Two bicycles, dashing through the empty lane, the two kids opposed each other on their mini racing. One of them was a small girl and her name's Tiffany, whom the village called little Tiff. Together with her, was her cousin Anna. She's a bit older than Tiffany. Both of them were committed to defeating the other in this race though it was part of their leisure and there was no audience plauding.
Anna was the living inspiration for Tiffany. She had many accomplishments that started when her age was much younger than Tiffany. They had the same demeanor, as same as how they behave. They're both confident, lovely, and optimistic. Also, their level of thinking was almost relative too. So there's no other reason to defeat Anna in this race. And if Tiffany could, she'll then conclude she's as good as her cousin.
Tension. Later, the race has done at the front of Anna's home, and the declared winner was no other than--- Anna herself!
Even though she won that race, she always bears every contest as training for Tiffany. Anna knows she has something to push, something to show. And in the future, who knows? Tiffany could be the most prestigious in their blood.
Because of this, little Tiff bestows one frowny face in which Anna could not resist seeing. To cheer her up, she delivered little Tiff to her most favorite place at their home. Sparkles to the eyes, Anna let Tiffany see the promising cabinet loaded with her trophies and awards. Little Tiff was in amazing mode. She then asked herself when will she be granted one of those. Anna bowed and asked her some conditions: "You can get one next month. Only if you can defeat me."
The Green Thumb contest will be held so soon. And the winner of this contest shall be recognized as champion, hence, shall also receive The Green Thumb Trophy.
They immediately registered themselves. The facilitators gave them garden spots. From that day, they nourished their gardens. But Tiffany has problems.
She observed that after the day she care for a single plant, it will be easily withered by the next morning. She took care of some plant once again, but it continually withered. Until, all of them have almost consumed the month and after one more week, the winner will be declared. She noticed that her cousin's garden was full of lovely plants while hers was a blur. The other spots were full of nice gardening too. She was totally in despair and started to accept that maybe the Green Thumb trophy was not intended for her.
While going home, she saw one pretty but lonesome woman. But, what's this? She seemed so happy despite being lonely! When she saw her entering the small greenhouse, she followed. She felt curiosity. As far as she could remember, this place was no greenhouse. Nevertheless, little Tiff went inside and witnessed the woman taking care of the plants.
"Come closer, you need to see this," the woman pleased. Tiffany came closer and saw one beautiful flower bloomed in an instant. "See? That flower likes you."
Tiffany was even more surprised. "How did--- How did that happen? I'm no good for plants."
The woman denied it and began to encourage her in gardening. She successfully convinced her and then assisted her in planting. Little Tiff was so excited that finally, she has an ally who can teach her how to plant.
As soon as she made one sprout on the ground, the sprout itself stumbled down. With this, Tiffany has gone enraged. The woman approached her and convinced her once more, "You know what? My former master told me that the good gardener should make his plants according to his likeness. The plants are enjoined to grow because of their link to their creator. And so, your likeness also reflects on your plants you're handling. If your plants are easily withered, that means you are easily withered too."
Tiffany turned around. The woman continued, "I want to ask you: who do you think you are?"
"I don't know who I am," little Tiff answered.
"Well, I see such a lovely girl in front of me. So, show me the flower according to your likeness."
Tiffany tried again. But this time, she planted one flower thoroughly!
The woman got satisfied. Little Tiff has even enjoyed the product of her hands. And so, she made another until she used all of the pots available there. She was gardening according to her likeness! The greenhouse was fully loaded with plants!
However, by the next morning, when she visited again, the greenhouse was no longer there. She can't believe her eyes! The result for this contest was obvious: she will not achieve the Green Thumb trophy. That was most likely.
To her great surprise, her cousin Anna informed her about the very bountiful garden so far! So they went to the gardens and saw little Tiff's spot full of lovely plants! She came nearer and recognized that all of these were hers. The plants she planted yesterday.
The other contestants anxiously took care of their gardens, aiming to surpass the quality of Tiffany's garden. Therefore, by the end of the week, which means at the recognition day, their gardens looked anxious too. Their gardens were such a mess! On the other hand, Tiffany's garden was notably astonishing. The blend of colorful flowers was perfect.
For this, THE GREEN THUMB trophy was handed to--- Tiffany!
That was the first time she has recognized as champion! After all, Anna was right knowing that little Tiff has something to show! "Congratulations Tiff! You are truly deserved that!"
After the family's celebration, Tiffany saw the pretty woman passing by. She remembered the woman. And to give thanks, she grabbed one potted flower (the one which was her first accomplished to plant). She hid it behind her back.
She proceeded and asked, "How did all of these happen? The greenhouse has disappeared. Then, my plants were transferred. It sounds very impossible for me!"
The woman chuckled, "Actually, it was you who did the magic."
Tiffany was puzzled. Next, the woman explained, "Thanks for making me, Tiffany. The potted flower behind you... it's me."
She set the potted flower at her front. "This is you?"
"That's the prettiest flower you ever planted, right? In the future, 5 years from now, you told me that you got no trophies ever achieved. And I was the only flower you ever made. Your future self realized that in doing gardening, the plants reflect the likeness of the gardener. What I decided was to personify myself and bring myself on this time to help you here. I'm here to tell you about your realizations and regressions in your future self."
Tiffany finally understood all. Clearly, this pretty woman in front said the truth. "I get it. Thank you for saving me."
"Well, thank you for making me," the woman said. "Stay lovely, Tiffany. So that, your plants will be lovely too. I guess I should go back to being a lovely flower." The woman touched the flower and all of a sudden, she's gone.
Tiffany continued being lovely. Indeed, she's a green thumb. All of her gardens were very remarkable in the village.
Genesis 1:26 "And God said, 'let us make man in our image, after our likeness!'"
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