Her name is Ann

Submitted into Contest #20 in response to: Write a story about a character experiencing anxiety.... view prompt

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"Miss Gold, please begin your presentation " the principle said into the microphone. I stared down at the paper with my essay on it and started to speak. I got through the first couple of words when my hands started to sweat, they're staring at you. My hands started to sweat while turning to the next page; I could feel a ball start to form in my throat. While I tried to ignore it, I heard the voice in my head again. They must thinking of what a mess you look, who would wear that disgusting top and those old pants? I tried my best to ignore the she-devil in my head. I didn't want to do it but the urge got to me; I look up at the crowd in front of me. They looked so impatient and bored, was I really that bad? yes, you are, just look at how they roll their eyes at you and how they hold their laughter. She was right; I saw out of the corner of my eye a group of girls whispering and giggling in the back. At least you're making some people enjoy themselves. I started to breath in and out rapidly; I thought my heart was going to fly out my chest at the rate it was going. "Miss Gold? Is something the matter?" the principle asked; I couldn't give him a response. I just froze out of fear, my eyes were wide open wide like II was seen a murder happen. All voices where muted at that moment and the only voice I could feel was hers. What's wrong little girl? Is everything ok? Do you want me to bring your mommy in to calm you down? *gasp* Are you going to cry? You big BABY! My surroundings went completely dark and I felt pearlized. This thing overpowers me every chance it gets; I hate it and I want it to disappear forever! Look at yourself, you're helpless! You're nothing but a useless mess! I try my hardest not to listen to them, her words are like daggers stabbing my heart over and over again making my heart race faster and faster like it's trying to get away from the millions of insults. My breath goes uneven and it feels like I'm under water with no where to go with a heavy rock chained to my ankle. I can't escape the suffocation it gives me. My hands, neck, and face are filled with sweat drops, so much that I can form an ocean surrounding me. I feel like I was thrown in a cage full of hungry lions but they're not doing anything but looking at me with hungry eyes ready to devour me. She gives me a glare while her smirk was larger then every and I was as terrified. She walked towards me in a menacing yet calm fashion and leaned in towards my right ear. "Boo".

And just like that, I was gone.

December 20, 2019 01:33

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1 comment

Lindsey Buck
21:12 Dec 30, 2019

This story is great! Very beautifully written.


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