"Finding Light: A Journey from Loss to Solace through Photography"

Written in response to: Start your story with someone who has lost everything but finds solace in photography.... view prompt


Asian American Bedtime Drama

                    "Finding Light: A Journey from Loss to Solace through Photography"

Aabir today also comes home late and in a drunk state and sits in his dark room again.  His servant calls him for dinner but as usual he denies and sleeps in the floor. The servant go away to his home after get refusal from Aabir. Suddenly his phone rings where he come back to his senses and pick up the calls and from the other side he gets bash from one of his previous fan. He also receive hate mails and lots of trolls. After sometimes Aabir finds a photograph of a girl who is very beautiful and he stares at the photo very intensely but softly and becomes very emotional once again. It was her the love of his life. He regret for rejects her without realising his own feelings for her and also didn’t listen to her once. Today he still waits for her. On the other side Arya becomes a big name today. She no longer need to work uder random cruel bosses. But still she misses him the moments she spends with him. Its just she is very hurt and do not wish to forgive him. But now she also regret for letting him go from her life that way. Aabir Kundra and Bhargavi Malhotra meets in a coffee shop where she comes for an appointment as a lawyer for his inability to take care of his property. Aabir was a famous actor whose life was a mess like at present he leads. Bhargavi is engaged with Mihir Valia but as the time passes Aabir and Bhargavi come much closer to each other so that one day out of lust and hidden love the spend a night together where they feel each other like they felt never before for anyone. That day they mixed their professional life. But the next day Bhargavi breaks her engagement with Mihir only to get shocks seeing Aabir in a vulnerable condition with another girl. Both Aabir and Bhargavi insults each other that day and blocked each other forever from one another. Arya hears a doorbell and as soon as she opens she found him after several years. He didn’t speaks anything to her after a few hour she comes with a glass of water. She let him bath and makes breakfast for him after that she left for office. When she returns in the evening she go to doctor for her check up and doctor told her that she has very few time to survive and ask her if she brings the guy she love to spend the remaining time to which she nods her head in yes. Then she returns home where he was waiting for her. They didn’t speaks just present beside each other. Bhargavi who has now turns to Arya and who is a cancer patient find her love Aabir and stays peacefully with him before she dies. Actually Aabir has lost his voice one evening when he was shooting for a film. He swallows a glass piece accidently since then he cannot speak. But this happiness last only for short period as Bhargavi’s health gets detoriates and one day after spending a night making love with Aabir for two times she dies.  Today Aabir just sits with his drinks but as soon as she sees her photo he finds peace. He remembers the days he has spend with her the last times of her life. But his hope for her to return to his life never dies although he knows it is not possible. Soon his maid comes and cooks food for him but he starves again and slowly with time Aabir to dies out of starvation. Mahi gets excited listening the story of her ideal couple Aabir and his lover Bhargavi and she sees the photographs of Aabir and Bhargavi again and again. Each time she sees their photos each time she find peace. After few hours Mahi hears her mom is shouting as she gets late for her school. Mahi wants to participate in a writing competition and she is allowed. In the day of the competition she write this story of her dream couple Aabir and Bhargavi. Later it is discovers that Mahi has a disease where she imagine things that never exist. And the story of Aabir and bhargavi is one of her imagination. But soon it is reveal that Mahi is actually fosters by her parents and Mihir Valia is her real father who tells her this story when she was too young. Actually Mihir was an evil father who hates his daughter and kills his wife Arya due to his spectaculation of her having an extra marital affair. Aabir is the guy he imagine have affair with his wife. And that time he imagine his wife as Bhargavi. Same disease is grapple by Mahi but instead of her father she loves the story of Bhargavi and Aabir. As soon as she complete writing the story her parents come running to her and send Mahi to mental asylum as Mahi was a mentally unstable person now who sees just Bhargavi who was happens to be her mother arya in reality and her imagine father Aabir. Doctor also doesnot have answer of this disease. But the twist is that Aabir and Bhargavi actually exist but Arya was her get up which she masked infront of Mihir and scammed him and made him and her own daughter mad. Although she did have cancer she was cured and were living happily with each other until Mihir comes in between their love and refuse to refund Aabir to established himself back on screen after he gets hate mails and trolls from his former fans. And then they plans to scam Mihir in his own game and according to Bhargavi and Aabir’s plan she changes her name to Arya and rest is history. Now after completing their success they celebrates and by looking into the photos of Mihir they smiles devilishly. After a few days Aabir and Bhargavi marries and lived a life of happily ever after. Today Aabir is an A listed star and Bhargavi is a top lawyer in the world. 

July 12, 2024 17:20

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RBE | Illustration — We made a writing app for you | 2023-02

We made a writing app for you

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