The Spring Dance Party

Submitted into Contest #35 in response to: Write a story that takes place at a spring dance.... view prompt



Hey! I am the narrator and the story I am about to tell you isn't just a story about a great magician but much more than that, so here it goes:

Once upon a time… Oh! That's not how it goes, let's go again...

  Far far away, in the town of Crownfield, happiness had filled the air, smiling faces wherever you see. There was an ecstatic feeling everywhere and everything was sparkling with brightness, colorful lights all around the streets. People dressed up with all their fancy garments, gentlemen with their suits and ties and Ladies with their elegant dresses. All the kids, dressed up running and playing around, with bright smiles on their faces. The air smelled of lovely flowers, which were all around in every color you like pink, yellow, blue, orange and many more to delight. Almost everyone had a bouquet of flowers in his or her hand. Of course it was the “Spring Dance Party '' today! The whole town had come out to celebrate. There was a large buffet of various dishes from French cosine to Italian marmalade’s, plates filled with double fudge cookies, not to mention the big giant chocolate cake, with about eight to nine layers all the kids starred at. That’s not all, and then there was that huge stage that was decorated with hundreds of ribbon bows, colorful flowers and lights. On the stage were a band of orchestra ready to play, the melodious music everyone will dance to.


  The dance had begun, everyone on their feet ready to dance with the beat. Some were on the dance floor, dancing with their best moves, some by the food table stuffing themselves with the delicious delights. Kids were running up and down, all around, they ran up the stage, under the tables, leaping on chairs, stools, and people Yep! People! The music suddenly changed to a dramatic beat and the Great Magician came from behind the curtains doing flips on his feet and said “Hello! My fellow friends, how y'all doin tonight, having fun” The crowd cheered “Awesome!” Which the magician was happy to hear, then he said “who wants to see some magic” The crowd yelled with excitement “We Do!” The magician flicked his wand and showed the crowd amazing tricks, talking dogs, flying chickens and many more. Everyone was enjoying themselves.

   The magician flicked his wand again and suddenly everyone froze in time… there was complete silence nothing moved and everyone was stuck, exactly where they were. “Well, now lets see what these smiling faces got to hide” said the magician, because he knew that deep down these people have worries inside, they can put on a shimmering dress, a suit or tie but deep down in their hearts they cry, they can fake out with a smile but they have tensions inside, I can feel them and make them right. 


He looked at a lady wearing the finest things money can buy and of course she had a bright smile, but he knew inside she has a lot of worries, he felt what she felt and saw that not to long ago she had lost her child, he was filled with tears that she had such a big stress but none were there to hear. Then he saw a gentleman, he was laughing like he had nothing to worry but when the magician looked in deep he found out that this man was jobless and he had six children to feed, the magician almost about to cry went on next to a husband and wife. They were Sitting and chilling, while drinking some lemonade, but he could see the sadness in their eyes, he looked in and saw that these parents had bundles of loan, but needed to fill full the pricey demands of their child and their child just didn't understand. His eyes landed on a women I think maybe in her mid fifties, He saw that she was a single mother and worked day and night for her child, she grew him up facing a lot of hardships but in the end his son married and left with his wife now she is alone, the magician felt heartbroken. Then, he saw a young girl and looked in her heart and saw that she had only a dad who was drunk most of the time, she had no one to talk to, no one to hear her cries. The magician went on and on, through the crowd of people at the party.


  When he was done, he flicked his wand again and all the people went back to movement. They didn’t realize what had just happened and just kept on enjoying the dance. Everyone had a pleasant time and all went back home.


  Next morning when they all woke up all their worries were gone. The mother who lost her child got a call from the police department early this morning that they had found her daughter. The man with no job got selected as a president of a famous kids game company. The parents with too much loan just won a million dollar lottery. The single mother’s son went to her house and said sorry to his mother. The drunk dad with a daughter, promised his daughter that he would never drink again. It was surely something different for people, they had no Idea who had done this and how it happened but they all were very happy, truly this time. 


(Narrator) Aww..


 Seeing the true smile on people’s face made the Magician Happy 


 (Narrator) Ops! I mean: 


 Truly Happy!


  The magician went to the spring dance every year, looking deep down into people’s hearts and removing their tensions that stopped people from having true happiness. The magician got true happiness by helping others and making them happy. 


  (Narrator) Like I said this story wasn’t just about a great magician but much more than that. 


  (Narrator) Oh! And almost forgot                                             


                                                                The End...






April 02, 2020 18:53

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