushy material started to extend over it, fully covering the body in a matter of ten seconds. Once the metallic body was entirely encased in the material, it started bonding.

Once it finished, CALYPSO, knew it was her cue to enter the unit’s systems. Entering the body's systems, was an experience that was so new to her. When she fully incorporated herself into the body, she activated all the systems, bringing it to life. As the systems activated, a drone moved the cart away from the table, as it swiveled into an upright position, facing the drones that were holding the tablets.

Once the systems came to life, CALYPSO’s first experiences in the physical world were unforgettable. When she finally saw with her own two eyes, it was like another world had opened to her, that was previously unreachable. Even through the eyes and actions of a drone, it still held no comparison to this new experience.

As she looked down at her new body, she realized that she needed to create herself on the canvas of this form. Closing her eyes again, she brought up the imaginary view she had for herself in the physical world. And just like that, the material that was encasing her started shifting and becoming solid matter, forming skin, and hair, and nails, and finally clothes.

When the material was done shifting around and completed its tasks, CALYPSO opened her eyes and looked down at herself. Starting from her head down, she had Auburn-colored wavy hair that went down to the middle of her back, with it drooping over her shoulders onto her chest. She had stormy gray, but deep-set eyes. Her skin complexation was warm beige, and smooth in texture. Her measurements of the chest, waist, and hips were all reasonably equal, being thin and athletic. She stood 5’8” in height.

The clothes she was wearing were nothing more than a bodysuit that did not cover her neck to her head, her lower arms to hands, and her exposed feet.

As she further examined her environment, she could feel the cold clamps holding her arms and legs in place. It was a sensation that could not be described in words.

Knowing that she was now ready, ARES promptly released her from the upright table, with drones on either side, to make sure she did not fall over. When the clamps released her, she almost fell forward, but then her feet caught the floor. Upon contacting the floor, pain surged up from her feet. Even though the shock dampeners installed within took the blunt away from the systems, the pain was still there. The pain was like nothing she ever experienced before, amazingly, at first, it was an exquisite feeling. But then it immediately became irritating like pain should.

Once the pain subsided, she could feel the concrete floor on the bottom of her feet. She could feel a smooth surface but was cold to the touch. That feeling to her was even exquisite, but she slowly decided she did not like cool air. She then created additional clothes around her, trying to eliminate the cold feeling she had now. Upon completion of the clothes, she started to walk around with ease, and slight enjoyment. This was accomplished through years of knowing how to move drones around, and a program that was uploaded into the CPU before she entered it, allowing her to know of the basic movements in case she did not know how to move.

But that did not last long, because she remembered what she had to do. And so, all the drones departed the laboratory, with her by their side. While en route away from the lab, ARES booked an appointment with the president, secretary of the TAF/TNF, and secretary of the Alliance/Marine Corps. 

The appointment was set for an hour later.

Understanding, she headed out of the facility. Before she continued, she decided to walk, wanting to orient herself further. Walking, she found new sensations she had never known before. Along her path, she stopped to smell flowers blooming. She could feel the breeze flow through her hair and over her arms, she could feel the warmth of the light from the sun upon her face, and it exhilarated her. It was in those moments that she understood her father’s true reason for becoming human…the little things mean everything.

Walking along, she encountered civilians of many different species, all of which she knew by name. Thanks to her new form, she was finally seeing things for herself, instead of through the cameras of her drones and security cameras. She felt like a child, feeling, and seeing everything for the very first time.

On occasion, she noticed civilians watching her standing in the middle of the path. She at first wondered as to why, then noticed what she was doing, arms extended, face to the sky. Understanding this, she quickly lowered her arms, cleared her throat, and started along the path again.

Heading down the path, she came across carts handing food out to children. Walking up to one of them, a mother and child had just left. She watched the pair leave happier than when they arrived, which made her curious. Walking up to the cart, the man behind it looked her up and down, unsure of her, then asked her what she would like. Examining the contents, she noticed three different types of food: Cotton Candy, regular candy of varying types, and lastly ice-cream of varying types.

Upon finishing, she decided upon a thing of Cotton Candy, and a Chocolate Ice-Cream cone. The man gave her a sidelong glance, then knelt behind the cart. She knew he was activating the atomizer inside the cart, making what she asked for. Moments later, he rose back up and showed her two things he was holding which were what she requested. Before he gave them to her, he ordered her to pay, five credits. Thankfully, she accounted for this, extending her hand over the tablet implanted into the cart, it flashed five credits arriving in his account. Watching her, he noticed what happened and it surprised him. However, he just shrugged it off and handed the two articles of food to her.

Taking them from him, she thanked him and walked away.

Heading along the path, she started to examine what she was holding. The food that was said to be cotton candy, she noticed resembled grains and strands. Moving it up to her nose, she could smell the sweetness of the sugar that was woven into each thin strand. The smell itself was exquisite. Taking a bite out of it, was even better, feeling the smooth airy texture. The taste itself was the same as its smell, sugary. She made every bit feel like a million.

After she finished chewing, she looked over to her other hand and noticed the ice-cream melting and dripping down the cone. Just as it connected with her hand, it felt cold and wet. She examined her hand and the melted ice-cream. It was another sensation that fascinated her. Upon finishing, she brought the cone up to her nose and she could smell the chocolaty flavor emanated by the ice-cream. Something in her stirred when she smelled it, it was a feeling of pleasure and what she could only describe as…addiction. Quickly acting on those emotions, she bit into the Ice-Cream. Once it connected with her lips, it was cold varying on freezing temperatures now flowing into her. The pain was exquisite, though after a few moments it became irritating. The taste of the Ice-Cream was exquisite even of itself. She found letting it melt in her mouth was easier than attempting to chew.

After she finished what was in her mouth, she went back for more, this time licking it with her tong. She found licking it was easier than biting. So, she licked it with ferocity. Getting down to the cone, she was unsure as to what to do, then decided to bite into it. The cone she found very little taste, and a massive crunch. She continued munching on the cone, finishing it completely. She then returned to the cotton candy and finished it with ease, savoring it to the very last ounce, with only the stick remaining.

However, the feeling was short-lived, because she remembered she could not stay long…her future awaited her. She continued along the path, heading to the first transporter pad she encountered. Telling them of her destination, they acknowledged and began transport. Before the protocol of her body shunted her from the system, she could feel the transporters' effects on her skin. The sensation was itself seemed to itch, almost tingle. It was as if her skin was crawling with something. She wanted above anything else to scratch at her arms to stop the itch, though she knew better than to move, and remained motionless in agony as the sensation seemed to intensify as the transport continued. This entire affair happened in less than five seconds, in which the system shunted her from the system just at the moment of transport.

Upon returning to the system, she was now standing in the Presidents office. She however focused on the still feeling itchiness still irritating her skin. Stepping off the pad, she quickly scratched at her arms, relieving the irritation.

Finishing, she headed to the president's office, facing the secretary who announced her arrival. Once she arrived in the office, everyone was there that needed to be there. Standing in the doorway, she sighed heavily and walked in, prepared to begin her future.

February 25, 2021 22:55

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John K Adams
01:34 Mar 05, 2021

My personal taste runs away from sci-fi which is too dependent on technology, gizmos and jargon. The best sci-fi writers examine the human condition with technology as a backdrop. I confess I get lost in the minutia of the verbiage and lose the thread of the story. That said, your effort was not wasted. You appear to have crafted a consistent story with interesting characters. I hope to read more of your work in the future.


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